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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2013 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The guys at Gamespot demonstrate how easy it is to replace the hard drive on your PS4. Simple enough... Click here to view the article
  2. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Humble Bundle - WB Games

    If they ever did rely on Humble Bundle to sell you nothing but DLC in the future while the Humble Store had the game those would be the Humble Bundles I'd pass on. Maybe Saints Row DLC but even then I'd be annoyed by the fact I already bought the Season Pass on SR3s DLC. The Irony of Humble Bundle no longer being Humble. *Edit* I feel extremely dense.... Probably because Humble Bundle finally told me I couldn't have the Batman Arkham Origins DLC after switching web browsers since I didn't own Batman Arkham Origins. So, yeah I'm never ever going to redeem that. And even if I could there would be no point since by then I'd own the GOTY Edition.
  3. 1 point
    Here is a video of Samsung's flexible screen tech from 2 years ago. Samsung, Sony and LG will all have flexible screens soon. This video was made before LG's flexible battery tech. Because there were no flexible batteries, there had to be a solid piece of the phone. Now the entire thing can be potentially flexible. With how thin the screens can be, it might only be a matter of time before we have tablets that are the size of a standard 12 inch ruler that have screens that can be pulled / rolled out into full size. Source: Dailymail The next interesting part is gesture control. All hands free control using ultrasound. Combine these two techs and we'll have the next gen cell phones, tablets, laptops, TVs of the future. Source: Bitrebels The flexible screen tech got me thinking.. they could make clothing out of those screens. Imagine a camouflage suit made out of this display technology. With the proper use of numerous mini cameras the screens could display your surroundings all over the suit and blend you completely into any location. Also, with screens that thin.. once they make them bigger and higher resolution, future TVs could be sold rolled up. Apply some double sided tape to your wall, unroll the tv and stick the screen in place. And with gesture control, we wouldn't need a camera built into the TV for smart app features.

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