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Everything posted by Ladywriter

  1. Seriously you guys, ya dun know what it means to me to have entertained you with my story. I haven't actually finished a piece since Leigh's World in 1993. I wrote the end and then it happened to my friend Shannon-and it wasn't supposed to be her- and I could do no mo. Spooky Mulder story, wont bore ya with the details, lets just say not finishing things became the norm for me (Sorry all you Battle for Freedom guys, I'll hook ya up later ). I think the english teacher and the shrink in my head are apeased, even though I still spell worth crap I thank good ol Steve-a-rino for his "just sit down and fuckin do it chelle" voice in my head and arigato Sesshomaru for being so tolerant of my minipulations I just wanted to write a good story that my dudes (most of the ppl that read my crap are guys) would be able to see it happening in their head as they read it. Visualization and being drawn into the story are big things for me. There is no point in writing something that is so crappy ppl go.. wtf is this??? I cant wait to get it to Pat he is my #1 (ANNIE!) fan. has been for about a decade I hooked him with Scream loooong ago. Just happy I could finish something for a change. Happier still that other ppl could understand my dribble! btw... I checked tonight. My Sessy story is as long as RH and the Shawshank Redemption!
  2. okay then Sanji is mine *plans the double date*
  3. If its too good I'll get may ass sued for copywrite infingement I'm just glad the story was entertaining
  4. usually the ideas for sigs hit me while I'm watchin the show. I haven't been making sigs no where near as long as Dubie!
  5. well, i can see it in my head can't you yer such a sweetie
  6. thanx guys. Writing Odoku was fun. ya never know what crazy ppl are gonna do in a fight Inuyasha and Odoku are more "salt of the earth" characters so their fight was a bit more gruesome. Sessy and Azuki are more noble characters thus the future of their kind and clan was the focus of their duel. Ha! Rin finally has a big happy family. Her cuteness kills me
  7. I remember sort ofish some of these eps I cant wait to watch them while awake
  8. how beat down is Question? He and Huntress seem to be right in the middle of this plot.
  9. he actually did the planting... thats about it
  10. fin. The Scarlet Field Of Can'-Ka No Rey http://www.windscar.com/fanfiction/doc/The%20Scarlet%20Field%20Of%20Can'Ka.doc Christmas in Central Park [Epilouge] http://www.windscar.com/fanfiction/doc/Christmas%20in%20Central%20Park.doc
  11. this gets so overlooked. Me, I just love an anti-hero.
  12. I dig ya Dubie, new characters are still kinda fluid untill ya know what they're really capeable of
  13. Keh! hes just lucky i let him have plants out there. Its not like he did any of the work to make the beds or weed or.... *sigh*
  14. I would think that rpg chara outlines would be pretty good, knowing all the verious attacks up front and whatnot
  15. Sledge kept bitchin my tunes were putting him to sleep I was listening to some of the softer Inuyasha tracks and some Led Zep. Tangerine repeatedly working on the Sessy story
  16. A lot of good questions in the profile. When I create a complicated character, someone we're all gonna ride the bus with for a while, a great deal of those questions do get answered. I usually start with a cluster of notes and odd ass ideas and then through diolouge or the person thinking shit to themself other traits are revealed. I work em like Eddie makin a key out of a block of wood With some characters, I leave some discriptive details sort of up in the air so the reader can have the final say on what the person looks like.
  17. Do you leave the tv on behind you or listen to music while you're working on something? Usually I have the tv on when I'm working on graphix, sometimes music tho. I listen to music when I'm writing. The music varies depending on the piece.
  18. the poppys are beautiful. the moss rose is getting huge. I've added a couple more plants; another lavender my 2 are doing so awsome. I'll get pics.
  19. but thats what makes it so funny X'D I guess its just me I find it hillarious
  20. how can I not love the NY accent!!! Hey- I'm from New York
  21. Ladywriter

    Forum Rules

    Room 4 is a place for writers and artists to discuss projects that they are working on, ask questions relavant to the piece, and get advice from other writers and artists. Do not post finished works in Room 4, that is what Fandom Wonderland Graphix forums are for. If you're stuck on something, excerpts are acceptable, but lets try to avoid throwing 100 pages of text into one post please.
  22. smut for the sake of smut is pretty pointless. I don't read anything w/o an actual plot or point.
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