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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. lol. I would have made an article about this show leading up to its first episode, but its commercials were all over the place and offered no actual information. I didn't know if this was going to be a new kind of Battlebots where people built their robot mechas and fought them, or if it was some large scale rock em sock em robots. Turns out they had a team construct all the bots used for the show. Each bot is unique in terms of height, reach and armor. And the teams are two people with a small pit crew for repairs. The two person team consists of someone controlling the arms while the other person controls the movement. The teams are interesting, some are MMA fighters controlling the arms with engineers controlling the feet. The fights are 3 rounds with 20 mins inbetween for repair work. Even though they added extra sparks explosions to indicate strong impacts, these bots really are bashing the crap out of each other. Its funny when when punch an arm so hard and hydraulic fluid comes flying out like blood squirting from a massive wound. btw, check out this old clip from battle bots: Mythbusters! Grant Imahara and Jamie Hyneman both made battlebots.
  2. Good point. That could be the case. But I can't remember if they covered this in the series or not.. Didn't they determine that humans with the implants would turn into full skitters eventually? Or were they only 'harnessed'? If they would eventually turn into full skitters, then maybe any alien race they encounter could be harnessed and mutated into skitters. And then it could be just a coincidence that these new aliens look like them seeing as they haven't shown any skitters that have humanish faces? I hope these new aliens actually talk somehow. Maybe an electronic translator or something so they won't need more harnessed humans to relay messages.
  3. I agree with you on that. Its the only 'sunken continent / country' myth I've ever heard of. And here is a sunken continent. I'm interested if someone will compare the size and location of this continent with the positions of the continents at the time in which it sank and what the topography might have been like. Also, madagascar has some rare life on it... I can only imagine that this continent could have been populated by multitudes of unique species.
  4. Did anyone else watch the first episode? Its entertaining so far. One of the scenes looked like the robots might get upgrades as they progress through the bracket. http://www.syfy.com/robotcombatleague
  5. Its the alien apocalypse and they didn't use a condom. I hope the new aliens bring some more action and combat into the show.
  6. Thats crazy. Theres an ancient continent 6.2 miles under a plateau.. So I'm guessing its 6.2 miles under the ocean floor.. damn, no wonder its never been found before.
  7. to beable to stay under it when you go back to rich text. To get around this issue in the rich text editor, go to the last character in the quote box and hit enter twice, the first enter does a new line, but if you hit enter twice it'll break you out of the quote box so you can start typing under it. There is a new update coming! I'm waiting on our skin designer to update his skin before we apply the maintenance updates. These updates will fix multiple bugs in every application we use on this site, including a separate editor bug patch that is not listed in this link: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/380382-ipboard-343-and-application-maintenance-updates-released/
  8. I have a feeling the companies wanting to enforce their copyright claims will be focusing their primary attention to new release titles or products that are still giving them noticeable revenue. They'd have to justify paying people to monitor the multiple torrent trackers out there and if they have a product that doesn't make them money, I'm guessing it won't be monitored.
  9. http://www.dvice.com/2013-2-22/lockheeds-skunk-works-promises-fusion-power-four-years http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/aeronautics/skunkworks.html https://www.solveforx.com/moonshots/ahJzfmdvb2dsZS1zb2x2ZWZvcnhyEAsSCE1vb25zaG90GNKGAww/solve-for-x-charles-chase-on-energy-for-everyone Well, holy shit. If they get this working, It'll solve the predicted global helium shortage as well as producing massive amounts of energy. Win / Win.
  10. If you download copyrighted material, your ISP might start scolding you by sending you emails, redirecting file sharing websites to education ones and even reduce your download speeds for days at a time. But that seems to be the extent of what will happen. No personal information is to be sent to copyright holders which would mean no lawsuits for sharing copyright material should ever happen. Source: http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/25/4026194/infamous-six-strike-anti-piracy-program-barks-harder-than-it-bites . . Click here to view the article
