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Everything posted by Ladywriter

  1. Bill O'Riely got away with his Tiller the baby killer campaign that led to Dr Tiller being gunned down in church by a fox news fan Sarah Palin will also get away with her target list and reload bullshit
  2. Oil Spill Commission Assigns Blame for BP Disaster
  3. I don't usually bother but this year ciggys are going bye bye Pikachu is getting house trained I'll do my best to spread positive atheism and assist in the de-conversion of those in need of support (I know leaving religion isn't too hard but giving up a personal deity can be depressing at first) and take no shit and no prisoners!! you?
  4. its really such a double edged sword. If we have come to this level of advanced tech before, wtf happened to us? Did we abandon earth and colonize elsewhere? maybe we're the ancient aliens... The environment killed us off? volcanism, climate hell courtesy glaciation, unpleasantries from space ... Or did we kill each other off? War, bio-warfare, religious cult death pacts....
  5. Discovered in Israel, the finding challenges conventional wisdom that Homo sapiens originated in Africa it still baffles me that as old as we are we didn't decide to flush turds away until a few thousand years ago .....
  6. photons love to be 2 places at once lol I wish Einstein and Hawking could get together for tea
  7. Rig owner refuses to honor oil spill subpoenas if thats how Trans wants to play this shit I say we ban their co from American territory 4ever
  8. people disappoint, they rarely live up to our expectations. the higher the pedestal we put them on the bigger the splat when they fall. I'm glad that you can move on now. It will get better and you'll find someone worth your time. New year new start, go for it!
  9. ~chu loved opening presents, but her fav seems to be Ditto's catnip stuffed toy >.< they're such nipheads! I got Dawkins and Hitchens for xmas I'm going to read The God Delusion first
  10. Tuesday’s FCC ruling on net neutrality shifts billions in profits and boils down to one fact: There will soon be a fast Internet for the rich and a slow Internet for the poor.
  11. Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills b[/url] yeah
  12. Just-Released IRS Data Show Effects of Our Radical New Greed-Is-Good Culture
  13. we must stick together or they'll win... we did and they have anyway. yes, the dems have made some progress these last 2 years but that progress has costs attached to it. So you can't be denied for pre exsisting conditions, well thats great... considering you will no longer have a choice as to whether or not you want or can afford to pay for health insurance. In theory everyone should have health ins, in practice w/o a low to no cost way (the strangled in its crib public option) to provide plans to everyone it is not going to happen. It's forcing people to buy something from for profit companies just for being a living breathing American. We are not cars out on public roads, we're people. Unbelievably I agree with the baggers *clutch chest* that the individual mandate is unconstitutional. If healthcare reform is repealed it will be because of the unconstitutional mandate, ie the damn law is bobby trapped and guess who gets to play the part of the boob this tax reform disaster is loaded w/ booby traps as well. People wail about the fall of SS...and then don't have to pay into it. Its a fantastic step forward to bankrupting and thus having to "privatize SS to save it". You really think the banksters that lost peoples private retirement funds will do any better when they have ALL American's money to play with? I don't. Just look at this years bonuses. Does respecting and protecting the folks who have earned what they have by their own merit no longer exist? All you have to do to be super wealthy is be born into or marry into a rich family, no worries Daddy Warbucks will make sure you never have to do anything for yourself if you don't want to and as an added bonus he'll hand you to the keys to the congress he bought. Our working poor, the dwindling middle class, vets, and most importantly our children are eating the giant shit taco. We can't give children a quality education let alone feed them all, but thats okay because Daddy Warbucks can buy another yacht this year and save a dozen jobs. Guess that bridge can just go right on ahead and collapse, but thats okay because somebody is going to have a sparkly new diamond ring on their finger this xmas. the fucking injustice of it all is sickening. start with a shitty compromise and end with your head in the toilet.
