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Everything posted by Kuwabara

  1. Kuwabara


    Warrior tool box? What cards are in your deck?
  2. I refuse to stay in that damn closet!!!
  3. Good to be back man, its been like 3 or 4 years... give or take
  4. Kuwabara


    Does anyone play Yugioh, TCG? With current rulings and banlists and all that jive. If so mind telling me what deck you run etc. I run a Harpie Deck.
  5. That's cool and all but personally I want to see the new Renji in action. I mean look how Chad's training with Urahara paid off now imagine a Lt. like Renji who knows how to fight and everything undergoing his training.
  6. I loved it and the new character designs all except Gaara he looked like a pencil necked rodent.
  7. My favorite Gundam momment was in Zeta, when Quattro gave that speach.
  8. Kuwabara


    Is it just me or did Narutomania hit AC? Since my return I've noticed all the Naruto Sigs and Avi's that various members have, even one of the boards style (which I now use) has Gaara and other Naruto styles. And it even got it's own Forum. I like the change and all I just didn't realize Naruto became so popular.
  9. My Favorite fight in the whole series would have to be the battle between the the three Sannin. That shit was intense I mean they weren't even at their full powers yet you could feel the intensity of the bout. Second would have to the brief fight between Kakashi and Itachi.
  10. Kuwabara

    Who are you?

    You are SASUKE! Stylish. Skillful. Sexy. You've never had trouble getting people to notice you even if sometimes you wish they wouldn't. At least you can always feel happy knowing you excel at whatever you try. Now if you could only kill that brother of yours... I wanted Gaara! >.>
  11. Another thing I have to say about that... Girl Friends are EVIL! But the enjoyable Evil. So yeah I think I'll have another chapter this week...end >.>
  12. I agree with that list somewhat... I'm suprised YYH wasn't on their all the VA's were good cept for Kuwa who was more annoying than the Jap VA. And on Naruto I love that catch phrase cracks me up every time! X'D
  13. Hey! I'm on AIM almost everyday >.> Pop me an IM ery now and then, I've grown lazy. KAZUWABARA is the SN
  14. I agree I fucking hate Fukuda for that.
  15. Kuwabara


    Eh, I liked Cagalli during SEED but in Destiny they made her so weak it sucks.
  16. I know, I am just giving something to hold off until the next installment, that was part of the next chapter the beginning anyways.
  17. DX and GRX arrived in the forest about 5 minutes after Lady Dubird rescued the trio. Looking around the X duo knew a battle was held here and by the looks of it lots of blood spill. Looking around GRX spotted the Hellcat as well as Dogmatix, in a flash they were next to the two beasts. “Are they dead?” Gundam Ranger X asked them. Dogmatix shook his head in a no gesture and a snarl escaped DX as he glared at them. Dogmatix lowered his head in shame of not defeating them when he had the perfect change. GRX shook his head in pity knowing what would ensue; DX was going to blow his top again. “Let me get this straight… with all the power you two have, you lost? The Legendary beast from hell lost, why am I not surprised, at this failure?” “Zir vee didz zee bezt vee couldz do.” Hellcat responded to DX, GRX shook a bye bye to HC. DX grabbed the feline by the throat as his free hand began to transform into a blade, Dogmatix let out a low growl but with a glare from DX and the canine’s previous wounds from fighting Strider Matix just laid there. “You have no excuse; if you can’t live to do what you were brought here to do you shouldn’t waste anymore of the air I breathe.” The blade arm was brought across the throat of the feline as its body fell to the ground DX held its head in his hand. “Failure will not be tolerated.” He threw the head right smack at Dogmatix the canine was hit right in the head. “Get him Ranger,” Gundam Ranger’s arms transformed into two barrels as it fired upon a tree, a little cabbit fell out of it. You could tell upon looking at it, it was a girl in her mid teens about 16 years of age. She stood up to about 4’3 on her back legs and looked at the two and was trembling. Deathscythe licked his lips and look at her. “It’s been a while since I had Cabbit…” with saying that she stooped down and hopped up into a three and began to hop for dear life taking great leaps. She now couldn’t see them behind her and suddenly her ears were grabbed by GRX. “We are going to eat you my dear.” He said calmly into her ears. “I’ll kill you swiftly to not cause you pain!” With saying that he was pelted with rocks as the winged Simeon came down from the skies. “Let her go!” Screamed Flying Monkey GRX simply laughed and fired a shot at the Monkey. It wasn’t a big shot so when it hit him he fell to the ground but still conscious his tail wrapped around a tree branch before he fell to the ground. The Cabbit stepped on his foot and he released her, she quickly hopped towards Flying Monkey. “Let’s go I’ll hop as high as I can and you take it from there I hope I am not to heavy.” She leapt into the air and GRX leapt after her he was going to pull her down but she held onto flying Monkey who began to flap his wings and elevated them upwards just out of his grasp. “Eh, I’ll have to wait another day I guess.” He went back towards DX who just finished scolding Dogmatix. “Let’s go see Lord Eppy Ranger” The two as if the wind were now gone from Dogmatix. Kuwabara opened his eyes and he was in a room looking to his left Strider was speaking to Lady Dubird and on his right Dudeman was laying on the bed next to his. “Where are we?”
  18. X'D *Points at Alrek* He's a friend of mine from around they way be cool with him.
  19. Damn... Just when it was getting hardcore they make it fillers.
  20. Yeah you got the name right. Shenlong Wufei's first Gundam... Personally I like Altron better due to the beam cannon it has behind it;s head.
  21. "Believe it!" I love that quote from the dubbed version! Anywho that is quite the coincident...
  22. ; I'm back... *Pulls out pen and paper* I'm back for good this time so expect the next chapter soon! Seriously this time. *Runs from the mob while writing*
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