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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    If MS would have not had "always on" Kinect from the start and explained that the DRM would benefit those that publish their own content on Xbox one by protecting their intellectual property, they would have come out a lot better. Instead they told people to screw off if you had a bad internet connection, and then came back with a figurative "We're sorry". It definitely makes them look desperate. I agree that completely digital is going to happen in the future, and I'm for that. Always online and always on isn't the answer for the future, but if you're going to try it, you can't bully a customer base into liking it as they attempted to do. As I've said, if Steam can function offline, then so can any console that has DRM. The answer was right in front of them, they could have at least tried to sell it like Steam even if it was more draconian. MS should fire their entire Xbox PR division, this is a marketing nightmare. First impressions are king, and a lot of people who have not been following closely are still going by word of mouth that always on/online is still a feature.

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