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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. So long as they never put a joy stick at the bottom center.
  2. There is a lot to digest here. The current product Why wait to the end of the generation to make this? I have my thoughts on that later. Its interesting, but I have questions about it's ergonomics. That being said, this is a step in the right direction. Xbox has had its elite controller for years now. A $30 add on is nice rather than a $200 controller. Scuf and Cinch are great concepts but the quality is notorious. These 3rd party companies take a controller and mod it for you. Its not original hardware, its stuff compiled on top of the DS4's hardware, making it do things it wasn't originally intended to do. The paddles and buttons fail after less than a year. For the price you pay its unacceptable, but for the convenience it provides, people pay up. Nacon and Astro makes controllers but they're not faithful to the DS4 design, and are often large, clunky, and cheap feeling. With something made by Sony for their product I'd hope this lasts. But I have a feeling this will drain your battery even faster. Again, why? I have a feeling this is just a test run, or a preview. Maybe this OLED screen on the back is what is actually on the front of the DS5? Maybe the DS5 has programmable back buttons? Maybe they're trying to perfect the DS5 version by putting this out there? Scuf isn't exactly competition right now, They're paying Sony for a licenses to be the official "pro" controller of PS4. But Sony could make way more money with this accessory if its a success, or moreso with their official controller next gen. Should you get this? It depends. This is a niche accessory. If you're playing mostly single player games don't bother. If you like to play FPS and want to be super sweaty? I couldn't recommend looking into this enough. Having back buttons is a huge advantage. Being able to reload and jump without ever taking your thumb off the right stick is something you won't be able to live without once you taste it for the first time. And if you're the ultimate MLG pro try hard, this thing has 3 profiles that you can swap on the fly. Scuf will charge you an extra $15 for a similar feature that you need a weird tool to adjust and can't be done on the fly mid game. This is the evolution of the controller we need. Not motion sensors, game functional screens, touch pads, or light bars. More buttons that can be programmed the way you want them to be.
  3. I've got a feeling you'll be disappointed. MS is the biggest software maker in the world, they know software better than Sony ever will. Full backwards compatibility across every generation is going to be the one thing they have over Sony. PS5 will at best be able to play all PS4 games and maybe some PS3 games. I doubt they ever planned to have anyone pop a copy of Twisted Metal 2 or Warhawk into their PS5 to play it. They haven't really done a lot of backwards compatibility because they don't really know how to program it. The first PS3s had PS2 guts jammed in them to make them backwards compatible. I remember playing some PS2 games on my friends newer PS3 and the bugs and graphical glitches were crazy. If you read between the lines though, for the majority of consumers its a feature thats more for bragging rights. The amount of people that will really pop in their Xbox and 360 games is minimal compared to those playing new games or even Xbone/PS4 games. Its a nice feature that SHOULD be there, but at the end of the day its not what's going to sell consoles. I'll be very disappointed if my digital library isn't available. Sony stands to gain money from last gen titles. Seeing as you can still see PS3 games in the PS store, PS5 users would be inclined to spend money on older last gen (single player) games if they're on sale. I just read an article that said PS5's launch titles will not be cross generational. Which I assume points towards the last PS4 titles that pop before PS5 will be playable on PS5 without the necessity of having it be an PS5 title. But having no cross gen launch titles is a big plus for me. I don't want the first 6 months of titles to be just upscaled PS4 games. Give us those games that can only run off SSD drives.
  4. Its just a PC tower with a disc drive and a green glowy top. looks like something from ibuypower tbh. I'm on board with PS5 just because I've always been a console gamer first and foremost. It honestly could be even uglier and I wouldn't care as long as the games are good, which in itself are few and far between. My biggest concern with PS5 is these mock ups of screens on the DS5... please no. I remember when I was much younger being super hype about that type of stuff, but now I'm old and grumpy. The damn DS4's battery life is utter shit compared to anything I've ever used. I don't want screens or lights on my controller. It wastes battery and makes it more expensive to replace. No one has successfully reinvented the controller yet. Nintendo failed multiple times, and they stopped making steam controllers from what I've heard.
  5. Oh man you can have Ichiya in the party?!?!?! I might have to get it now.
  6. I'm only posting this because the graphics are so bad. LMAO! This is 2000's level movie game bad.
  7. LOL, this is the only trailer I've ever seen where the gameplay part of the footage makes the cinematic stuff look like trash.
  8. That was... interesting.
  9. DeathscytheX