  14. The holiday season is a religious bonanza, a chance for many of them to get their time in the spotlight, be a big deal in ppls lives for a while. Thats fine, thats great, but not everyone shares your exact beliefs and enthusiasm so please don't cram. Nobody likes being crammed. That is how you isolate people from you. If you said merry xmas to an atheist and they replied with you're god is not real Jesus never existed would you be offended? Do you have a right to be when you started it? No you don't, you were thinking of only you and your beliefs with no regard for the other persons feelings. If you were thinking of how your words would make them feel and you do it to make them happy the christian says merry x mas the other christian says to you too, thats nice but if you're doing it to make someone angry, feel bad...cram... unless you need them out of your life, not so nice. Santa is watching
  15. Government Sues BP For Gulf Oil Spill: U.S. Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against Nine Companies Involved In Disaster somebody's bleeding christ its about fucking time
  16. MoveOn ATM Social Security is not lacking funds as our generations are working enough to support those collecting now. What we need to do is create a surplus because the days of having 6 kids to work on the farm were pretty much over by the time gen X came along and we've procreated a whole lot less. That means less ppl paying into what we will be taking out of. This is a bad idea and should be given heave ho and yes its a double trap; it fucks the candidates when this bad piece of legislation expires and then ppl's taxes go up again and its screwing over upcoming retirees. In the midst of a shit economy taking more money from working people is just stupid. first of all change 250 thousand middle class cut off point to $1 million. Nobody raking in a million bucks a year is middle class. Raising the cap from 250 to 1mil gives those contemplating opening or expanding business some breathing room. Might be enough to stimulate job creation. End the tax cuts for those making a million plus, they did not create the jobs we so desperately need -esp in the past 2 years- in the almost decade they've had extra millions (and in some cases billions) to spend so fuck them.As far as the estate tax, tax that shit. These fuckers did nothing but be born or married into a rich family. They do not earn their fortunes by merit and its this kind of scum running and ruining the country presently. People who don't have to work for what they have don't appreciate it the way someone who toiled and saved does. The extension will continue the 99 weeks of eligibility for another year, but it doesn't extend benefits to those who have reached that limit. So, if you were middle class when you became unemployed some time ago... well, embrace the poverty cuz that's your new home after the bank takes your house because you can't pay your mortgage anymore even though you've got 15 of those 30 years paid. They've had years to do something and haven't period. Isn't it bad enough we're leaving the kiddies a trashed planet, we gotta give them the debt of millionaires and billionaires too? Thats a gigantic load of horse shit. Let the tax cuts expire for anyone making over a million a year. This bill needs to more then just fail, it should be shat upon and burned publicly. Ya wanna boo hoo about govt spending? Well...our money is being blown on asinine wars that cannot be won. There is no winning in Afg, no real way to win a 'war on terror' so long as there are fanatics -which will be always- and the 'war on drugs' is a bowl of fail. Prohibition doesn't work and imprisons way too many non violent "criminals". This garbage is funded by our tax dollars and our children's' future, its costing us living human beings. If our military was protecting our borders we wouldn't need to be in other fucking countries. We don't need hundreds of military bases all over the world. We are not the Roman Empire and never will be. Religion needs to stop getting a free pass. They pay no taxes and 'my god is better then yours' is a root cause of terrorism so says this infidel. It's time to tax the hell out of religion, these multi-million dollar centers popping up everywhere is ridiculous. If a congregation needs all that then they can pay the property tax on their excess. It's time to approach substance use and abuse like grown ups, not 7th graders in the DARE program at school. Tax and regulate consumable marijuana, let hemp become the all purpose textile it was when this country was founded. Bullying people is not an effective way to deal with substance abuse, we need to find out why these people do this to themselves (usually its a result of neglectful/abusive parents) and help them move beyond it so they can lead productive lives. We need to stop throwing money at failed programs and use it to better the lives of our citizenry so that everyone has the same chance at a productive and prosperous life. That is the American dream and I feel as if it has been forgotten. No, thats not right, its been thrown under the bus. Families take care of their own, so do communities and so should our country. We're all Americans together. *end bitch fest*
  17. at some point people are going to realize earth has reached max occupancy and we're gonna need to find /create places for us all off world. Its a good idea to start clearing the path now
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