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Sledgstone last won the day on April 11

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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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    One piece
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  1. Went grocery shopping today so we can skip this weekend. It was crazy. Like black Friday busy but for groceries. At walmart, the aisle with toilet paper was blocked off with an employee at both ends allowing only 2 customers at a time in it because yesterday there was a fight over toilet paper. Wtf. The smaller grocery store in the same shopping plaza was busy as hell to but didn't have aisles blocked off. Flipping crazy.

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    2. DeathscytheX


      The only way to get any is to show up right when they open. Unless they're a 24 hours, then I guess you're screwed. We got our shipment in around 8am this morning and it was all gone within minutes.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Considering all stores in my area are 24 hour stores that's impossible. I could always have one of my friends that work at Walmart grab some for me when it comes in but I'm honestly not that worried. It's just stupid how people are acting and fucking over everyone else (plus it's not locals doing this, we have people driving an hour and a half to buy shit in bulk (which is sad considering the city they're coming from is 3 times larger than us with more stores to go to)).

      Oh well, I've got two hands if it comes to it XD

    4. Sledgstone


      People are flipping toilet paper, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer on ebay and amazon. All those assholes are hoarding it all to profit. -_-; and everyone seems to be an ebay flipper nowadays.


      All the walmarts nationwide will be closing from 11pm to 6 am now to restock and give ppl a chance to come in at opening hours. Eventually everyone will have shit tons of food and toilet paper and the panic buying will slow down.

      I think the lack of tests for the virus is really freaking ppl out. I've got some Facebook friends saying they've seen/heard messages getting forwarded around saying there's thousands of cases in potentially every state but none are confirmed because of lack of testing. There's also messages going around fueling the fear further by saying there's going to be a nationwide quarantine and everyone will have to stay indoors for a solid 4 weeks straight and when it gets announced the stores will be even more insane and have riots.

      My brother works at walmart and he said dry goods and canned foods have been selling out now especially ramen and soups.

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