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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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  1. I have to get a dead tree cut down on my property. Its going to cost me $500. x_x But that doesn't include the removal. To save money I'll borrow a chainsaw from one of my friends and cut up the pieces myself. The tree is tall enough that when it eventually falls, it could hit my house, the garage, the deck, the pool (when its up for the summer) or my propane tanks so its got to come down.

    1. slippers


      i dont think $500 is that much considering the risk you have to take, especially that high. it sounds very dangerous to do it on your own O_o..a couple years back a bar owner across the store tried to fix a sign by himself when a ladder slipped and he was dangling on an edge of a roof. his head cracked open when he fell backward and hit a top corner of the ladder that was already on the ground. i could see him from inside the store through the window and damn his blood was everywhere..so messy but lucky he didnt break his neck. and just last week my coworker was cutting tree branches on his day off when he fell from a 12 ft something ladder. he hurt his back and hip but refusing to take xray/mri bc he says its expensive. he rested 5 days and then came back to work with a little limp. he says something inside is poking his hip bone when walking but hes running on pain killers hospital gave him. and theres a customer who shattered both of his heels when his belt that was holding him to a tree broke and it took him 6 months to get out of a wheelchair. he cant even walk normally anymore. for me though i passed out while trying to climb a 5ft ladder LOL trying to change a lightbulb and almost broke my right shoulder and arm when i hit the wall with window bars behind it. my stupid arm got caught and it broke my fall but damn that was painful waking up to that. i dont even know why blanked out.

    2. Sledgstone


      Holy crap. O_O Yeah screw that. All that sounds like horror stories to me. I'm ok on a small ladder like working on my single story roof gutters or getting on a ladder to do light bulbs and stuff, but this tree is roughly 36-38 inches wide and probably 50 feet in the air. Its too near the house to safely cut because it could potentially still hit the house because of the angle of the huge part of the tree's trunk. This tree guy is fully insured so if he falls to his death or hits the house with part of the tree, his insurance will cover it. x_x The tree guy said he'll climb up there, tie off ropes at multiple locations and take the tree down in 4-5 large cuts as he climbs back down it.

    3. Sledgstone


      Tree guy came over and took care of the job. He got it down in about 6-7 cuts.






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