    Godfall is the first PS5 game announced. It will be a PS5 and PC exclusive. I guess Gearbox has some serious GARO fans because this screams GARO without the licensing.
  10. Sony made the first announcement, but MS makes the first reveal. The Next Generation kicks off next holiday season.
  11. Looks neat. Kinda feels like Stranger Things: Ghostbusters Edition.
  12. While I agree the 725 is still OP, the M4 doesn't need a nerf. Meh, its just this games M16/FAMAS/ACR/UMP45 etc. It's a jack of all trades gun, but it doesn't have the TTK of the AK or Oden. Anyone with better aim is going to beat the M4 9/10 times, and those same players aren't dumb enough to challenge long range with these weapons. People have moved away from the camping double claymores. Of course I don't play TDM, but it was prevalent in Domination and Headquarters. Less so now I guess that people unlocked their camo challenges and what not and people have started playing the game. I still don't love FPS as much as I use to, but I enjoy a few hours here and there. I use to be able to sit in front of the TV for 12 hours straight and never get tired of it. The Battle Pass system is pretty good as it is now. Apparently in BO4 they started out good and got shitty soon after. We'll see how it goes. There are 100 tiers That will take you 200 hours to complete. I think the first 80 are free? I could be wrong but it goes up to a certain amount and then you have to buy a battle pass upgrade to get the last however many tiers. These last tiers are cosmetic only, and you can choose to buy at any given time instead of the start. That way if you're a dedicated player but you ran short on time one season due to personal life issues, you don't have to spend your COD points to upgrade if you know you wont make it all the way through the tiers. The 2 weapons will take about 20 hours to get someone calculated as they're both sub 30 tier. Basically it takes longer to get to the max soft cap rank 55 than to obtain these weapons so I feel like thats pretty fair. The question is what will they do when the season is over? Will they sell them individually if you missed out on the free period? Basically you don't have to spend a dime and just play an hour a day for 2 months to get the weapons is what it breaks down too. People are still complaining about that, but if you aren't playing MP for at least 20 hours in 2 months why did you even buy this game? If you're an ultra hard core COD fan, you can grind out the whole battle pass and get more COD points than you put into it and buy the next one with your earnings. So in theory if all you do is play COD you won't have to spend any money outside of the season 1 battle pass premium purchase. All of this sounds too good to be true for Activision The store is where they decided to be douchebags. They have cosmetic bundles that are around $15-20 each. They come with an operator skin, weapon charm, some stickers, a blue print (a gun skin), and maybe a calling card or emblem. The price isn't the issue, the issue is you can only see what they show you, and if you want more options you have to buy a bundle for a new one to appear in that spot. Apparently they rotate out every 24 hours, but you could be waiting days or weeks to get the one you want. Impatient people will spend a ton of money just to get the one they want to rotate into the store. I mean more power too them, but it seems like thats a small minority of players. They'd make more money just letting people pick whatever they want overall and the whales are gonna whale regardless. I think XclusivelyAce, without mentioning it directly, noticed that patent matchmaking in affect. COD has Score Based Match Making... basically trying to keep you at a 50% W/L 1.0 KDR. People hate it and IW has refused to acknowledge its there.... honestly git gud though. I've started tearing off some 38-6's 21-4's here and there. Its possible, its just not gonna be every match. Anyways Ace basically stated once he bought a bunch of skin bundles he noticed he started getting lobbies with scrubs that were oblivious to any type of map awareness and he was just stomping people into the ground. Basically he was put into less skilled lobbies so people could see his bling in their kill cams. The game isn't perfect, but I think is pretty enjoyable. It's better than anything I've played since Black Ops 2, but it doesn't quite beat anything before that.... except MW3... that was utter trash.
  13. I'm really hyped for this. The first one was super enjoyable even though the end was mad cheese. Hopefully they don't do that this time. Gal Gadot is so pretty and kicks ass. They really couldn't have picked a better actor for this role.
  14. It's been a minute since an anime made me laugh as hard as this scene. Probably because I can relate as a kid doing this in PE.
  15. This series never fails to deliver such beautiful music. I'm glad they stuck with S1's opener as rare as that is these days. But this ED is so good.
  16. Lets take a moment of appreciation for how utterly bad ass Maki's fight was on this weeks Fire Force. Same dude Arthur struggled with. That rig Vulcan set her up with is wicked. I'm really not ready for season 1 to end. Same with Dr. Stone. Both totally different series with outstanding world building. Its gonna feel a bit empty when they're done. MHA will probably start picking up steam soon though. Stars Align has been a nice surprise, and Azur Lane is totally my guilty pleasure this season. XD XD *ahem* But I digress.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      When I logged in this morning my first thought when I got Belfast was "DX is going to lose his shit". Seems I was right XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      I did. XD I already stripped a few other ships of their better gear, and making her hit the books while I commission her up to par. XD I got Noshiro today off my daily builds so I have everything from the event. I was saving my currency in case she didnt drop on the last day but now I was able to buy the last SR catmander and fill my oil reserves after being stuck in the 900-1000s the last few days. I'll buy everything else before its over with. 

