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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2013 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Taris is just such a pain Every time i had to replay it i jsut got the mod that lets me skip it altogether and just gives me choices on specific parts to get your stats light/dark etc up to where it would be
  2. 2 points
    I always prefered playing the Sentinel since it's my play style (in fact my first play through was a Sentinel), plus the sneak attack bonuses they get in combat made me feel more powerful (especially since I was all melee and only used Force Heal). Guardian always felt like easy mode to me since it's OP due to it's strengths in melee combat (plus my fastest play through was on a Guardian). Consular just made me feel week, especially considering I did it as dark side (death field only heals so much and I just couldn't use health packs fast enough, made for a lot of frustration on my part). Light/Dark only plays a role on how you affect your crew (not as much as in did in 2 however), not on who will join you. I believe I killed that companion as well, twice and completely by accident. First time through I didn't know they could join you and second time I did in for kicks (didn't really like that companion). Some companions like you more pending on what side you play as (like Ordo likes you Dark whereas Bastila likes you Light side as examples) but that's really all it does for you.
  3. 1 point
    Yeah Guardian is pretty OP in 1....In the second one Sentinels are really really nasty
  4. 1 point
    Yeah, Bastila could be very entertaining. Make sure you have her and the Twilik-what's-her-name in the same party for a while. That ends up just being funny. As for which class, I usually ended up with Guardian. Heavy melee fighter, and the the Force Jump is just awesome! Make sure to explore every part of all the planets, there's some interesting side quests here and there.
  5. 1 point
    Dont read Sledge, you're not at this part yet.
  6. 1 point
    The short end of it: Guardian gets way more feat progression and is heavy melee while Consular has more force points to spend and way less feats.... Sentinel really isnt a middleground IMO, you get the same limited feats progression as Consular, which is a deal breaker for me. Force meters run out, melee doesn't, I've played all 3 and I prefer Guardian dual wield. Light or Dark doesn't necessarily decide who is on your crew. You'll have the same opportunity at the same characters, but I have killed one when we first met and they never joined my party.

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