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    Sledgstone reacted to Kite in Disney Confirms Stand-Alone Star Wars films.   
    they paid like 4 billion for marvel, churning out blockbuster movies will make it back in by avengers 3 from ticket sales alone let alone all the other items from comics to toys 
    They need to do the same with SW to make it the steamroller it deserves to be
    with literally 1000's of years from the origin of the Jedi to an unknown future SW could be an amazing franchise if they choose the right actors, writers, directors and CGI
    A young Yoda would be interesting. Someone stupidly powerful in the force being a pint size lemming as a young knight has so much potential
    Did he ever have arrogance, how did he avoid the darkside so lone, being over a thousand and so powerful, he must have had temptation at least once,
    The could take a gamble and make an Animated set of movies like the Bane trilogy, 
    fans would love it, and relatively low production cost, and DvD sales would cover it instantly
  2. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Disney Confirms Stand-Alone Star Wars films.   
    In response to rampant rumors of a Yoda movie, Walt Disney Pictures CEO Bob Iger has confirmed that the studio is looking to create stand alone Star Wars films independent of the new trilogy that focus on specific characters from the overall Star Wars universe. To watch the CNBC intervew click the link below:
    CNBC: Disney Plans Stand-Alone Star Wars films
    Info from Star Wars official website.
    UPDATE 2:
    Comingsoon.net is reporting that the first two stand-alone films will Focus on Boba Fett and Young Han Solo. The Boba Fett film will take place within the timeline of A New Hope and Empire Stirkes Back, while the Solo film will be based of the 1979 Brain Daley Novel 'Han Solo at Star's End' which takes place 2 years before A New Hope..
    Click here to view the article
  3. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Transformers 4   
    The only Michael Bay movies I can say that I really have ever liked was The Rock and The Island. He should sick to original content, and movies with The followed by a noun.
  4. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from Myk JL in Script for Nicolas Cage's cancelled 'Superman Lives' surfaces   
    That actually sounds pretty good. At least until his Ghost Rider persona shows up to join the fight.
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    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in Script for Nicolas Cage's cancelled 'Superman Lives' surfaces   
    All that pic makes me want is to see his version of Superman vs. his version of Big Daddy from Kick Ass.
    They could've called it "Cage's Finest".
  6. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2   
    Hijacked is a horrible map with horrible spawns to start. You can spawn, walk 1/4th of the way across the map and get shot in the back from the enemy team spawning where you just spawned 40 seconds ago. Its a rusher's map. Try a danger close class with 2 bouncing bettys. when you spawn, toss both of them in high traffic areas in front of where you just spawned to where you know someone has to run that way to advance to the middle of the map. I've started doing that and getting 4-5 kills with it. It also gives me a good heads up when they start spawning behind me. Even if I don't get a kill I get tipped off when I'm notified that my equipment has been destroyed.
  7. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Kite in Script for Nicolas Cage's cancelled 'Superman Lives' surfaces   
    If i was cage, I would have kept the costume and put it on display in my home
  8. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Kite in Here is your Live Action God of War Super Bowl Ad   
    awesome trailer.
    Wish it was made into a movie
  9. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in New Details Emerge on the PS4   
    The only bragging rights PCs should have is Adult Only Mods. Beyond that though I'd like to believe Consoles are the future of MMOs.
    I expect Microsoft to show off how well the next Xbox works with Windows 8. I'm hoping Nintendo drops out of the console market before they come out with another goofy controller that will be copied.
    Also I think despite Blu-Ray I'll be focusing still on games I get for free through PS+ & whatever I might buy on PS Home.
  10. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in New Details Emerge on the PS4   
    I think PC's bragging rights on 64 player battles on Battlefield has come to and end with this next generation. Some of those hard core PC players are flat out ignorant.

    Oh cool, your game looks better on PC after you spent a couple grand more the entire lifespan of my console... cool story bro derp derp derp. I play games on PC, but I'm not bias towards either. Console gaming is more convenient, and with the media center they've become, they hold their own quite well to PC gaming. 

