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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. Envies James and I can't vote cos I haven't seen this anime.
  2. I've seen this on most people's list of favorite animes. I've never seen it or had glimpses of it. What's the plot and is it a big series ?
  3. Pchan

    Favorite character.

    But aren't Kaede ba-chan's boobs the biggest in the series ? *gets shouted at -- "you pervert" ....*
  4. Mr/Dr Jackal was really cool but I hated that other chap who could take you into a different dimension which's make believe.
  5. Yeah .... he wouldn't have done a Michael Jackon like I did heh
  6. Awesome dogs rule !! Zorba, my lab, loves chasing pigeons and almost anything and everything he sees. He loves to play a lot, and often scares a lot of people/animals because of that trait of his. They all think he's gonna jump on em At that hillstation though, he keeps guard and keeps off any other dogs or cows or buffalos from coming into our gates. The time when the monkey's got into my house, he hadn't come on that trip. I wonder what he'd have done *ponders*
  7. Haha that was a good joke Miyu .... There was a middle-aged couple that had two stunningly beautiful teenage daughters. They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted. After months of trying, the wife finally became pregnant, and sure enough, delivered a healthy baby boy nine months later. The joyful father rushed into the nursery to see his new son. He took one look and was horrified to see the ugliest child he had ever seen. He went to his wife and said that there was no way he could be the father of that child. "Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered!" Then he gave her a stern look and asked, "Have you been fooling around on me?" The wife just smiled sweetly and said, "Not this time, I didn't!"
  8. Plain ol series: He-Man (old tv series) [taped] Thundercats [taped] Robotech ^ Flame Of Recca ^ Ninku *^ Ninja Scroll *^ Naruto *^ [upto date till 119] Chobits ^ [have just 27 episodes and don't really know if it ends here] Star Wars: Clone Wars ^ Berserk ^ [on hold untill I empty out my hard-disk or I might just buy it now] Movies: Inu Yasha - Love That Transcends Time [unwatchable because my system's too slow ] ^ Batman of the future - Return Of The Joker ^ Robotech - The Transentenial's Movie ^ Naruto OVA 1 ^ Thundercats the movie The Animatrix [burnt cd-r] Dragonball Z - The Dead Zone, Lord Slug, Bojack, Strongest Tournament, Brolly, Return of Brolly, and another movie with some demon who can be contained by the Flute Player who later gives his sword to Trunks, I forgot the movie title :/ The King Of Fighters movie ^ Fatal Fury - Movie 1 [Legend Of The Hungry Wolf] ^ A few other Fatal Fury movies I can't remember titles of. From now on, I'm hoping things work out with buying things online and not getting lost in the mail
  9. This once, I'm guessing 2 years back, when I'd left the door open in the afternoon, hell was upon me. I was taking a nap and I forgot to lock my front-main door and because of my negligence, there were 2 monkeys strolling my hall . I am scared of monkeys. Period. And when that happened, I totally screached like somebody was pinching my balls or something aka the BeeGees voice. I guess that frightened them and they left running . Although I'm scared of them smaller monkeys, I love apes *is probably petrified of em too *
  10. He's a pretty cool character James , if you like him there'll be more who you'll like in the upcoming episodes.
  11. They must've run out of stories, who knows.
  12. 15 deer in your garden, is something that's uber cute, you know. You didn't invite em or did they barge into your house all jumping and hopping, stealing all your grape-juice from the refridgerator ?
  13. Woooooooo, you have deer come visit your garden cute ! Are there other animals who come and bump into you guys ? At my place in that Hillstation I'd gone to recently, there are usually a lot of monkeys, scary.
  14. What's this series about, just in a nutshell
  15. Update - I'm getting to love Kimimaru from Naruto somehow it's just his cool persona I guess.
  16. Pchan


    I'm kinda surprised though that nobody mentioned Sarutobi or Ino heh. Great episode that, Mibu_Kyoshiro
  17. For guys who're on pot ... Q. How do you know when you have smoked enough pot ? A. When you start looking around for the directions on how to use the lighter. ------ A horse and a chicken are walking around in a barn yard. The horse slips and falls into a deep puddle. He tells the chicken, "Go get the farmers' Mercedes and a long rope, tie one end of the rope to the car, and the other end to me, and pull me out of here." So the chicken does so and pulls the horse out of the puddle. Weeks later they are walking around the barn yard again, and this time the chicken falls into the puddle. He quickly tells the horse, "Quick, get the car (Mercedes) again!" The horse says, "I have a better idea" The horse then stands over the puddle and says "Grab onto my penis and pull yourself out." The chicken follows the horses instructions and gets out of the hole. Morale of the story: "If you are hung like a horse, you don't need a mercedes to pick up chicks."
  18. Pchan


    Ahh the qualifying matches were really emotional. Sakura vs Ino was like that too you know. But, that's why I like the Naruto vs Neji fight in the Chuuinin Exam because it was the only emotional fight, unlike Gaara's or Shikamaru's
  19. Mid April ?! That's really far away from now .... But, do plants die off because of the snow ? I'm figuring they could and most probably would because of the lack of sunlight. But then again, there're plants who can handle the summers and those that can handle winters, like a Christmas Tree
  20. Ok here're two more, but I dunno if they're offensive or not. So I apologize if they are A man longs to wed a maiden with her virtue intact. He searches for one but resigns himself to the fact that every female over in his town has been at it. Finally he decides to adopts a baby girl from the orphanage. He raises her until she is walking and talking and then sends her away to a monastery for safekeeping until marrying age. After many years she finally reaches maturity and he retrieves her from the monastery and marries her. After the wedding they make their way back to his house and into the bedroom where they both prepare themselves for the consummation. They lie down together in his bed and he reaches over for a jar of petroleum jelly. "Why the jelly?" she asks him. "So I don't hurt your most delicate parts during the act of lovemaking," he replies. "Well, why don't you just spit on your wee-wee like the monks did?" ------------- A Priest had been in confessions all day without a break. He really had to take a dump, and his blatter was about to burst because he hadn't been able to relieve himself all day. People kept coming to confess and the line was backed up already and he hated to leave. But he peeked out of his cubicle and signaled the janitor to come over. He asked the janitor to cover for him and gave him the confessions book then sped off in the direction of the bathroom. The janitor was a little bewildered but he went into the cubicle and sat down. A woman came knelt in front of his window and said, "Father I have sinned. I cheated on my husband." The janitor scanned in the book until he found "adultery". He told the woman to say 50 "Hail Mary's" and wash in holy water. Next came a man who told the janitor, "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I had oral sex with another man." The janitor looked and looked but he couldn't find a penance listed for oral sex. He leans out of the cubicle and whispered to an altar boy: "Hey, boy, what does the priest give for oral sex?" With a smile, the boy replied, "Five dollars and a candy bar!"
  21. Otakon's a convention for all sorts of anime ? So what does happen once you get there ? Are there special screenings of anime, sales of dvd's/ soundtracks and all that sort ? I've seen a couple of people on websites dress like their favorite anime characters too. Are you guys gonna be doing that Sledge ?
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