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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. The Tobacco nut may die of Cancer.The Alcoholic may die of too much alcohol. The Fat Ass may die becuase he eats too many sweets. The steroid user may die of a mild heart attack. The pot head... well I'm not sure what they die of unless every other drug counts because pot is a "gate way drug". Bottom line is if any of the above are shocked that now "healthy foods" may no longer be "healthy" because they are now GE then I'm confused. Isn't the bright side that the health nuts may have to shut up because there "higher than though" life style is no longer healthy. Look a higher than though health nut is dying from cancer because they had too many GE Oranges. Fuck'em they could have had cigarettes instead of pissing us all off. Off Topic: Now I know that I'm pissed at times & my parents suffer from mental illness, but even if there is a "magic pill" that will make me mellow I don't want it because mellow people seem like the real idiots.
  2. We may eventually if anyone you care about gets mauled by a predator that was released back into the wild because, "hey it was there habitat to begin with." Every predator including sexual predators don't have a right to freedom. And being bio-diverse isn't that grand. If we could kill off all the locusts the world would be a better place.
  3. I don't want to believe it... It is too weird & shocking... I got to check this out with my own eyes at a store...
  4. And drugs & alcohol shorten your life GE or natural so there is another problem scratched off from GE.
  5. And that is why predators lose their habitat. All predators belong behind bars or death. You can't co exist with such creatures.
  6. Just as long as no one assumes bad things wouldn't happen if the other side didn't exist.
  7. Myk JL

    MK vs. DC

    Well its like you said when we kind of talked about it in that SF thread.
  8. One less wild animal munching on a kid near a river. I give it a thumbs up!
  9. So the war won't end in our lifetime (looks at mccain). ... We're fucked.
  10. I think this whole thing sounds like an over reaction. The fact of the matter is even if my food is or was natural I still have to pay for it.
  11. I'm saying they have, but the reasoning changes when you remove or add religion.Hypothetically lets say religion doesn't exist & 9/11 still happened. So why did it happen? Apparently because we supply weapons & occupy the Middle East way after the cold war has ended. But you wouldn't here that from our current president. All of the political corruption & none of them acting like they stick to a higher power beyond us.
  12. I've decided to try to take this more seriously. 1. You Can Do Terrible Things in the Name of Either One Not really the case. The Stalins and Maos of the world just merely removed religion from the political scene. Either way they would have still been politically corrupt. If there was no religion involved on the war on terror the problem might be a little more clearer. I'm not saying it wouldn't still happen, but you would still be left with all the political reasons. 2. Both Sides Really Do Believe What They're Saying I would not say believe. I know what I'm saying. Part of what this talks about is bicameralism. Julian Jaynes did a book about it. 3. In Everyday Life, You're Not That Different Agreeable until it gets to sex. Atheist are not Naturist or Nudist. The Nip Slip at the super bowl was a big deal. To say it is just meat would be to say that rape is not violence. 4. There Are Good People on Both Sides Yes I like to say that I'm American 1st & whatever else I am is 2nd. Meaning the freedom of speech & the freedom to tolerate speech. 5. Your Point of View is Legitimately Offensive to Them If it is I'll just avoid that person. Apparently being treated as equals in a free country isn't good enough. You could also say things about death that could be true, but only someone rude goes up & makes such remarks. 6. We Tend to Exaggerate About the Other Guy I don't know who this guy is, but I do my best to stay away from exaggeration. 7. We Tend to Exaggerate About Ourselves, Too Yes, but only on the Internet. Then again in the vs. I've seen some people on the opposing side who say they are good christians, but these people turn out to be leaches with a plan B. As for cold crazy reasons this is my island & no one else is allowed on it. Of course we all have free will, but if you don't allow others to have free will or are lazy about opurtunity you will end up with less free will. 8. Focusing on Negative Examples Makes You Stupid Yes. 9. Both Sides Have Brought Good to the Table Agreed. 10. You'll Never Harass the Other Side Out of Existence Yeah, but trying on the Internet is at times fun. Anywhere else you're just asking for trouble.
  13. I think that might have been a great idea.
  14. Myk JL

    MK vs. DC

    http://worldscollide.com/ Other than Batman, Lobo, & some villains I don't know who else would mix well into the MK universe... Seems like it would have been a better idea to do it with Marvel... No Wii version either...
  15. http://www.azntv.com/ Dang... If only they played more Anime...
  16. This is great & all... but I want to see The Sun's "Great Farts".
  17. That's a lot of languages... Are you from Europe?
  18. Holy shit this is Hella fun! I bought this game April 4th. I beat it today. Although I could've beaten it sooner. (Bought 2 other games & fell like playing 1 of those for a while.) Spent near 22 hours beating it mainly due to buying a lot of stuff. Although if I restart from scratch when it comes to clothing I'm only going to buy 004 Glasses 002 Jacket 002 Pants 009 Belt I don't care for any of the shirts. Not even the ones found in the dumpsters. Favorite "Shirt" being 000.
  19. Myk JL


    With his maturity I highly doubt it. Maybe he'll end up like The Pervy Sage. But if he did become Hokage the Village would have to be renamed "Screaming In The Leaves".
  20. Too bad something like that helmet thing isn't real... Then again it would probabley end up being called "Virtual Boy 2.0"...
  21. To a certain extent I'd like to see this be true... Wii Like Controller + Hard Drive + Xbox Live - Internet Connection = Awsome... Then again this sounds like a late April Fool's Joke...
  22. Naruto vs. Yoruichi in a battle of Sexy Jutsu... Yoruichi wins hands down.
  23. If only it could end with me getting the Death Note...
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