    Sony draws first blood, but I expect a 1 up display by Miscrosoft. Hopefully Sony took the stick out of their ass from the PS2 era and learned from this generation. With Nintendo cowering in the corner with its "different market". This arms race between PS and Xbox can only get better for gamers. I expect heavy blows to be traded. Hopefully we will see this go the way of SNES vs. Genesis as far as an era of gaming.
  11. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Here is your Live Action God of War Super Bowl Ad   
    They better get the same guy that does the music for the game for the movie. God of War has the most epic music you'll ever find in a game. It rivals the works of John Williams.

  12. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Here is your Live Action God of War Super Bowl Ad   
    That was surprising. To think they would do a live action commercial for the game.. and for it to not include any violence either. Whats interesting is that the God of War movie is still in the works and a live action commercial for the new game might actually be laying the ground work for future details about the movie.
  13. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Script for Nicolas Cage's cancelled 'Superman Lives' surfaces   
    I read that entire page.. wtf were they thinking with that horrible script.. And Nic Cage would have been superman for only half the movie? and then some other guy with superman S shurikens.. wtf. That throwable S does sound alot better than the old cellophane S.
  14. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in Script for Nicolas Cage's cancelled 'Superman Lives' surfaces   
    This train wreck would have been faster than a locomotive....
    My Bad....
    Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
    More Powerful Than A Locomotive
    Able To Leap Buildings In A Single Bound
  15. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in God of War: Ascension   
    Pretty good write up on the demo
  16. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Battlefield 3 End Game DLC and Air Superiority   
    Cap the flag looks like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome BF style . Air Superiority is going to be a hit if you automatically spawn into jets as much as everyone likes to whore those things in any normal game mode.
  17. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Warcraft Movie Gets New Director   
    He directed a movie you liked? Oh no.. this warcraft movie is doomed. x_x
    I'll have to check out "Moon". I've never heard of it.
  18. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Battlefield 3 End Game DLC and Air Superiority   
    The new Battlefield 3 DLC is coming out in March and after watching these two videos I am really looking forward to it! The new motorcycles look great and the new Air Superiority has really grabbed my attention. One of the things I've noticed is that the map shown on the air superiority video does not have any ground troops. No stinger missiles and plenty of wind turbines to break heat seeker lock-ons. Sounds like a good jet map to me. Hopefully with so many jets in the air it will be an enjoyable game mode with no one-sided BS. *crosses fingers*
    Click here to view the article
  19. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Kite in Warcraft Movie Gets New Director   
    I will be surprised it it ever happens, 
    WoW is still the number 1 mmo. But the game is past its half life, a movie of WoW calibre will take at least 2 years to make, In which WoW will be well into its next expansion and loosing even more subs
    WoW fans will be less then and any non WoW fans will think it is a LoTR rip off, and will probably not watch it
    So I will be suprised if it actually gets off the ground
    Now if it was made CG, it would massively reduce costs on actors and sets, and there latest CG sequences are fantastic (SC2 trailer being an example)
    considering the movie was announced years ago. with the game story is constantly changing, so the question will be how will the movie influence the game, will it be a retelling of Warcraft or anything up to current lore or a side story, too many questions and no answers is another reason why I have lil faith in this making it to production
  20. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2   
    once again PS3 not giving out free headsets. My xbox head set, I'd just plug it in and put it on mute, My turtle beaches I just turn the chat volume down to 0.
  21. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Young Justice & Green Lantern Cancelled   
    I wish netflix would get IGPX on there. I thought that was a great series. I guess CN holds the rights to it since it was a Toonami original... then an Adult Swim after the second season had more mature language in it. I remember when it started on Toonami I was like WHOA! They are allowed to show this on Toonami?!
  22. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in A Good Day To Die Hard   
    Official Trailer #3. This movie looks like over the top ridiculous action. Just the kind of movie I look forward to.
    Click here to view the article
