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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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    One piece
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    Lunar Silver Star Story
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. Damn heat wave needs to stop. :sweat2: We usually only get around 8 days of 90s+ every year. Mostly we get high 70s and high 80s during the summer. So far we've already hit 9 days of 90s+ and we have even more coming. It wouldn't be so bad if we could get some rain though. Everything is so dry I'm only mowing twice a month now and I think I'll mow this weekend.. but its mostly to cut all the clover thats growing because most of the grass is all turning brown. I bought mulch today for our garden because I'm burned out on watering it every morning. We'll mulch all those veggies and I should only have to water every other day then.

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    2. DeathscytheX


      People bundle up in the 70s here. XD Its ridiculous. If it was 50 all year I'd be happy in a t-shirt.

    3. slippers


      there really is no time getting use to when temp drops to 40 over night and then shoots back up to 75 in the afternoon during fall/winter. X_x; i dont even have a winter jacket so i wear 4 - 6 layers of clothing at a time lol

      and some jackass reported me yesterday for not wearing a mask. A/C was not working and inside the store temp was close to 90. lucky i already went home and my coworkers played cool so the store got off with a verbal warning but this sunday will be over 100 so idk. itll be hard.

    4. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Man I wish I had 40 nights and 75 days in the winter (that's the only thing I loved about living in Arizona, 9 months of the year were high 60's to low 80's with no humidity. It was the 3 months of the year of 100+ temps that sucked ass) instead of this 10 above days and -30 nights bullshit (that's average, we've had down to -60 with windshield).

      Bah, I'd take straight 90's without humidity. The average temp the last couple of weeks here has been high 80's with roughly 80% humidity (plus we're getting pummeled every other day by severe thunderstorms which is upping the humidity factor), fucking sucks when you have a wear a mask and unload trucks all day at work (where it's at least 10+ degrees hotter).

      Pfft, I remember when it would hit 60 in Phoenix and everyone would be all bundled up where I'd be outside in a tank top, shorts, and flip flops. Damn Southerners don't know what true cold is XD

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