    3. DeathscytheX


      All I can say is goddamn, Belfast is a monster. Despite changing only a few things around in my 2 main fleets she already in the 90s in rank, passing everyone except Enty and Portland. Shes MVP every single time. Which btw Portland Retrofit... wtf? Shes about to pass Enty hogging all the MVP glory in Fleet 1.  Fleet 1 is Eagle Union and Fleet 2 is Royal. Illustrious is clutch with the shielding as if Bel's smoke screen wasn't powerful enough. I'm missing a lot of Sakura and Iron Blood still as far as elites and SRs go. I got Atago but no Takao... which I'm tempted to buy that super adorable skin for her they just put up. I just need 1 more star for Z23 and Laffey to get Ayanami. The SR Bulin thing is killing me right now. I just spent medals to get one, I guess I need to clear more stages but its getting to the point where I'm not powering through as easily. I made it to 8-1 yesterday, but I'm spending my oil on dailies and Hard missions this week since 3X Core started today. Plus I run 3-4 a couple times a day hoping that Kaga or Akagi will drop eventually. I need to Max Yuki and probably Atago since the challenges have been the same so far for their individual missions. 

      Also, those weekly maintenance and random user benchmark rewards are pretty clutch. I guess its just my luck. I needed oil badly last week and they topped me off. And then the skill books from the user count was something I needed reaaal bad because I was about to run out. I'll pretty much feed them that $7.99 every 30 days for that trade package too so long as they keep my interest. I'm a t3 carrier part and a bulin away from Saratoga's retrofit (uuugh I want her Pop Idol skin!!) and I'll probably work on Hammann and Warspite or Sandy next.

      I dunno if its my lack of ship diversity right now, but damn they can be real douches on Hard mode. Like the fleet requirements deny all my synergy. They make sure to keep Indy and Portland apart. Poor Atago had to take a beating for 6-3 because she was locked in at level 80 until I could limit break her again, and her gear isn't really the best right now. XD

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  17. I've been wanting to play the Titanfall 2 campaign.
  18. So after a little experimentation. Story mode will def let anyone play this game all the way through without much of a hassle besides being constantly staggered if you refuse to follow the rules of combat. You can still die, it will just take an idiot level of suck to not grasp the concept. That being said, once you get deep into the skill tree the game becomes significantly more easy on normal minus the last two characters you have to fight for real, as the final "boss" is just a sequence of things that made for a true grand finale ending that I found to be unique and awesome. But back to the force powers. Pull is everything. Most enemies, even some resistant to force push can be pulled and one shotted with your saber as long as you have enough on the force meter to do so. There are times this game throws things at you that require you to string different abilities together with a certain mix of enemies. Like having 2 shock troopers, a imperial droid, and two imperial drones. You can pull the drones too you, hack them with BD-1, and they will shoot at the enemies that really are a tough combo to deal with otherwise. There are also random bounty hunters that look like Leia when she infiltrated Jabba's palace in RoTJ, they are sometimes accompanied by a battle droid. Most of these are optional bosses that are off the beaten path, or in places you already visited. They don't respawn when you rest, as they're unique enemies. After beating this game, I'd place it in my top 3 behind KOTOR and Jedi Outcast. It could have been #2 if a few things would have been a bit different. One, the combat style just wasn't my thing. Sure for bosses, but for everything, it was a little stressful.. enough that I couldn't marathon the game. I'd play a planet and put it down for a day. Its definitely not a sit back and relax type of game. While the story was amazing, the pacing kinda went off track near the end. You pick up one of the most interesting crew members and then you're at the end with one more location to visit. I feel like that was a lost opportunity as her dialogue was really good and seemed to be a character worth investing more with, but instead it was rushed and the emotions shared the rest of the time felt forced. Once I mastered the combat, the game can be marred by camera and frame rate issues that will cause you to fall off a side, during a jump or slide puzzle which takes some of your HP away until you die. So you can easily waste stim canisters healing yourself from something thats not combat. And if you're not playing on Story, stims are precious and its aggravating to have to waste one becasue the camera is wonky and making you miss a vine or a turn. Basically, if the game wold have been a little bit longer with more casual combat (Like God of War PS4 level) outside of bosses, It would have been perfect to me. If you like Star Wars its definitely worth the pick up. Per usual the stories told outside of the movies are better than the movies. If they make another one I'll def pick it up.
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