  23. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in NC lawmaker: Ban lottery sales for people on welfare   
    I've been born thanks to 2 people who should have never had kids. Both are also defined by NY State as mentally ill.... By extension I may or may not be mentally ill....
    Its not like I haven't tried to get off of SSI & the various assistance I get. When I originally moved to Oneonta I was told that I would get help getting a job. When I first started working a part time Job I refused food stamps & checks. While someone else handled my rent, the money I was making from the part time learning job was going to food.
    Ultimately things started to fall apart from there as my manager kept harassing me about my hair & pants. Usually he state that my pants made me look poor. Which now looking back implies poor people don't deserve jobs. I called him sexist for complaining about my long hair. He couldn't or wouldn't comprehend it but I explained that he was enforcing a double standard based on gender.
    I ended up being suspended without pay & had to start taking my checks directly. I did eventually get new pants but never cut my hair. By the time I was ready to them to get an actual job they went back on their word in helping me get a job. Stating if they wouldn't help me a second time they wouldn't help me the first time either.
    But the whole point of me even moving to Oneonta was that. I really needed the help getting the job because I was scared of another incident like I had when getting my GED. That being I ended up with people spreading rumors about me wanting to rape a girl I had a crush on. And if I ever talked to her again I'd get arrested for harassment. They just pushed that aside stating that "That's just High School".
    So since I wasn't going to get the help I thought I would I started to turn to most "get rich quick" schemes. Most of which turned out to be scams. The last one being one I couldn't use due to the fact it would interfere with my housing assistance.
    Finally after 6 years of being afraid to interact with society I found out that girl I had a crush on got arrest for harassment. So I finally snapped out of that. I thought I'd be able to get a job before the end of 2011. However I ended up stressed out because my Assistance & Land Lords wouldn't leave me alone long enough to focus. So once 2012 came I was mentally crapped out from even trying.
    So now its been 8 years since moving to Oneonta. I'm going to have to start paying for NYSEG now that my Land Lords decided not to pay for my gas like it was in the original agreement. Hopefully thats the only problem with this year. If & When the idea of me making games for Ouya fails then I can at least try to focus on temp jobs before trying to apply for Walmart again.
  24. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from Ladywriter in NC lawmaker: Ban lottery sales for people on welfare   
    What we need to have done is completely re-write the Earned Income Credit. Many people on assistance will often work a small part time job during the year, earn about $10,000. Lets say a person made $10,000 last year, has 3 qualifying children for the EIC, according to the IRS website, that individual is currently eligible to receive $4,510 back in taxes. Obviously the person making $10,000 is not paying almost 50% of their pay in taxes, which means these individuals are being paid by the government to have children. This big payday does not even include the child tax credit that they would also be eligible for which is $1000 per kid. $7,510 back in taxes for only working a part time job. Thats a 70% bonus from the government, not counting the amount of money welfare and food stamps costs.
    While I am sure these programs were put into place to help individuals through tough times, there are too many people that take advantage of the system and live off of government assistance programs. I myself could not live like that, nor would I want others to. Some people don't want to work jobs tho. The other argument is because of the cost of day care and babysitters that its more financially sound to stay at home with the kids and live off the system than hand 80%+ of their paycheck over to a daycare. Instead of how the current earned income program is set up, it could be more useful to have a daycare credit instead. Of course some people will complain that the result is someone else raising their kids, which is understandable.
    Considering that so many ppl want new jobs in the US, the government should provide incentives for companies to create new telecommuter jobs so many more individuals can get online jobs. If more online jobs are available, many more stay at home mothers and fathers will have an opportunity for employment and there will be less people that need public assistance.
  25. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in J.J. Abrams to helm Star Wars Episode VII   
    Or they could do a side story all together kinda like Kyle Katarn in the Jedi Outcast games

    Ah, talking about all this star wars stuff makes me want to play through KOTOR yet again

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