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AC Elite
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Everything posted by gokuDX7

  1. Try drinking nothing but water for a few months. You will loose at least 5 or 10 lbs. I went from 180 to 160lbs in 3 months from just drinking water and eating small snacks every time my tummy starts to growl. By drinking water, you flush out allot of bad stuff that you get by drinking soda or other such drinks.
  2. #lurk has them all. I'll PM you the url.
  3. currently there has been 16 episodes aired so far. Theres supposed to be 26 but if the manga continues then there may be a second season coming. Manga is at a pause though since it changed magazines that it comes out in and wont start releasing new manga till Nov
  4. gokuDX7


    click edit profile then go to options you will then see "My List Signature (Image)" off to the right. You can edit the look of it if you want or you can just add the default one to your sig.
  5. I think the women would follow bumblebee
  6. for god sakes will this clay guy finally die now. Hes like the worst fighter in the whole show yet they drag the SOB fighting for so many chapters and make Sasuke look like a weakling. I'm beginning to get depressed at where this manga is going.
  7. gokuDX7


    You must teach me how! I can't stay up all night anymore, it totally wrecks my week lol. Do you do anime on tape or something? haha
  8. gokuDX7

    Naruto Movie 4

    I don't think he actually dies. hes probably caught in some jitsu or seeing a possible future for himself (could be an attack from one of the new bad guys). They wouldn't just kill the star of the anime before the TV show and manga where finished (although we can all wish it would be renamed to Hinata ).
  9. gokuDX7


    Sledg I made a Club for AC. If you make an account I can make you and lady admins so you can edit the description..etc. Just add me as a friend and message me so I know its you or lady. I added eppytitis as a mod. http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=388 *shakes fist at eppy* You win this round.
  10. gokuDX7


    haha already 550...you bastard! *must start watching and adding more anime* I made the group ancient clan and will make the mods here officers if they want. Being an officer just allows you to delete comments and pics that others have posted.
  11. gokuDX7


    www.myanimelist.net As much as I don't like advertising sites that are not made by me, I have to admit this site is actually useful and easy to use. It's a facebook/myspace copy for anime and manga fans. Basically you register an account, add all the anime and manga you watch or are watching and meet new people wile keeping track of what your watching and showing them your list. It also shows allot of statistics for the people that want to see what the top anime movie, show, ova..etc is for the community. They also sport "groups", almost like clubs. I was thinking Ancient Clan could start one on there to gather more fans . Anyway I figured id post it since its actually useful. If you join add me as a friend. http://myanimelist.net/profile/DeathfireD also heres my anime list http://myanimelist.net/animelist/DeathfireD
  12. gokuDX7

    Naruto Movie 4

    longer more in depth official trailer on the Naruto movie web site. http://www.naruto.com/j/ It also shows most of the new characters that he fights and what "kills" him. The web site takes a few mins to load so just keep it open.
  13. Their showing street fighter II next Monday coming, not highlander. The ads you saw are for the dvd that came out. Tokko is good un-dubbed. But I have to say they did way better then blood+ lol. The show is really good other then that. Right now its pretty slow but it should speed up soon. The ending is also something you could consider unfinished since you can't really tell what the hell happened and they didn't make any OVAs or extensions to the manga so its kind of sad. I would love to see them pick this anime back up again and make another season. PS. read the forums on scifi, they tend to have polls for people to vote on the next anime to be shown. Also don't forget FUSE shows anime on Fridays from 12-1am
  14. I'm not talking about the decoy driver that shows up in the transformers. Watch again when Sam and the girl are in the old car and the girl makes the comment that Bumblebee looks old and crappy. Bumblebee knocks them out in the tunnel, turns around and as hes passing the newer car to scan it no ones in it before or after the scanning takes place lol. I think they messed up on that shot.
  15. anyone else notice that when bumblebee took over the new car, no one was driving it? I laughed so hard when I saw that. In my head I was like "haha wtf, where was the driver and who was driving it before he took over the car".
  16. hey thanks allot Eppy! I didn't know about that site. *starts downloading*
  17. This is one of my new Favorite anime's now. Who doesn't like women with big swords and of course blood and monsters . It sucks that its so short and that it's not done being subbed yet. Anyway, I didn't just make this post to talk about the show. Does anyone know where I can get the manga? I been searching everywhere but can't seem to find it. Much thanks in advance.
  18. 132 was so random.....who saw that soccer game comming?
  19. ya I can see it now "Transformers 2 the rise of ". As cool as he is, that would suck as a movie becuse you know thats what they would do with him. It would be another, omg world is going to be devouring by some villain.
  20. Its pretty good...but very slow. The beginning is not as action packed as other animes. The story is also lacking but gets interesting as each ep comes out. You're probably better off watching it first on FUSE (or download) and then deciding if you should buy it or not. FUSE has shown 4 or 5 eps so far and the show has 23 eps. Every Friday at 12-1. Also on Mondays scifi shows anime from 11-1.
  21. I just saw it and I have to agree with everything Gundam-Ranger-X said.
  22. I wonder why they pushed this out for the next gen consoles. In my opinion it would have been better if it was for PS2. After all the PS3 should theoretically be able to play it if it was a PS2 game. :/ o well.
  23. *giggles* this is for PS3? Wow the graphics make it look like it was for PS2.
  24. gokuDX7

    Naruto Movie 4

    I guess theres a 4th movie coming out in 8-4-07 in japan. trailer(s) found here and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNATiZINvWILooks interesting. Wonder if Naruto finally dies .
  25. ahh ya your right, you cant register anymore but the servers are still up. People with accounts can still play for free now. Damn it they need to set up an English server.
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