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Strider Hiryu

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Everything posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. Meh, I never got interested in the franchise when it first came out with the original and just never really found a reason to since (I'm generally not into the God of War type game). I've meant to go back and play it but considering my PS2 is on it's deathbed (alas my poor baby, I shall miss it when it goes), I'm broke and can't afford a PS3, and I generally hate buying used games I'll probably never get around to playing it. And yes, I know I've bought and played Dante's Inferno and it's basically a God of War ripoff (or for that matter a DMC ripoff) it's my first real jaunt into this type of gameplay (and I actually enjoy DI, tis a fun game even if it takes many liberties from the original poem).
  2. There's a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka sitting in the freezer and that makes up my liquor cabinet (I'm too poor for booze and I need booze ). That should be remedied by the end of March with that bottle of Brennivin I'll be ordering. I drink when I can afford to drink and generally that's once every 3-4 months (I used to, before moving to Arizona, drink every night after work because of how stressful it was). I usually only get hammered on special occasions or when I go home to see family and friends.
  3. They cut out the dual audio on the game to fit it on one disc, originally it was supposed to have both an English dub and the original Japanese audio. I shall now step out as I have never played God of War and have no intention of doing so in the near future
  4. I don't know what to say GG but good god thats so wrong
  5. What snow? I haven't seen any damn snow down here. Yea yea I know Flagstaff got hit but I call shenanigans on this because I see no snow in the Phoenix/Tempe area. Damn I miss snow (something I thought I'd never say)
  6. X'D Sir I do think you won the internet with that one
  7. I'm reviving a dead topic, yay trendsetter me So I finally got around to dling and starting season 2 (only two eps in) and I actually like it so far. I actually do not like the new girl as of now and am pissed Ashley is dead. Happy the Big Guy didn't die though (I so would of been pissed). Was sorta cool to see Druit (sp?) going all two blade sword fighting at that one point and that small security force was pretty pimp (seriously a troll in the mix was awesome) and I think that's only in the UK Sanctuary (the main one seems to have other security details) and that elemental was pretty pimp. Gah, I digress. I'll go into more detail on my thoughts as I watch more into it but as of now I'm liking it.
  8. I'm loving it so far and my only gripes coincide with yours (with the ammo system really pissing me off, only 12 shots with the M-98 Widow pisses me off. Seriously I'm an Infiltrator and I live off of my Sniper Rifle, 12 shots doesn't cut it my friends). The class changes, however, I'm absolutely loving. The special powers each class gets make the game more interesting (especially Tactical Cloak for Infiltrators). The story this time around is so much better as well, I've really been enjoying it (especially since the game is practically made for you to go Renegade, god I love the interrupts). I'm especially enjoying the characters you recruit to help you, the new ones really add to the overall enjoyment I'm getting out of the game (especially Grunt, he's freaking hilarious when you get him talking about killing things). The new romance options are also interesting (especially with the people you can pursue). I've heard most people are disappointed with the ending (I'll see it by weeks end after I get caught up on homework, I've only got like 2 story missions till I complete the game along with 1 person left to recruit and 2 loyalty missions to do) and how it basically guarantees a 3rd game (however I hear the end fights are pretty fun). I'll post more once I get around to beating it as I've really only experienced 2/3rd's of the game.
  9. Meh, it looks ok but you can't have the A-Team without the original cast. My roommate and I had a huge conversation about it after we saw the trailer during The Book of Eli and we just can't figure out why they're doing this. Then again it is Hollywood and they have no realization that you shouldn't remake an already great classic. Plus the A-Team is not A-Team without Mr. T.
  10. Sorry for the double post I absolutely love this show, watched the first ep and it's freaking amazing. I love the character development. I'm actually interested to see what SyFy does with it now.
  11. Meh, effects ruin some shows sadly (especially ones that the characters drive forward) but I will admit a lot of Brit series lack good effects. I downloaded up to recent last night so I'll probably be watching it tonight (after some Mass Effect 2 action). The sad thing about SyFy redoing it is it will most likely turn into those type of shows, replacing the characters drive with whats sexy and appealing (which is sad really, almost every show over here suffers from that stigma). I have yet to see True Blood (no interest in it really) or Vamp Diaries (again no real interest) but I do have friends who love the shows and watch them religiously (only for that reason I'm afraid). We shall see how it turns out, I'm more worried about watching the original now (and getting caught up) especially after everything you've said. Makes it sound extremely interesting.
  12. Considering every other British show that has had a remake in the US has totally sucked I'm sure this will too (though I will now have to look into getting this show, sounds interesting and I do so love British shows (damn you guys and your making of Spooks (MI-5 over here), I'm waiting for Netflix to put seasons 5-7 on instant queue so I can watch them)). Generally speaking SyFy itself has gone downhill since the name change (while I was home for Christmas I got my first taste of it as I don't have cable TV) so I'm actually afraid of them getting their hands on something thats good without a remake.
  13. They never actually show him dieing in the first game, everyone just assumed he died in the canon ending (a.k.a the good ending, plus Lucas wants to draw as much money out of this franchise as he possibly can). Meh, either way I have mixed feeling about this. For one the first game wasn't that great, fun but rather disappointing. I'm just curious as to where this one is going to take us.
  14. Rewatched GitS:SAC and Gits:SAC 2nd Gig about 2 weeks ago Rewatched R.O.D. TV and Aria the Animation last week before my vacation ended Finished Darker than BLACK: Gemini of the Meteor last week as well Always watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood as it comes out (though a few eps behind at the moment due to vacation) and trying to keep up with Kobato and Tegami Bachi (also a few eps behind due to vacation and a few other things) Plan on rewatching Aria the Natural, Aria the Origination, and Aria the OVA here over the next few weeks as well as catching up on some backed up anime Yea that should be the current status of my anime watching
  15. As Khell said every 3 months depending on use and filtering it through a PUR filter makes it taste damn good (brita filtered water tastes weird to me for some reason). I just buy a crap ton of bottled water as Arizona tap water makes me sick.
  16. As far as I know the parents and I are going to a ritzy (for ND standards) restaurant with some family friends to have dinner and drink. Don't exactly know if anything else is on the menu for tonight. All I know is I plan on getting completely f'ed up as it's been well over a year since I last partied and well over 6 months since I've last drank.
  17. Merry Christmas! Meh, no presents or family visits. Just laundry, watching A Christmas Story,and packing. I get to fly back to the great white north tomorrow night.
  18. That's freaking awesome. I wouldn't even call him a douche, it's even payback in my opinion.
  19. Crack in a can, a.k.a. Amp (oh so good)
  20. Meh, Magna Carta 2 is alright (battle system needs a little work imo but the game is alright story wise (though Juto needs a kick in the balls)). SO4 is an awesome game, only wish I was further in it (everytime I play it my XBox either fries or I get caught up in something).
  21. Bah, Enchanted Arms was a joke and KUF was sad for an RPG (and don't get me started on Fable 2). Star Ocean 4 isn't exclusive anymore Epples: http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=76053
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