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    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in God of War   
    Oh yes, there is another weapon in the game you get later. But for a good amount of the game the axe is all you have. Atreus also gets two arrow types that do different things and also solve puzzles. 
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    DeathscytheX reacted to Strider Hiryu in God of War   
    I haven't played it but you do get one more weapon in the game but I won't say what it is since I don't want to ruin it for DX if he hasn't gotten that far yet (I've seen the entirety of the game played through on Twitch). Gotta say I've never been interested in the GoW series but after seeing people play through it on Twitch I might just have to pick this up eventually, the story is extremely fucking good and the game play looks awesome.
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    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in God of War   
    You have a heavy and light runic attack that can be upgraded. It's better to accumulated some before deciding to upgrade them. Each can be upgraded twice and the latter is very expensive XP wise. All of your abilities takes XP. Rather than leveling up, XP is a currency that slowly accumulates. You also have a talisman that does special things upon activation. The one I use instantly refreshes both my runic attacks off cooldown. I haven't found anything that is more beneficial IMO. Runic attacks have 30-80 second CDs depending on what they do. There is also the axe pommel that gives you a passive ability. All of these can be upgraded but the pommel and talisman require those special items off kills I mentioned. There is so much to choose from in the skill ability dept it's really up to you what to do. You can upgrade your axe melee and ranged, spartan rage, shield and barehanded combat, and Atreus. They all have 5 tiers of skills that slowly unlock and you get stronger. 
    Also Runic attacks are found in chests and from defeating enemies. Later you can buy some super powerful ones, I can't afford these yet as they just became unlocked for me. Your HP and rage meters upgrade classically through chests. These chests are generally hidden or require a 3 seal puzzle. You have to find 3 if certain items to grow the meters. The HP meter can also be modified through vitality and dew of the world tree which give random permanent star bonuses of +2. The dew is found mainly through exploring with the boat.
  4. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Lost in Space - Netflix   
    An entertaining watch, but kind of annoying all the way though. Half of the major characters are insufferable, and the story is a never ending series of calamities and inconveniences that amounts to such impossible odds for a string of bad luck.
    Mrs. Robinson is super annoying and comes off as a control freak, later you learn of her plight but by that time you don't care because shes been such a stuck up bitch 1/4th of the series. Will Robinson is a constant fuck up, making tons of annoying mistakes... this doesn't happen until a little later so he's an ok character at first then you just grow to despise him. I think John Robinson, Don West, and Judy Robinson were the only three characters I liked besides the robot. Dr. Smith was an interesting twist on the character, but she's completely unbelievable as so many coincidences fall in her favor in what she is doing. 
    Don't get me wrong, the acting is quite good, I'm sure this is how the characters are suppose to be portrayed... but holy shit I wanted people to die. The special effects were top notch. Only a few times did they falter a little bit in the CG department... nothing as bad as the zipline scene from Punisher.
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    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in God of War   
    Further into this game and I'm blown away with how amazing this game world is. The NPCs make this game hands down. The dialogue is so good, and each character's personality is so different and unique. The voice acting is stellar which is what brings it all together. Top that with the fact that there is no cut scenes, all interactions are  the in game engine. "cut scenes" do still occur, but the camera just moves seamlessly into a new position as the scene plays out, once the scene is finished you resume control of Kratos. Its all one cut and its masterful. I've done 3 boss fights so far, and the last one I just finished was probably the most epic in the games history. I'm glad the QTE's are gone, or done differently in a more interactive way rather than a press this button as it flashes on the screen or you'll suffer type deal. It's killing me I have to go to bed so early with this new job. I have to force myself to quit so I can get some sleep. I'll probably focus on a bunch of side quests tomorrow. I did a few today and which took up 50% of my game time, and then I decided to do some main mission.
    My armor is two tiers below the max I believe, Its like any MMO with Gold, Purple, Blue, and Green. I had green for the longest time and then I crafted some blue... and then when I thought that was good, purple and now gold appear. These don't really drop, and if they do, they're shit stats and perks. Basically just merchant fodder. The good stuff needs to be crafted, and to craft it they require certain materials that come from certain places or enemies... hard enemies. You can't just go cut down a bunch of trash mobs, you have to seek out challenging encounters to collect these things. Luckily only 1 kill is really needed for any one piece as these types of fights drop the materials in bunches, and if they don't then the piece only requires 1 of whatever it is. So you might get lucky and get to craft 2-3 from one kill.
