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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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  1. Went grocery shopping today so we can skip this weekend. It was crazy. Like black Friday busy but for groceries. At walmart, the aisle with toilet paper was blocked off with an employee at both ends allowing only 2 customers at a time in it because yesterday there was a fight over toilet paper. Wtf. The smaller grocery store in the same shopping plaza was busy as hell to but didn't have aisles blocked off. Flipping crazy.

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    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Not going to lie the Walmart here was pretty barren in a lot of areas on the grocery side (Produce was pretty much wiped out, milk and juices were pretty much out of stock, frozen was pretty barren (I've never seen a frozen pizza section that wiped out in my life and I worked frozen goods for 11 years when I was still in retail)), water isle was sparse but you could still get it if you needed to, etc). It's extremely sad people are flipping the shit on ebay/amazon but it's no real different then when a new console comes out, fucking greedy ass bastards.

      It's sad really as North Dakotans don't really get that worked up over this kind of shit. Granted they can be pretty idiotic but I think our issue is all the out of state people that moved up here to work in the Bakken and the foreigners we have living in the state who get worked up over shit like this. Down right bat shit crazy.

      I wouldn't doubt there are more cases then whats been reported (especially with our governments lack luster response to this) but I doubt it's anywhere that high (I could be wrong but it's highly unlikely especially in rural areas and states like ND where we're pretty isolated. Than again we do have one confirmed case in the state so who knows)). I get the feeling we'll get statewide quarantines before we get a nationwide one, especially in states where the number of infected is in the 100's because there's no way Trump and his administration would allow the US to come to a complete standstill for weeks (it'd look bad to his otherwise perfect image (heavy sarcasm implied here)) as it'd show weakness and ineptitude.

      Meh, we'll have to play the waiting game. It's just interesting how shit hits the fan when people get this paranoid. Someone should really do a case study on the stupidity of people in situations like this, it'd be an extremely interesting read (and should be used as teaching material for future generations on what not to do).

    3. DeathscytheX


      The whole thing is stupid seeing as 12,000 Americans died during the H1N1 outbreak but there was no such panic, and the media kind of just reported on it like it was only affecting Asia. The internet was a different place back then. Coronavirus has like 40 deaths in the US, all old people or people with immune disorders. Basically its only dangerous to those same people that can die from the flu. There are probably people just walking around thinking they have a cold or bad allergies going unreported. Today we had people shopping with latex gloves and masks on. 🙄

    4. Sledgstone


      It got me thinking about this.. I remember that swine flu/H1N1 scare back then. I wasn't all that concerned about it. In comparison to Coronavirus, I'd say the fear craze is a combo of a couple things. Back when H1N1 was breaking out, Obama declared it an emergency like 2 weeks into it and they started all the federal crap involved with CDC, pandemic crap, etc. People died from it, but it seemed to be under control from everyone's perspective. Whereas this time around Trump kept going on the news saying everything was fine for like 7 weeks or something, meanwhile Fox News kept saying every thing was overblown and its all fine for like 7 weeks too.. while every other news source like AP, Reuters, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc was reporting from other countries and how bad it was getting and warning the viewers to prepare. Some people started preparing, others kept saying "Fake news!" -_-; And then abruptly Trump went full 180 and declared it an emergency and Fox News started actually reporting on the severity of it and then theres mass panic and all the grocery shopping went into Armageddon mode. At this point the federal pandemic plans finally kicked in and because theres no available testing to determine what locations should be quarantined, everyone now thinks everyone else has it but them in the entire country. wtf. People really need to stop watching a single news source.

      The latest conspiracy I read is that this virus has been in the US since late November/December and has been making people violently ill since then. Since theres no testing to determine it as the cause, the unreported amount of fatalities from it could actually be much higher. But if its been in the US since then, why the hell is everyone freaking out now. I'm guessing that was just another strain of flu at the end of last year.

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