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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    20(ish) years

    So, I haven't posted in a while, lots of RL stuff kinda got in the way. But I was looking at my profile, and it says I joined in 2002. o.@ I do have lots of fond memories of this place, and I don't know who's actually active anymore, but thought I would check in and see how everyone's doing.
  2. 2 points
    I picked up Tears of the Kingdom, but I've never played breath of the wild. I started playing wild last week. I've never been big on Zelda games, but I have to admit, it's a lot better than I was expecting.
  3. 1 point

    SSL - security certificate updated

    Well it was that time of year again to update the SSL and I accidentally let it lapse. It should all be working now. If anyone notices any errors please let me know.
  4. 1 point

    2020s Predictions?

    not much of a prediction. just thinking about this stuff lately. coming solar eclipse this year on 4/08/2024 is interesting (hitting all cities named Ninevah) across the US. it will mark big "X" on the american soil after the last one at 2017 (hitting all cities named Salem). and we have this: WW1 7/28/1914 7 + 28 + 19 + 14 = 68 WW2 9/1/1939 9 + 1 + 19 + 39 = 68 WW3? 2/24/2022 2 + 24 + 20 + 22 = 68 with Putin threatening to nuke everyone recently, and what's going on in the ME, this year might be it lol.
  5. 1 point

    YT thread

    RIP. i still play chrono trigger, and think and read about db/dbz time to time. I feel like my childhood just died ;_; DDP is a saint. never liked him in his run in WCW until he got into a feud with Macho Man back in late 90s. Vince screwed him over but he came out on top and made his own yoga business, helping so many old wrestlers and other disabled ppl alike. Chris Benoit and Scotty Riggs were two of my fav wrestlers ever back in the day.
  6. 1 point

    PS Plus Games

    Same with me. I canceled my auto-renew. I barely use my PS4 as it is and I'm not planning on buying a PS5. I kept PS+ going as long as I did just to add free games to my library, but with the price hikes I'm not interested in doing that anymore. I used to get ps+ every black friday for like $30. Its not worth it for me anymore with it being $80 for the tier I was using.
  7. 1 point
    Steam OS still sucks.
  8. 1 point

    Last of Us - HBO Series

    To be honest, I was left with mixed feelings. On the one hand, my favorite game, but on the other, I couldn’t become better than the game.
  9. 1 point
    Myk JL


  10. 1 point

    20(ish) years

    Hey Dubie! This place is a ghost town nowadays compared to its prime back in the day. Me and Lady bought a house about 5 years ago now. I've been pretty busy since then with constantly having some random thing to fix or some new project I've been trying to get done. Once winter hits I think I'll have the time to focus on gaming again. I've been doing alot of gardening this summer and its really sucked up alot of my time. We built a permanent garden with deer fencing and planted a bunch of permanent plants like fruit trees, raspberry bushes, blueberries, etc. Its been alot of work. How have you been?
  11. 1 point
    Myk JL


  12. 1 point
    Myk JL

    PS Plus Games

    Weird West could've been the 2nd Cowboy Game I'd remember playing for the Nintendo Switch, but it'll most likely will be Red Dead Redemption instead for the Nintendo Switch. The 1st Cowboy Game I remember playing was Darkwatch for The Original Xbox. So yeah, I haven't played Red Dead Revolver either.
  13. 1 point
    Myk JL


    *Edit 2* *Edit* I was expecting YongYea to talk about PS Plus before the above video.
  14. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Saints Row reboot

    The Saints Row (2022 Reboot) is now available on Steam, but I rather eat @ Freckle Bitch's.
  15. 1 point
    Myk JL

    PS Plus Games

    I almost forgot to post this... I also almost got excited for Dreams.
  16. 1 point


    Wow. I have an ubisoft account but I haven't logged into it in years. I'm guessing I have my old email attached to that account since I never got an email about this either. I'll have to check.
  17. 1 point
    Myk JL


    I'm certain if I own any games from Ubisoft, I probably bought them from Steam.
  18. 1 point

    Microsoft Edge erased my passwords.

    Damn that sucks. I have passwords saved on my google account, it seems to work good for me across pc and on my phone when using chrome.
  19. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Vara Dark - Dark Titan Media

    I prefer the original outfit, but even without it in future games there is plenty of Rule 34 of Cammy White already. Removing it would just make more people save their money instead of buying T Rated porn.
  20. 1 point
    Myk JL

    PS Plus Games

  21. 1 point
    I've been drinking bud light platinum off and on for years and I actually bought some a week ago and didn't see any panties anywhere and they only had 2 cases left. I never saw the commercial and didn't even know about it being a controversy until I heard people start complaining about it online. I don't do many conspiracy theories but I joked with my brother the other day that it could have been intentional. Imagine if they had a contaminated batch and had to do a massive recall of regular bud light, the amount of money it would have costed them would be just as bad as this ad campaign was. Instead of a recall they make everyone literally go out to the store to buy it just to dump it down the drain for them while making a youtube video. They can write off the entire batch as a loss and negative publicity is still publicity and still better than hearing "bud light has asbestos!".
  22. 1 point
    Myk JL


    Cloud Gaming will be the death of any video game console company that thinks it's the future.
  23. 1 point
    I've been getting ready for spring for the last couple months and its taken up a crazy amount of my free time. We expanded our garden to be really huge last september in preparation for growing fruit and veggies. Then we decided to expand it another 6 more feet in one direction which we finally got finished last weekend. It was alot of work because our garden has an almost 6 foot tall deer fence all around it. We hammered in u-posts into the ground and attached the deer net and buried the bottom of the net so nothing will burrow under it. I should do measurements at some point to figure out its total volume. Its huge. lol. We have 3 apple trees, 3 cherry trees, and 1 nectarine tree in there. We still have to move 3 of those trees into their permanent locations (they are only 1 or 2 year old trees so its still possible to dig them up) and we have to plant a new apricot tree in there. I prepped the two rows for veggies last month but theres alot of weed whacking to do still and plants to move. We have 4 grape vines, 4 blueberry bushes and multiple raspberry plants to move. I started a bunch of veggies from seed and those tomatoes are still in an unused bath tub in my house with a light over them getting bigger every day. I'm looking forward to getting everything planted and done so all this gardening can give me a break.
  24. 1 point
    makes my blood boil as i was told this company i worked for raised .75 cents an hour to their drivers during this dylan mulvaney controversy. one of lowest paying manual jobs in trucking industry. two sides of the same coin, both of these greedy companies need to go down..although i prefer miller over bud light lol ahahahahaha.. i need to go grocery shopping soon. i have my day off today and tomorrow. i want to check it out myself if these no selling bud light products is true or not.
  25. 1 point
    Myk JL

    YT thread

    I miss the days when Marvel & Old Spice didn't sell their products to emasculated men.

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