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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Should I get a cat?

    un altered male cats will spray (horrrrrrrrrrible smell) to mark territory. that smell is wicked hard to get rid of. better off throwing shit away >.< a female might be better if ya don't wanna worry about that sort of thing. she would be fine home alone for all day or even days as long as she has kibbles and water. you'll get all the lovins when ya get home you can do a shelter rescue or you can check craigslist and the paper for people rehoming cats or kittens. you might be able to get one already fixed on the cheap. We had a litter box with a hood for their privacy and to contain turd smell lol. there is scented cat litter and litter freshening powders that can help with oder too. Do you remember our cat with three legs? Ditto is still with us

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