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  • Birthday December 26

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  1. I borrowed a friend's air fryer last week. I let it sit for a week and then cleaned it good, just in case of conoravirus. I was pleasantly surprised with how it cooked shake and bake chicken tenders. They had a nice crispyness. I reheated some pork chops in it yesterday and it turned out good. But the home cut potato fries didn't turn out crispy, but super fluffy inside. I think I used too much oil. I'm still experimenting with this air fryer but so far I'm liking it. I think I might have to buy one.

    1. DeathscytheX


      Store bought fries work really well. Especially shoe string/fast food style. I don't even use oil for them and they crisp up just as good. Thats all I use air fryers for though. That and Tots/Onion rings. I figure without any oil is much healthier and somehow tastes just as good.

    2. Sledgstone


      Its definitely way healthier than frying but it still gives a distinct fry like crispness which is really impressive. I tried baked potatoes in it last night. Prepared them like I'd normally bake them.. rubbed in olive oil, heavy salt and pepper, then one long cut through the top of the potato, going deep, but not breaking through the bottom skin. I'd usually bake for an hour at 400, but the air fryer got it done in 45 minutes at 400. The inside of the potato was way fluffier than an oven baked potato, but the skin got so crispy it was almost too tough. It was really good though. The outside skin basically became potato skins like you'd get at a restaurant. Like if I cut the potato in half, scooped out the inside, put some cheese on it and put it back in the air fryer for a couple more minutes it'd have been amazing potato skins. Next time I use it for baked potatoes I'll reduce the amount of salt I use. That must have dried out the skin a bit too much.

      I'll try sweet potatoes next. Usually I stab sweet potatoes all over with a fork and use no oil or seasonings and then bake the same amount of time. I'll see how those skins turn out next time. If its more like baked potatoes, then next time I do regular potatoes I won't even use oil on them.

    3. DeathscytheX


      I'll go ahead and put this out there before it gets to that point... sweet potatoes are great. Sweet potato fries and/or tots are a crime against humanity. :nono:

      I guess I've always been content with the ole nuclear baked potato in the microwave. The consistency matters not since I have a little bit of potato with my sour cream, salt, and butter. XD Not really a big fan of baked potatoes to begin with so I guess that's why I eat them like that. Texas Roadhouse makes an divine sweet potato tho.. its pretty much just dessert with marshmallows, brown sugar, and a little caramel drizzle for decoration.

      Marshmallow Stuffed Sweet Potatoes | The Novice Chef

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