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Status Updates posted by Sledgstone

  1. R.I.P. Stan Lee. You will be missed. :(

  2. The newest chapter of OPM was amazing. The artwork is top notch quality and I highly doubt another season of OPM will even compare to it. Child Emperor is a beast and is truly an S-class hero. I thought he was just brains and ranked as an S-class just for his intelligence. The fights hes been in with his robotic creations and that gundam he made wtf. Hes f*cking awesome. :D

  3. Happy new year!

  4. I've been a bit inactive lately. Lots of things going on with my personal life and work. There's a new big update for the forum software we use and it's finally been released which is also another reason why I didn't update the themes yet. Hopefully if I have the time this weekend I'll get that all updated.

  5. Been busy with overtime. Gotta get those hours in while I can.

  6. I"m loving owning a lawn tractor. I've used it only twice so far, but its great. I can get my entire lawn mowed in just under an hour and a half. The cup holder seems so pointless.. lawn tractors don't have shocks, its only the seat that has springs to save you from getting your ass and back wrecked.. I could only imagine someone putting a beer in that cup holder and driving off on the yard, that beer would last maybe 20 seconds before its all over the tractor. XD Now I need to buy a weed trimmer to trim around the trees and the ditch.. and 3 ceiling fans. I hate the light fixtures in 3 rooms. Time for an upgrade.

  7. And the first ceiling fan I put up is making a noise. -_-; I'm going to have to take it back down and adjust the damn steel mounting bracket. x_x When I did the second fan I realized I could get my phone at just the right angle to see exactly where I was mounting the damn thing. I'll have to do that for the first fan now. That'll take multiple hours this weekend. x_x

  8. I think I found a new web host. If all goes well I'll transfer AC over to it sometime this month. It might have slower page loads but it'll save me money and some time since I wont have to do server maintenance / troubleshooting anymore.

  9. First it was a heat wave and now we got deluged with rain. Lol. We got so much rain the pool started overflowing at the white frame areas.


    The pool at max capacity is 4500 gallons and we only get 4000 delivered every year. The pool was getting a little low last week. Since last Saturday the pool got enough rain to fill it up over 500 gallons and overflow. So much water. 😮

  10. Theres a new update for IPB coming out later this year. Once I upgrade to that, I'll see what new features there are for the articles section and possibly get articles back up and running again. In hindsight, I didn't like the comment implementation. Because it used the forum topic's comments, in the article it would look out of place because the comments wouldn't start from where the post was upgraded to an article. If there is a better implementation of that I'll probably get the articles back up and running. Heres info on random stuff in the new version that may or may not interest anyone. lol.


    And there will be an Invision App that works will all sites that use IPB, but its dependent on the community owner keeping the license valid for it to work. Which I generally don't. For the last 5 or so years I let the license lapse when there is no upgrades available. I never saw the value in paying for license renewals every 6 months when there was no upgrades because all it did was give an anti spam option. We hardly have a spam issue anymore nowadays. Eh, we'll see what the app does and if it has a dark mode or not.

  11. Had another busy weekend that spilled over into the beginning of the week. I replaced my dryer belt and cleaned out 15 years of built up lint out of it. Its amazing how much lint gets past that lint trap and just builds up. No wonder dryers are fire hazards. Lint burns so damn easy and with as much lint builds up in a dryer its like gasoline ready to ignite into a massive fire with the smallest spark inside it. wtf.

  12. I went to Ohio to visit my family for Thanksgiving. Yes, there is covid, but we were careful. We did restaurant style rules for eating, masks on when getting plates of food, my brother's familys at their own tables all 6 foot+ away from the other tables while eating. We kept our masks on near my dad because of his immune system being compromised by the cancer treatments. Aside from that we kept the windows open to keep fresh air circulating in. We took our masks off when we'd be 6 feet away from him and each other. Its good that my mom's house is so big, the kitchen/greatroom is literally big enough to have parties of 50 people. Our handful of people was able to keep distances pretty easily. Its been 4 days since Thanksgiving and nobody is coming down with any covid symptoms so I'm guessing we did good.