  11. Final Fantasy X Auron was the main. Extremely mysterious and bad ass. As the plot continued on and you finally realize how he fits into the entire story, I felt so bad for him.. The fact that he was dead all along adds to just how awesome he is / was. Chrono Trigger Robo, the first robot I ever felt anything for. When he goes back to the factory he was created in, he is brutally attacked for being a human sympathizer, and at another point he sacrifices 400 years and dedicates himself to restoring a forest. Thats some dedication. Metal Gear Solid Otacon was the best support character ever.. I just wish his ridiculous plot twists never happened in MGS 2. Lunar Silver Star Story: Nall. That little flying cat traveled with Alex through everything. And in the end Nall finally found out that he was a dragon. Epic. All these years later and I feel that Nall was a big influence on other series and games. Navi and Link, Happy and Natsu (Fairy Tail). Nall was a great companion and his personality was great. Funny, ditzy, always helpful and randomly reviving our teammates in battle.
  12. http://www.dvice.com/2013-2-21/sony-reveals-5-more-important-ps4-details Booooo! That sucks. They could setup the PS4 digital store to recognize your previous purchases and enable them on their new platform, but I highly doubt that will happen.
  13. lol. They all need to get to the gym and prepare themselves!
  14. That reminds me of an old episode of Star Trek Voyager, when the Voyager crew found a species of reptilian aliens that actually originated from Earth. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Distant_Origin_%28episode%29
  15. Because its the name of the city the show takes place it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defiance_%28TV_series%29
  16. That would be awesome if he reprised his role too. Out of the three main characters, Mark Hamill looks noticeably different from his original character, but Carrie Fisher looks way different from her younger self.
  17. I like casual gaming and I think thats why I'm leaning more towards PC gaming and loosing more interest in the new consoles. I really like Steam and the variety of cheap quick games I can get my hands on. I like to do the occasional casual gaming and jump on Binding of Isaac, or a quick stage of Worms Golf. The fact that I got both of those games for under $5 a piece is also great. I can spend hours on some of these games and I don't feel the need to always pay $60 for the latest and greatest. I hate how most casual games by large developers are being pushed onto hand held systems or phone apps. I like Final Fantasy, but did Square Enix release the remasted version of FFIII on PC? Nope. Just Nintendo DS and android. And no Square Enix, I do not want to pay $15.99 for a rpg that I have to play on my phone. If you had it for PC and released it on steam for half the price, I'd consider it. But I'd rather spend $10 on steam for KOTOR than $15 for a cell phone game that destroys my battery. Oh, and they did re-release FFVII for PC, but I can't buy it because it was never released in North America. wtf. http://finalfantasyviipc.com/en So instead of me spending my money on big brand name games, I've been playing more and more indie games over the past year. I think all the big developers are loosing an entire market of casual gamers because they have their prices too high and they are not releasing their games on PC.
  18. Megan Fox will play April O’Neil in the new Michael Bay movie "TMNT" http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/25099.html If Shia Labeouf is cast as Casey Jones, Michael Bay should burn in hell. *revives another old topic* This post has been promoted to an article
  19. Megan Fox will play April O’Neil in the new Michael Bay movie "TMNT" http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/25099.html If Shia Labeouf is cast as Casey Jones, Michael Bay should burn in hell. I'm going to assume this movie will follow the same pattern as the transformers movies and will primarily focus on the main characters played by actors (Casey Jones and April O'Neil) with a secondary emphasis on the Ninja Turtles who will show up frequently for large fight scenes that will have multiple explosions.
  20. I increased the amount of youtube videos per post a couple days ago.
  21. I got a small bottle of Crown Royale Maple to try out.. I'm not really caring for the flavor. :\

    1. Sledgstone


      *drinks some Canadian LTD* j/k. XD

      I got a bottle of Gentlemen Jack that I'm going to try out in a little bit. I think my next whiskey to try out will be Knobb Creek. :D

      I don't think I've seen Honey Jack anywhere. But theres a lot of booze at Halinan's that I haven't tried yet.

    2. Pchan


      I like watching Samurai Jack, great soundtrack too.

    3. Sledgstone


      lol. I guess you must have had a few drinks too. XD

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  22. http://www.gamespot.com/news/layoffs-at-ign-6404313 I remember looking at 1UP.com for years. I'm surprised they'll be shutting down.
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