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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Well damn. Thats some ownage. I noticed at the end of the AC 130 clip it went to server migration. I wouldn't blame someone for quitting out after getting their asses handed to them like that. Do you know if all kill streaks are available in a care package? I know its set for random and that higher kill streaks are more rare, but I've never seen anything better than a sentry gun or death machine come out of them.
  2. Harrison Ford returning as Han Solo
  3. Sledgstone

    Destiny - Fireteam

    Destiny - Fireteam wallpaper
  4. Sledgstone


    This looks awesome. I'm surprised its coming out for both PS3 and Xbox 360 and its not an exclusive like Halo is. I'm even more surprised that it will be a console only release. PC gamers will miss out on this one.
  5. Shia better not be in any star wars movie. Unless he is in one scene and dies a horrible death without saying a word. It still is unconfirmed. It all based upon what El Mayimbe is claiming. But he apparently has good sources and has had a proven track record for getting scoops on movie news.
  6. I've seen the warthog in one match. It killed me once and after that it couldn't really do much because of the map we were on and everyone was under cover in buildings. That warship looks way over powered. On that map he was able to easily see everyone spawning and could pick everyone off with ease. Could an emp grenade take out flying vehicles? I ask that because I've seen where an emp grenade can stop hellstorm missiles. Those AGRs are awesome. I usually only see them from my team mates and I've never come across an enemy one yet. I'm surprised a CLAW isn't available as a score streak.
  7. That SMR looks like a great gun. I hate host migrating. So damn annoying. btw, what do you think is the most powerful kill streak? Or the kill streak that nets the most kills? I've seen a sentry gun last most of a match and easily get 10 kills by itself. The sentry gun can be destroyed quite easily tho, but if its in a good location it can get a lot of kills before its taken out. But the most powerful thing I've seen is the stealth chopper. Unless that thing is taken out, it shreds thru people.
  8. According to El Mayimbe over at Latino Review (via Ain't it cool news), Harrison Ford will be reprising his role as Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars movies! According to El Mayimbe, he is to return as Han Solo in the upcoming movies and that is plural! This news implies that the new movies will take place years after the original trilogy and possibly focus on Han and Leia's jedi children. Seeing as Harrison Ford is 70 years old, I'm assuming his adult children will be played by actors in their 30s. Whether or not Disney/Lucasfilms will base any of these movies off the novels is still up in the air, but if they did, then they might take place after the The New Jedi Order series. Of course there is always a possibility that Harrison Ford could reprise his role as a young Han Solo thanks to Lucasfilm's CGI team, but as a voice actor I don't see that happening. Harrison Ford sounds noticeably different now compared to his earlier years, so it looks like he will play his older self in the new movies. Click here to view the article
  9. According to El Mayimbe over at Latino Review (via Ain't it cool news), Harrison Ford will be reprising his role as Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars movies! According to El Mayimbe, he is to return as Han Solo in the upcoming movies and that is plural! This news implies that the new movies will take place years after the original trilogy and possibly focus on Han and Leia's jedi children. Seeing as Harrison Ford is 70 years old, I'm assuming his adult children will be played by actors in their 30s. Whether or not Disney/Lucasfilms will base any of these movies off the novels is still up in the air, but if they did, then they might take place after the The New Jedi Order series. Of course there is always a possibility that Harrison Ford could reprise his role as a young Han Solo thanks to Lucasfilm's CGI team, but as a voice actor I don't see that happening. Harrison Ford sounds noticeably different now compared to his earlier years, so it looks like he will play his older self in the new movies.
  10. This movie appears to be a kind of remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but with a love story? I was interested in this until I saw that it is from the author of the Twilight Books. It might still be good, but the overall plot may not be what I want from a movie. I'm sure there are others that will probably love it. What do you think based on the trailer? Click here to view the article
  11. This movie appears to be a kind of remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but with a love story? I was interested in this until I saw that it is from the author of the Twilight Books. It might still be good, but the overall plot may not be what I want from a movie. I'm sure there are others that will probably love it. What do you think based on the trailer?
  12. *imagines you are Garth from Wayne's World*
  13. I still have at least 1 or 2 more of these topics to make to explain a couple more features and then I think I'll have everyone caught up with the new stuff. At least until IPB 4 comes out in probably a year.. and then everything could be different again.
  14. I heard these articles a couple years ago and I mostly forgot about it, but after thinking about it again the other day I figured I'd post a topic about this. The first article is in 2 parts and its basically about how sea level rise is going to make an island nation non-existent in the future because of the amount of land they are loosing over time. But its also about how the people living there have faith in their religion that their land will be saved. I don't really see it working out too good for these people. The second article is about another island nation loosing land based on erosion due to dieing off coral reefs. Both are interesting reads. After looking at these two articles I noticed the comments are filled with the constant political argument of Global Warming being a hoax. Fox News of course is the largest organization pushing the hoax opinion and its obvious their fanbase loves to spread their message. Regardless of the comments in the article, I think its a combination of sea level rise along with erosion and most likely improper treatment of beach front land that is causing these large issues. The US and many other countries fight off beach erosion by rebuilding beaches with sand pumping and building new reefs to help break waves along the coastlines. But for these small islands they don't have the resources to repair erosion, fix inundated land or repair reefs. There could the be case that the islands are sinking, but that wouldn't cause the islands to be under water in a mere 50 years. With all the factors involved, sea level rise does appear to be making a lot of the land uninhabitable. With these facts most of the people living on these islands don't think anything bad is going to happen at all and often make jokes about climate change. Even with their own government issuing warnings about the changes happening to their islands and that moving to Australia may be a complete reality within half a century many of their citizens believe that God will not let anything happen to the islands and that everyone else is completely wrong. I can understand having faith.. but being ignorant of facts could really screw over these island communities. Climate Change And Faith Collide In Kiribati Part 1 of 2: http://www.npr.org/2011/02/16/133650679/climate-change-and-faith-collide-in-kiribati Preparing For Sea Level Rise, Islanders Leave Home Part 2 of 2: http://www.npr.org/2011/02/17/133681251/preparing-for-sea-level-rise-islanders-leave-home Seychelles Sinks As Climate Change Advances: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130049417
  15. Heres the first episode on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubrfGFLxmLM I've only seen a few episodes myself and it looks like the entire series is just one season.
  16. I forgot about that.. I didn't recognize the gun you were using. The CHICOM ironsights look horrible tho. Next time I play I'll definitely try it out.
  17. *update* In the dark theme, when highlighting text for copying it is now more distinguishable with a black background. Also, when attaching media from the My Media menu, highlighted attachments now have a black gradient background.
  18. Looks like the PS4 might be having its own version of xbox's kinect: http://www.vgleaks.com/orbis-dual-camera-whats-this/
  19. Have you seen the walking dead facebook game? Looks like they have no problem watering down the franchise to appeal to a larger audience. An animatrix style walking dead anime would be good. I'm really liking the X-Men Anime style of animation and I'd like to see more adult themed anime made in that style. http://marvel.com/tv/show/156/x-men_anime
  20. Oh! That must be it. I had a round a couple months ago with a troll on my own team constantly running up to me shooting his shotgun at me. He must have been talking crap because he had that triangle thing around his minimap arrow. I didn't hear anything he said tho because I mute everyone all the time. I love engineer. I use it all the time now. I almost always run with the black hat or an emp grenade now too.
  21. btw, this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0077L2LAC/ref=noref?ie=UTF8&psc=1&s=computers That does look like a pretty good monitor. I love a monitor / TV with good viewing angles. Its the first thing I look at when I'm in a store. I'll stand and different angles and squat in front of the tvs to look up at them while ppl look at me weird.
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