  6. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in God of War   
    So far this game in incredible. The story is freaking amazing and has me nerding out over all the nice surprises and twists they've done with Norse mythology. I'll be curious to see how the more casual fans react to this entry into the series. Gone are the days of mashing X, Square, and Triangle mindlessly. You have to be calculating in this game. Dodge and blocks are very important as quite a few enemies can one shot, or stun lock you to death with a 2-3 hit combo. Checkpoints are super forgiving so you often might find yourself entering the same room 2-3 times or more depending on your skill level to figure out the best way to survive an encounter. Combat feels brutal as where enemies can one shot you... you can one shot them if you are patient, and are good with timing. Once you unlock enough abilities on the tree, Kratos has quite a few wind up/big blow hits that will take down some of the mid to hard tier enemies fast. Also, you can normally tell when an enemy is going for a one shot kill. Each attack a monster does will either ping yellow or red before the strike... this only happens for a brief second, but its enough time to dodge out of the way. If it pings red, you better dodge or you'll die. Later in the game you have the option to buy Revive stones, but I haven't really needed them and they cost too much when I'm trying to upgrade my gear. Spartan Rage is an amazing ability which is basically a berserk  meter. For the duration of the meter you have rapid big damage fist attacks and slams. You regen health every hit, but you are not invincible, just more durable. You can cancel for a sizable cost of the meter, and it takes a good while to build up. So it is best saved for groups of harder enemies, or big enemies like Trolls and Ogres. 
    While the game is amazing, its gameplay mechanics are not perfect. My biggest gripe is the auto targeting is wonky at times. Ill be setting up a combo on something only for Kratos to start swinging at the air because he locked on to another monster further away. It doesn't happen too much, but it is an issue. The game tries to give you warning arrows on incoming attacks from behind, but sometimes the camera gets in too close to where you can't see them, and if its something that can one hit you, then you're gonna die pretty much. On the dialogue part, everything is very entertaining. My only complaint is that some of the interesting banter gets needlessly interrupted. Mostly when you are in a boat, Atreus and Kratos have conversations, but when you dock, Kratos stops and tells Atreus its time to focus or something. In a game that is 50% exploring/puzzle solving and 50% combat, its kind of needless that he can't finish the story or thought until next time you get into the boat again. I've learned to just sit there by the dock until the story is done and then get off. 
  7. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in June 11th Is Coming.   
    Pretty much. Mediacom and Comcast are the only two "good" providers in this area. They don't operate in the same area, so you can only get one or the other based on where you live in the city. The only other options are shitty U-Verse... which is slow and unreliable and a company called Hughesnet which is satellite internet that will go out during any kind of inclement weather.  Its been that way ever since I've lived here. I remember years ago when Mediacom internet would go out even if it was a light drizzle so maybe it is their servers... even though it doesn't happen anymore, I doubt it. I just know the data caps came with the passing of Net Neutrality.... and as we speak I see the light on my PS4 external HDD going nuts... God of War is preloading so now we def went over the limit.
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    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in June 11th Is Coming.   
    It will be interesting to see what happens, but I doubt much will change for years if at all. If anything so called "Net Neutrality" did nothing to protect me from paying more for internet. Instead of capping certain sites and services, Mediacom and Comcast just capped all of it here once it went into effect 3 or so years ago. So the internet got worse in my case. We've had to constantly upgrade our package to support more bandwidth because we kept going over our limit. It started at 250GB a month, and now we're at 400GB, and since I've done nothing but stream during my time off with this new job, I've almost cross the threshold with 10 days left on the billing cycle. They add another $20 to your bill every 50gb you go over. TBH I could go for a Stream & Game only package and use my phone to read articles and use social media and wouldn't mind it if it saved me money. Then again that won't happen because we live in a somewhat free market society, and competition dictates what the market will be like so long as they all don't merge into less companies than there already are. Google fiber will hopefully be in my state soon now that they're building a facility a few hours from my city.
    I have little faith in the government passing laws that benefit us anymore, it doesn't matter what party is in charge, they're all in it for the same purpose, and its not to help you. It's to make money. They slap a propaganda term on a law so people will fall for it, and we're stuck with the shit results. We're taxing sodas, and shutting down little kids front yard lemonade stands because they don't have a vendor license... If you would have told me that's what the world was going to be like 10 years ago, I would have laughed at you and called you paranoid.
  9. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in The Walking Dead Season 8 Discussion   
    They spent more time duping the comic readers this season than anything. The whole dream sequence with old rick and his cane was a play on the comic. At the end of All out War, Negan breaks Rick's leg in the fight causing permanent damage, he has that exact hairstyle and beard. They also made it looks like Negan was dead for a good 30 seconds for dramatic effect. It would have made sense now that Carl is dead though. The whole plot device to having Negan in a cell was because Carl would often come and talk to him as if Negan was his mentor. I'm surprised they'll pay JDM just to rot in a cell outside of some forced scenes. I know he does some other stuff later in the comic, but I haven't gotten that far as I'm waiting for Compendium 4 to come out before I start reading. Also Eugene escaped from the Saviors fairly quickly and went back to making bullets for Alexandria. The whole off site facility was never a thing as him and Abraham brought the machinery back to Alexandra when they found it. The way Denise died was how Abraham died in the comics, and Dwight became the leader of the Saviors post Negan. Oceanside wasn't a thing, and was so lame on the TV series... all they did was throw Molotovs at some randos.   WTF they wasted all that scene time trying discovering them, escaping, and then going back to convince them to join the fight for such a small impact.
