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Sledgstone last won the day on April 11

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About Sledgstone

  • Rank
    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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    One piece
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    Lunar Silver Star Story
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. 16 inches of snow starting tomorrow morning.. wtf. Winter needs to end. It was 41 here.. I even grilled dinner yesterday.. and now tomorrow it'll be crap all over again.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Damn. I'm happy it finally warmed up out here, we're looking at 40's and 50's for the next two weeks. Hopefully it holds (we don't need anymore snow, a lot of places are flooding right now).

    2. Sledgstone


      It was so warm for about 4 days.. I thought winter was finally over. -_- I understand that flooding. We had so much snow melt that my yard was a squishy muddy mess.

    3. Sledgstone


      F*ck shoveling. This crap is heart attack snow.. So dense and heavy.

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