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Everything posted by Dubird

  1. Probally some deux es machina bringing him back. And it doesn't say he met Yoda, could just be random foreshadowing.
  2. I'm all for stopping illegal whaling, but really, these guys are just idiots. They're lucky they didn't all drown. ><
  3. Yep. I had two weeks off for holidays this year, which was awesome. It also makes coming back to work kinda suck. >< Anyways, went home for the holidays, and my parents didn't want me unhooking the internet from their computer, which is why I wasn't really on. I did look at a few things, but they have Vista which sucks, so I spent most of my time fighting it. Saw my nephew again, and he's juuuussstttt almost crawling. If he can get his arms and legs to work together, he'll be off like a shot. I got some DVDs, a book card that I used for several books I wanted, some new jeans, and other odds and ends. I also spent time playing on my mom's Wii Fit, and it's actually a lot of fun. Makes me wish I had one. ^^; My boyfriend came up over this last weekend, which was nice. We went over to Fayateville and wandered through the mall and bookstores and other places. Then, we caravaned back down to Dallas, after waking up yesterday morning to several inches of snow. Whee. >< Fortunatly, it wasn't icy, so we had no problems. We also had a White Christmas this year, for the first time in ages! So, all in all, a good vacation. Hope everyone here had a good time as well!
  4. and toast? Happy Late Birthday! ^^
  5. Dubird


    The James Cameron one, not the last airbender. Just got back from seeing it, and have to say, despite the very predictable storyline and the rather blandness of the main, I'd still give it an A. Minus, but still an A. The setting is interesting, there's lots of neat things to watch, and the visuals were made of so much awesome that it's absolutly beautiful to look at. It was a bit abrupt in places, which are spots that I suspect were cut for time, but like I said, the story is predictable so you can pretty much guess what happened anyways. It was very entertaining and beautiful to watch, so I'd recommend it. Didn't see it in 3D or Imax, mostly because I get motion sick at those, but I suspect it to be much more beautiful in those. Definatly worth a look-see. This one also proves that Zoe Saldena actually is a good actress, so I put her crappy Uhura down to poor writing and direction, and hope she can save her in the next one.
  6. Yeah, imagine if the made the Blog today as a horror film. *ahem*
  7. I'd say it all depends on the games you want. If the 360 has more of the exclusive games that you want, go for it. If the PS3 does, go for that. I personally would go for the 360 as it has more games I would want on it, but that's just me.
  8. I'm fairly sure that a soldier wounded seriously enough to actually die on the battlefield would probally not be going back into battle if they recover. If this helps save lives, I think it'd be worth doing, if it can be done safely. Actually, if it does work, I think having to use this would be a good way to give those soldiers a ticket home. I mean, if you're hurt badly enough that you would've died without it, I think that means your job is done and should be allowed to go home.
  9. There are times when I miss having cable, but for the most part, I don't need it. There's only a few shows I really want to watch, and those I can get online. I do have TW cable internet, but that's it.
  10. Dubird

    go Aggies!

    standard stadium food....nothing special.....and if you come down here during football season, i'll hook us up with some tickets....
  11. Sean of the Dead started out pretty funny, then just got....boring. Which is an acomplishment for a zombie movie. Zombieland was very amusing. Cheesy, rather silly, but entertaining to watch. Definatly recommend it for a fun movie.
  12. Dubird

    go Aggies!

    Just got back from the A&M game, 'twas a good time. I would've prefered a much closer score as it's more exciting, but got to see an awesome 97-yard run for a touchdown, which ended up being a record for the school, as well as a kick-ass marching band. So all in all, was worth the three hour drive. Ok, yeah, probally not too interesting, but I just wanted to share.
  13. Which has less syllabels? That's what I'd go by.
  14. I have no intention of watching that movie. In fact, if I have no intention of getting within 10 feet of that movie if I see it before it sees me.
  15. Does it really matter? Is the world going to end because we pronoucne it wrong? Oh wait, 2012, I guess so! *LOL*
  16. Well, for the record, I have nothing against relgion as a whole, being a religious person myself, but there are some people (and church groups) that make me emberrased to admit that I am a Christian. Yet, I admit to being happily surprised by the stance the Mormon chuch is taking in this matter. It seems like the best compromise, as well as the best way of upholding church and state.
  17. I didn't say I supported the Mormon church, I just found it interesting that they're supporting legistlature to legally allow gay marriages even though they themselves are against it. I think leaving it up to the churchs themselves is a much better method, since there are several churchs that support gay marriage, and if a couple still doesn't want to be married by a church, they would still be able to be married by a JP, and legally be recognized as a married couple. It's just not forcing all churchs to allow it, which is really the best compromise that would be workable since this is such a polarized issue.
  18. Source It's kinda nice to see that kind of support, and I think it's interesting that it's the Mormon church that is supporting those rights, even though they are, in terms of religion, against it.
  19. SUX9ja5ZY6M Something rather interesting, though I'm sad to say that I can't name all the films used. ^^;
  20. Yeah, I saw a clip with them flying to escape LA, while dodging falling buildings and bridges and all that. My thought was "what, are they unable to fly HIGHER and avoid all that crap?" Was not interested in this movie from the beginning, but is now looking foward to avoid it. Just remember, these are the same people that gave us the remake of Godzilla as well as Day After Tomorrow.
  21. Thought this might interest some of ya'll.
  22. Sitting here watching Lion King, and something occured to me that makes a lot of these movies a lot creepier. Ok, so you have the jungle setting, all the characters are animals. Fully sentient, intelligent animals, capable of some kind of self-government and cheesy songs. Yet, they eat each other. The preditor ones go around killing eating the non-preditor ones, animals that they know are fully intelligent and if they've made friends with one species, may be related to their friends. And everyone's...ok with that? I mean, do they go around and only kill the non-sentient ones? How do they know the difference? Do they have their prey fill out some questionarre to find who they can kill and who they can't? Are there some species that aren't intelligent, so it's ok to eat? Wow, cold meds make me think weird things.
  23. You can also get the toy teething rings and put in the freezer for a while.
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