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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Here is a list of fixes that I have planned to get done at some point: 1) Outdated Custom BB Codes 2) Some busted smilies 3) Ranks 4) Rank images 5) Group Icons 6) Embed Tweet BB Code Are there some other small bugs that I'm missing that need fixed? Are there any old features from the old site that you would like to see again? Is there a specific feature you've seen on other sites that you would like to see on Ancient Clan?
  2. I just finished watching The Westminster Dog Show. Some of these dogs look amazing and super cute.
  3. This is an anime I will look forward to watching. I stopped watching anime except for a few select series quite a while ago, but Ghost in the Shell has always been a favorite. It'll be interesting if they cover her origin story or at least delve into what her character was like before joining Section 9.
  4. I wonder if we even have an Iron Dome system in the US at all. I know there are some anti-missile defense systems in place in strategic locations but that Iron Dome system is a beastly defense for Israel with multiple interceptor missile batteries lining its border with Gaza. I've never seen any missile batteries in the US or heard anything in the news about missile defense locations. Obviously for security reasons they wouldn't be revealed to the public. I can only assume we have an even better defense system in place with interceptor missile locations in more inland locations. Considering the oceans at our coast lines we'd have more notice of incoming missiles with plenty of time to launch interceptors from a farther distance. But lets say some terrorist group is in a modified cruise ship 200 miles off our coast, opens a hatch and launches a nuke equipped to a long range missile. I don't think the US would be able to intercept it. I would hope so, but I don't really feel all that confident about that. We have a huge Navy with highly powerful capabilities with missile interception, but most of the fleet is always off in international waters not near our coast. And our Coast Guard is severely undermanned in my opinion. We have 12,383 miles of coastline for the US and only 41,873 active duty personnel and a fraction of that number in boats. About 4 people per mile not counting the miles of ocean that are US waters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Coast_Guard It wouldn't surprise me if North Korea armed a terrorist group. But if they did they'd probably say the nukes were stolen or lost because the radiological test performed after the explosion would most likely determine it was one of theirs and would result in a nuclear counter attack regardless of their claims (watch the movie "The Sum of All Fears" for info on that.).
  5. I would assume they could, if not for outstanding contracts for those channels. Time Warner has their own http://ynn.com/ YNN network which is a Time Warner exclusive news channel owned by time warner.
  6. That is some bullshit right there. One company should not own half the media in the country. Seeing as comcast is a cable provider as well as content provider this screams monopoly to me.
  7. Mandatory Kinect with every system. Thats interesting. It is an interesting addon and as long as they force it on everyone game developers will be able to utilize it better. As long as game developers don't expect me to be standing up to play games and don't auto-record me or anonymously track my reactions to scenes for development purposes I'll be ok with it. That and the system better not error out whenever the camera is covered with a towel. I don't like cameras pointed at me when they're not being used for something visual.
  8. Screen Savers was the best show on TechTV. Yep, I agree.. I don't expect the channel to offer anything of interest except reruns of crap shows.
  9. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-idUSBRE91B04820130212 Click the link above for the rest of the article. I think its pretty safe to say that North Korea isn't testing nuclear bombs for nuclear power, they're testing bombs and missiles as an act of power. I would say I'd doubt they'd launch against anyone in fear of a nuclear counterattack, but North Korea's government has always been crazy.
  10. Oh man that is horrible. This completely reminds me of when G4 bought TechTV. I used to watch TechTV all the time back in the day.. then G4 bought it and rebranded the channel into G4TV. Aside from the occasional episode of X-Play, TechTV was ruined for me. I've never read the Esquire magazine and rebranding the channel into it makes me think they will now try to compete with what SpikeTV tried to be. I don't see it working out all too good for the channel. But then again if they put WWE wrestling on it like Syfy did, they'll get an audience.
  11. lmao. Don't forget the horrible Last Air Bender movie tho. Even though everyone knows the story, he still shitted on everyone's expectations and made it his own movie. His biggest plot twist in the Last Air Bender movie happened in the first 10 minutes of the movie when he completely changed the english pronunciation of the main characters name even though the cartoon the movie was based on was made in english. In comparison to a potential M. Night Shyamalan directed Portal movie.. he'd probably start the movie off by having the camera pan over to the character waking up and eating a piece of cake just to make sure that everyone that didn't already hate him would want him dead.
  12. I wanted to wait for the next better tv and a reasonable price, etc. etc.. and for all the waiting I did it was pointless because the tv I wanted to replace broke and forced me to get a new tv right then or have no tv. Buying a new console is another thing tho.. Once a new console comes out its going to be the exact same specs for the next 3-7 years. The only thing will be the price of the system going down over time. The only real savings from buying a system new or waiting for it to be out a couple years is the amount of time you would have spent playing games (or using apps) on that system compared to the amount of money you spent on it compared to launch price. For me, if the new systems are going to be about $400 and the price will probably drop about $100 maybe 1 1/2 years to 2 years later, then I have to think if its worth it to spend that extra $100 this year to enjoy that extra 1 or 2 years of gaming. But for me when the PS3 came out, it was just way too huge of a price tag at the time and I had to wait regardless because money was a bigger issue than game play time. As for computers, PCs always piss me off. New PCs that are out now would be perfect for me to buy in 1-2 years when they would theoretically be half price at that point. But that never works with PCs because the PC manufacturers stop producing them and then recall all unsold units to make sure the constant price of PCs is always a minimum of $500+ for a decent gaming computer. I'm glad that is not the state of consoles, or we'd already be on Playstation 7 by now. Hell, just look at gameboys... PS3 came out in 2006.. since 2006 there have been 5 gameboy models. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Nintendo_portable_consoles And since 2006 there have been 4 PSPs and a PS Vita http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Portable The real question for the potential steam box systems is if they will be like consoles 1 system good for 3-4 years or the handheld units and PCs, in which every year a new upgraded steambox will come out that will be compatible with the newest games. My guess is that it will be the latter.
  13. omg.. I could see that happening with TMNT.. Shia as Casey Jones and Megan Fox as April O'Neil. Along with some CG ninja turtles. And just to rub it in everyone's face that this will be nothing but a recasting from Transformers, Michael Bay will have Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime) be the voice of Splinter.
  14. I assumed he'd let those 4 people into the group.. instead he has a freak out. If you think about it tho, Rick has had a pretty hectic couple of days. Maybe after he gets some sleep he'll regain some senses? I hope those 4 new people don't up and flee just yet. Maybe they'll linger around a little bit to see if Rick changes his mind. They definitely need some more muscle on their team.
  15. Sledgstone

