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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/22010733 Another free weekend is coming up. The state of the game has altered a little since the last. Soldier, McCree, Bastion, and Mei had their damage fall off ranges buffed, making the Phara and Mercy combo non existent (thank god). Phara is a lot weaker now, and so is Mercy as her healing was nerfed back to what it was when the game first came out. This means a lot of the lower DPS characters can't be out healed by a pocket mercy. Ana's ult has been buffed, I've been playing a lot more of her when people are willing to Rein up for me. I've enjoyed it immensely. Her and Brigitte are the best support counters to Doomfist and Wreckingball to stop their mobility. Lucio's aura has been buffed to be bigger and his Ult now can cancel out every Ult except D.Va's on 200HP characters. Brigitte has been nerfed since the last go, her shield bash CD is now 7 seconds from the 5 it was. I personally thought the 6 second buff was enough. She's not as powerful as she originally was, but is still effective on the right maps. Moira is still an absolute monster and my favorite character to play. Her healing mist got buffed to regen 20% faster, so you can throw out more death orbs instead of solely relying on your healing orbs to keep the team up. It doesn't seem like much, but I'd say I went from throwing 30/70% death/heal orbs to 60/40%. With McCree back in the meta, it does hurt her ult as he can easily cancel it out with a stun flank. Brigitte was the main counter but you could easily keep your distance from her stun. D.Va is still the best tank by far, and its not even close. Her rocket barrage that was added before the last free weekend has given her the DPS boost she needs to defend herself against high DPS targets, and harass other tanks. With the mobility nerfs to Widow and Hanzo they've seen a downard thrust in play, but I have no doubt no one will experience that next weekend as all the n00b try hards will instantly go for them and get fucking deleted by anyone decent with Zen, Ana, D.Va, Soldier, and even Lucio. Solider and McCree can also harass snipers off their perches with ease now as well. Junkrat is very meta in mid and lower tiers, as a lot of people try max shield bunker on choke point maps like King's Row and Volskaya. He also does work on Brigitte as her smaller shield can't handle his bombs, your trap can snare her shield bash, and his concussion mind can easily be thrown over her defenses.
  2. 1 point

    Battlefield V

    I'm for the spotting changes because I'm a stealth player and I hate how every game has tried their hardest to take away complete map invisibility. I can only imagine how many of my BF deaths came from someone spamming the spot button non stop and picking me up trying to flank around the back of enemy lines.

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