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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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    One piece
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. Fairy Tail is officially ending. Only 10 chapters left. This writer turned this series into garbage plot lines. :windows: I'm genuinely pissed at this manga now. Not because favorite characters are being killed off like most manga/animes do at the end.. Not that any main characters at this point are in any real threat of dying since every character seems to be immortal. Being mad like that would be a good thing since it means I feel for the characters and the overall plot.. But instead I'm mad because the writer threw so many random plot lines into the story over the last year that its become laughable like a bad soap opera. All long term plot lines are pretty much negated and last minute characters and plot lines now resolve everything.. something that was just revealed 10 chapters ago now solves half the danger to the planet that has been build up as an ultimate power throughout the last 400 chapters. wtf.

    I'll compare this to DBZ. Imagine all that build up how powerful Freeza was.. but then right before Goku is going to fight him, Krillin found some magic orb and then Bulma kicked it at Freeza and killed him. No big fight with Goku, no planet namek getting destroyed.. hell, Goku never even met Freeza. Thats the equivalent of what just happened. WTF.

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    2. DeathscytheX


      ROTFLMAO XD. Most series like that are all the same in a different way. DBZ they just comeback with a halo on their head or get wished back. I see Frieza is going to be teaming up with Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan on DBS in the next universe martial arts tourney. Wtf. XD

      I lost track of Naruto after he beat Garaa in the Chunin Exams because that's when I became a manager at my company. I knew a few minor characters die in that one later. Fairy Tail is a bit over the top on rallying tho. XD

    3. Sledgstone


      lol. The rallying in Fairy Tail is insane. Grey has "died" at least 3 times. Gajeel has "died" at least twice. Another slight spoiler.. he was atomized / sucked into a black hole into literal hell with nothing but his face left in void crying out just as he died.. I felt nothing at all. -_-; Its like the boy who cried wolf. You can only fool people so much. I knew for a fact he wouldn't stay dead at that point because everyone in Fairy Tail will never die, and sure as hell 2 chapters later there he was just fine.

      Some people in Naruto really did die, but the biggest kick in the ass to me was when half the characters died in an epic fight.. and in the end Naruto used his all powerful "talk no-jutsu" (literally talking with no ninja skill) and he somehow talked this bad ass enemy into killing himself while simultaneously resurrecting everyone that died that day. wtf. What a way to negate everything emotional that happened and re-inforce the idea that almost all the characters will forever be immune to death. -_-;

    4. DeathscytheX


      That's Shonen for you. That's also why I love seires like The Future Diary where death is perminant. I would say Code Geass too, but they seem to be undoing that X_x.

      Then again, I liked Overlord where the main character is so OP its laughably ridiculous. XD

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