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Sledgstone last won the day on April 11

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About Sledgstone

  • Rank
    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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  • Favorite Anime
    One piece
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    Lunar Silver Star Story
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. I got a new phone. Galaxy S20 FE. I bought it from best buy with an early black Friday sale. $350 with my Verizon plan. I'll pay $15 a month for it for 2 years. I just got it in the mail but I'm not going to activate it until monday when ladys phone gets here, she got the same phone except different color. I read it had a touch screen issue that was fixed with a patch. Hopefully I don't have any issues with the phone. It looks like a significant upgrade over my old galaxy s7.

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    2. slippers


      i use i-blason case. in the past i dropped it like a couple times on a cement floor with no noticeable damage so its pretty sturdy. you already ordreded yours but i-blason also have a case for your galaxy s20 under $20. check it out if your other case doesnt work out. for a better cover, a tool pouch/phone holster works well too if you dont like your phone exposed when you have it clipped on to your belt or front pocket.

    3. Sledgstone


      I might have to look into the phone holster. I was going to activate the phone today but I got it out of the case and I'm hesitant to use this thing without a case on it. My luck is horrible, if I start using this thing, I'm sure I'll drop it by accident and crack the screen. I'll just wait 4 more days for the case to get delivered first.

    4. Sledgstone


      My case arrived early and I got my new phone activated. :D This is a huge upgrade over my s7. Way nicer camera too. Whats interesting is I looked at i-blason's website but they didn't have a galaxy s20 fe case. They have plenty of s20 cases, but the fe is a different size and none would fit. But I got my supcase cases in the mail and the return address was for i-blason. wtf. lol. I guess supcase is a company of i-blason. The case appears to be damn good quality. My phone has a protective screen on it from the manufacturer so I left that on for now. I did buy a couple film screen protectors off amazon that already arrived. I never knew there were tempered glass screen protectors until the other day. Those look decent but some people say they don't let the s20 FE thumb print scanner work correctly. I might just take this film protector off anyway because my case has a built in one anyway. I also saw some people like to use a tempered glass protector over the camera lenses, but it messes up photos unless the flash is used. I could understand using a protector, but I don't think I'll get one just for the camera lenses. My case is big enough that the camera area won't be touching any surfaces when I sit the phone down so that should be good enough.

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