    It sounds like Maggie is going to get into an arms race with everyone else or something. This next season or two will probably be filler arcs. The whole animosity between Maggy and Rick never happens in the comics. I honestly don't know how Jesus could go along with an underhanded plan. The lady in the van is also a character that happens much later in the comics... I don't know much about her either but I know she showed up recently... that's a long game cameo they pulled for some reason.
    Negan is still the biggest baddest villain TWD ever has had, and I doubt they'll ever top it. I think the show has peaked at this point, I'd be surprised if it lasted another 3 seasons unless they can somehow pull a Vikings and revitalize the story. They need to move on past Carl, he was getting too old for the part, and I called his death like 2 seasons ago. If Rick died, the show would be over. Its not like Rangar's many sons, there is pretty much no one else that can lead this show forward other than Andrew Lincoln. As much as I like Maggie, she's no Lagertha, not even close. The cast is way too bloated still. I was hoping Tara died because shes a huge annoyance and not a very good actor IMO, Henry should have died, Gregory will eventually die, Daryl can die too for all I care. Hes just become an emo always pissed off pointless character. They pretty much ruined him after he got caught and listened to Easy Street a million times. I have my suspensions that not many will die until the next villain, and if that is the case, it better happen by next season finale otherwise this show will get super stale.   
    With that being said..
  10. Like
    DeathscytheX reacted to Strider Hiryu in Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory   
    Oh yeah, you better get hyped because this season looks like shit is going to ramp up exponentially (yea, since I watch subs I already got to watch the first ep on CR). All I have to say is I'm so fucking glad the wait is over (a friend of mine has read the novels and has been spoiling shit for me for years so I'm finally happy to get to watch it).
  11. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory   
    May 6th is the official starting date for the Simuldub!!!!!!!!!!!! HYPE!
  12. Like
    DeathscytheX reacted to Sledgstone in The Titan   
    Lol. My comment summarized the entire movie in 2 sentences.  Overall it was good movie, but no real rewatch value to me. In the end I don't see how anyone could consider this the survival of the human race when the end result is something so completely alien that the society this species would create would be absolutely nothing similar to humanity as it is now. They also never covered reproduction.. it wasn't just some pills and shots, they had numerous surgeries. I'm guessing the end result would be the titan species being able to reproduce, but I don't recall them ever stating that. I also find it odd that they have the resources to send people to titan but not the resources to go harvest asteroids or other planets for materials and resources to try and keep earth sustainable.
  13. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in SOLO: A Star Wars Story   
  14. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Ready Player One   
    This movie was a blast. All the call backs and cameos made this movie what it is for sure, as the story has its generic moments. The premise is solid, the love angle is cheese, but honestly I think it works because it's actually as corny as an 80s-90s movie at times. They did a great job of mixing a metric shit ton of cameos for all generations since the 70's at least. It comes at you so fast that the ones you don't get or miss just meld in with the story. My eyes were frantically searching the screen for any little hints I could find. The KRULL glaive made a super subtle appearance that was so quick, if you didn't know what it was, you wouldn't have gotten it because it wasn't a dramatic whip out and look at it before throwing it... but it was my favorite small cameo. The big one I'll save for the spoiler tag as it was a big moment in the film.
    The end result is you basically have a futuristic action packed version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with a villain. Sorrento's avatar was great too, it was never shown in the trailers and I never read the book so I don't know if it's the same thing. The profanity was pretty wild for a PG-13 film though. I guess TWD's Negan has made the constant use of the word "shit" an ok standard because they said it a lot along with the one allowance of the F bomb.
  15. Like
    DeathscytheX reacted to Strider Hiryu in Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory   
    You must of forgot about it, the 4th season was announced like 6 or 7 months ago. I definitely can't wait, since Funi has the Simuldub that means Crunchy should have the sub streaming rights.
  16. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory   
    OMG! I didn't even know about this, or I forgot about it. But it just popped on my new Simuldub season list for Funimation!!! I'm so hyped!!!
  17. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Pacific Rim Uprising   
    The story was cliche, but the action was awesome. Still worth seeing IMO.
  18. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Into the Badlands Season 3   
    Season two was just put up on Netflix for those not caught up. This seasons seems to have the biggest budget yet! Oh and The Widow...
  19. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Strider Hiryu in Battlefront II   
    No Strider, we'd just get constantly false reported for cheating if they had Ace Combat controls. Our match K/D would almost resemble Boba Fett campers in Battlefront 1.
  20. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Battlefront II   
    DICE has never been able to put together decent flight controls, and on top of that they've never been able to have consistent flight controls. BF1 was the only game I've ever been able to be somewhat proficient in flying, but I'm sure trying to fly Zeros, Mustangs, Bf 109s, and Spitfires are going to be totally different in BF5.  
  21. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Myk JL in Deadpool 2   
  22. Like
    DeathscytheX reacted to Sledgstone in Cobra Kai (Karate Kid Sequel/Spinoff)   
    I hope this guy gets his revenge after all these years.

  23. Like
    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in Cobra Kai (Karate Kid Sequel/Spinoff)   
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    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Sledgstone in The Titan   
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    DeathscytheX got a reaction from Khellendross in YT thread   
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