    AC picture thread

    You own a coat!? I've never seen you wear a coat. The cold temperatures outside forced me to have to bake my pork ribs instead of grilling them. They still turned out good tho. And I made a little snowman when I was outside with Chu earlier today.
  16. From the album: Random Stuf

    Snowman and Chu
  17. From the album: Random Stuf

    Snowman and Chu
  18. Sledgstone

    Baked Ribs 02

    From the album: Random Stuf

    Baked Ribs cut open.
  19. Sledgstone

    Baked Ribs 01

    From the album: Random Stuf

    Baked Ribs
  20. Impressive! Once I get my suppressor on the Scar-H I'll probably drop my RDS. I still need to get my level up so I can get Ghost unlocked.
  21. I was watching Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome on syfy, but I just put on AMC because I need to watch the new episode of The Walking Dead.
  22. I think only you would be watching the season finale of Shahs of Sunset.
  23. If you see Neil deGrasse Tyson in person again, take a picture with him and tweet it.
  24. Shia does suck. He is the exact same person in every movie he is in. Always talking endlessly and never showing any real difference between any of his characters. I could watch a clip of him from real life or from a scene in a movie, unless the movie is portraying him in a different time frame (like indiana jones 1950s or whatever), I could never tell if it was just him talking or if he is acting a scene.
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