    It was a fun time. Alot of good memories. I hardly ever visit Ohio during winter months because of winter snow storms in NY. We lucked out and its been in the 50s and only raining off and on. I caught a ride back and forth with my cousin who now lives in NY also. He had a covid test done the day before we left which was negative and I quarantined in my house for 2 weeks leading up to the trip. I'll be quarantining again for another 2 weeks just in case, but that doesn't bother me much.

  13. I lucked out with slickdeals this weekend. I got a couple 2tb hard drives from Walmart for $35 each and 20 bags of garden soil for $1.50 a bag. :D now i have a 2tb hard drive on my ps4 and a bunch of games already redownloaded. That old 500gb hard drive was full all the time. And that dirt was the best deal. Regular $8 a bag. I got $160 of top soil for $32... only 800 pounds of dirt in my car i had to unload. XD my rear shocks were almost completely compressed down. XD

    Here's the link to the Walmart hard drive deal. It varies by store if they have it in stock and on sale or not. Online its $69.99. It's an in store only clearance.


  14. I just renewed the SSL certificate for the first time. That was pretty straight forward. I'll update the forum software soon too. Maybe this upcoming weekend. On a side note.. dentist appointment tomorrow for a sensitivity issue with a filling or two. Damn my crappy teeth. x_x

  15. One week ago my little dog Elsa had to get a surgery to remove a few bad teeth. The vet initially though it would be 2 teeth, maybe 4 max. After they did the xray they noticed she had severe bone loss in multiple parts of her jaw and the majority of her teeth had to be removed. She has 1/3 of her teeth left. :( The vet thinks it is a genetic issue that caused the periodontal disease to ravage her jaw the way it did. Shes been healing but its been a struggle. Very depressing week but shes over the worst of it now. Shes starting to feel like her old self but we're still trying to find a soft food she enjoys. More bad news is after we heard it was genetic, we checked our other dog Bella because they are cousins and she has 2 loose teeth in the front. Once we get some stimulus money we'll schedule xrays for her to see if her issue is as bad. Elsa had horrible breath going on as the main symptom but Bella's breath is fine. I hope she only needs the 2 little teeth removed. My poor babies. :(

  16. February this year has sucked with way too many single digit days of bitter cold temperatures. Thankfully tomorrow and thursday will finally be a melt day. 40s and 50s with an over night low of 40s. A large amount of this snow will finally disappear and I'll be able to walk around my yard again.

  17. I haven't been active on the site lately. My dad's health issues became much worse over the last few months and he passed away 10 days ago. I took a couple trips to Ohio during that time and I'm glad I got to spend multiple days with him before he passed. RIP dad. I miss you.

  18. This has been a busy summer. I'm almost looking forward to winter so I can get a break from all the lawn mowing and outside projects. Hopefully the snow blower I bought this year works good so I'll have alot of free time this winter to get caught up on things. When I've had free time I've been playing Final Fantasy X over the last 5 months and I've somehow finally hit 100 hours on it. Lol. Only took me about half a year. XD I still didn't beat it yet but I'm at the end game stuff now with the monster arena and omega ruins.

  19. I've been getting ready for spring for the last couple months and its taken up a crazy amount of my free time. We expanded our garden to be really huge last september in preparation for growing fruit and veggies. Then we decided to expand it another 6 more feet in one direction which we finally got finished last weekend. It was alot of work because our garden has an almost 6 foot tall deer fence all around it. We hammered in u-posts into the ground and attached the deer net and buried the bottom of the net so nothing will burrow under it. I should do measurements at some point to figure out its total volume. Its huge. lol.

    We have 3 apple trees, 3 cherry trees, and 1 nectarine tree in there. We still have to move 3 of those trees into their permanent locations (they are only 1 or 2 year old trees so its still possible to dig them up) and we have to plant a new apricot tree in there. I prepped the two rows for veggies last month but theres alot of weed whacking to do still and plants to move. We have 4 grape vines, 4 blueberry bushes and multiple raspberry plants to move. I started a bunch of veggies from seed and those tomatoes are still in an unused bath tub in my house with a light over them getting bigger every day. I'm looking forward to getting everything planted and done so all this gardening can give me a break. XD

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