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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. I kinda remember that series too... Along side with Savage Dragon & that other one from one of DC's other comic branches all airing on the USA Network...
  2. A little... I remember Wrath AKA Bryan Clark from Kronik was on an episode.
  3. Hope the new one has Zombie Liu Kang... I hate regular Liu Kang.
  4. In that case I hope the movie does the comic justice. I was afraid it was going to be another variant on milking "Scary Movie".
  5. Because Time Warner bought Midway Games when Midway filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. And Mortal Kombat was Midway's biggest franchise.
  6. Hope it's better than the last parody of a "Superhero Movie"... http://www.superhero-movie.net/
  7. Myk JL

    SC dicks us again

    So does this suck for South Carolina or all of us in the United States?
  8. I think it's more of a fad. And a sign they don't want to make an actual cartoon out of it.
  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg6v1dgTcxw&feature=sub]YouTube- Marvel/DC: Spider-Man Reboot Parody[/ame]
  10. Spider-Man needs near ten years off... Vulture in Spider-Man 4... I just remembered Deadpool: Suicide Kings #4... *Edit* Sorry that my scanner & MS Paint still suck.
  11. Off Topic: Yeah... sorry about that... I've had setbacks in my current plans dating back to November & December that may go on until Spring / Summer or longer... And it's just driving me Nucking Futs... To the point where I've blown steam over issues that have nothing to do with me... Or are ultimately trivial in the grand scheme of things.
  12. Still pirates are a danger to everyone. If they can't steal from big ships then they'll just lower their standards in how they steal. Pirates just don't stop being pirates just because "their aren't any big ships".
  13. Just a matter of time before the pirates turn on the fishermen.
  14. Glad I never joined the Democrats or Republicans.
  15. A little after 10 seconds into that video you can also see Ady Gil purposly going into the front of the Whalers' Ship. The only people who got hosed were on top of the Ady Gil. They need 5+ years in a Japanese prison as far as I care for piracey.
  16. Are you watching the same video I'm watching?Because at the begining Ady Gil was at the side of the whalers' ship with it's engines off. At 0:16 Ady Gil then speeds up right when they're in the whalers' ship's blind side. Siding with Ady Gil is like siding with a car that puts it's breaks on constantly when it's in from of a Semi-Truck. - Poor Bruce Wayne... I guess he can't afford a cooler looking Batboat...
  17. After seeing this http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/1368-Daybreakers I decided to see it. There's very little to laugh about, but beyond that a very good story worth seeing & buying when it comes out on Blu-Ray. Also there is this awesome twist you gotta see!
  18. "I'm as MAD as HELL and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - Howard Beale - The Network "You change things... forever." - Joker - The Dark Knight "Creating a trap filled with lots of dead people" - Cyrus The Virus - Con Air Die Hard "OH MY GOD! The quarterback is TOAST!" - Die Hard - "Listen here, Dwayne, I'm not the one getting butt F***ED on national TV!" - "Yippie Ki Yay, Mother F***er!" Off Topic: "Silence fills the empty grave now that I have gone... But my mind is not at rest for questions linger on" - Gravemind - Halo 2 GTA4 Faustin: So Niko Bellic, do you think it's okay to kill my employees? Niko: If he's an a**hole, then yes. Faustin: *shoots employee in the skull* I agree! Dimitri: {I forgot what he said...} Faustin: A**hole was looking at me like I was piece of S**T! Southpark Stan: OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED KENNY! Kyle: YOU BASTARDS! - Movie Goer 1: OH MY GOD! I found a penny! Movie Goer 2: You Bastard! - Charles Manson: Oh my god! They killed the orange coated kid! - Stan: OH MY GOD! YOU KILLED KYLE! Kenny: You Bastard! - Stan: OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED KENNY! Kyle: I'm still not talking to you. - Kitty: Meow? Cartman: No kitty! This is my pot pie! Kitty: Meow? Cartman: NO KITTY! THAT'S A BAD KITTY! - Cartman: No Kenny! That's a bad Kenny! *before leaving attic* Bad Kitties! Wolf's Rain Toboe: Wait, how come you don't have plans to eat Kiba? Tsume: Because he's full of crap! And finally the one in my sig... "I KNOW WHO I AM!... I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude." - Robert Downey Jr. Playing a White Actor, Playing a Black Soldier - Tropic Thunder Sorry for all the off topic stuff, but man sometimes when I think about quotes a ton more just pop up into my head!
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5uptwYWeY8]YouTube- Collision in the Whale Wars[/ame] I'm siding with the whalers on this one. That batboat was cleary moving in front of the other ship.
  20. Was he knighted with a knife or a sword? And are all the toilets in the kingdom now known as Jon's?
  21. Myk JL


    http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/1333-Avatar http://g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/theloop/69585/The-Pro-vs-Cons-of-Avatar.html
  22. I just got done celebrating the new year!... well maybe not exactly done yet...Yesterday at Friendly's had 2 Lava Cake Sundaes, a Fribble, & 2 cokes. Then spent all night on PS Home despite missing the ball drop. Side note at 11PM finally pre-order God Of War III: Ultimate Edition. And now I'm back from Friendly's again after having 2 Super Sizzling Breakfastes, Orange Juice & Chocolate Milk. - Good riddance previous decade! You were a Hell On Earth for the most part. Hello new decade! Where I'm going to reach new goals I never looked for in the last. - Dang full stomach! Now I'm going to go buy myself a Ghost Buster Firehouse!
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