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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. Ah.. thats the kind of thing that I hate. Since I'm such a casual player this wouldn't be fun for me at all. Within the first day or two everyone will marathon the game to level 12, get the ghost perk.. but me. I'd end up being under level 12 for months and I'd get farmed repeatedly. x_x I'll definitely try out the beta if I get the time this weekend. I'm about to set it to download now.

  2. I watched that video.. that guy is guaranteed to f*ck up battlefield. I just don't know wtf DICE was thinking after BF4. BF4 had its issues, but it was solid. Vehicle combat was the best ever for the entire series and gunplay felt great.

  3. I didn't get the chance to try the 2v2 alpha with my brother but he did say he enjoyed it alot. How was it with no mini map? Did you get used to it quick? I have hardly played BFV at all over the last year, like maybe a handful of conquest games, not just because of lack of time (thats alot to do with it tho), but because of the spotting and mini map changes. I can't find a damn person in it. Maybe because the maps are so huge but without spotting or having enemies lit up on a mini map I really lost interest in the game. Maybe with CoD it'll be easier to engage enemies with the maps being significantly smaller than BFV conquest. These FPS modern combat style games are all going for realism while I want a more non realistic experience. Eventually with graphics improving every day eventually these games will have to draw a line for true realism.. imagine battlefield and call of duty graphics so good it literally looks like you are killing real people. I'd rather the games keep some realism out while still providing great gameplay, gun mechanics, physics, etc. But god I miss shooting towards red doritos on battlefield.

  4. Looks like Sony is stepping up the quality of Plus games. Both of these look enjoyable, but I still haven't played the other games in their series. lol. The most I've played of Darksiders 1 was getting to the first boss. XD


    I really like that these series are supposed to be limited run.. as far as I know. I'm hyped for the Obi-Wan series. All I want is some solid story telling, great acting and a plot that begins and ends. I'm sick of american tv just endlessly running series with no end in sight and getting abruptly canceled with no ending. Even netflix is doing it. I'd have liked an ending to Santa Clarita Diet.. instead canceled on a cliff hanger. I'd have like and end to Dark Matter on the Syfy channel.. nope, abruptly canceled. Z-Nation was canceled, but at least that last season ended with a potential tie in to another season instead of some massive plot line... And it did end decent with the formation of New America. At least some of the shows I have liked for years are getting actual endings. Supernatural, Killjoys and Arrow are all getting actual endings. The best thing Disney can do with their series is let them run their course and try not to milk every project for years upon years until everyone is burned out. With all the material they have to work with just with star wars alone they could make hundreds of mini series like the Mandalorian or Obi-Wan and it'd probably always seem fresh to me. Hell, they could make a new series like Firefly with smugglers and not even have jedi in it and I would watch it because its based in the star wars universe with it's tech and lore, etc.

  6. This movie was so much fun. Finally a godzilla movie that focused on monster battles. :D I'm wondering what they're going to do with a sequel.. Years ago the Legendary/WB rebooted the MonsterVerse and was going to tie a bunch of movies together like Avengers did. It included franchises like Dracula, Mummy, Godzilla, King Kong, etc. but the only tie in we see is King Kong getting referenced in this Godzilla movie. Supposedly the next movie coming out will be Godzilla vs Kong. Now I mention the other movies because I don't know if it was intentional or not, but that old white guy with the private army in Godzilla was the same actor that played the evil vampire in the Dracula movie.. and at the end of that Dracula movie it skipped to present day and showed that guy and Dracula still alive. Maybe it was just a coincidence and they like that actor? Or maybe he was playing his vampire character but they didn't reference him as such. It would explain how this random guy has his own personal army, why he's in a position of power.. why he doesn't care if a bulk of the human race is wiped out or not because hes immortal. Although it would have been very odd for everyone who didn't see the Dracula movie to have this guy referenced as a vampire in this Godzilla movie. I bet it would have made no sense to alot of people. XD

  7. Disney + is going to be good. With the Marvel and Star Wars series, I'll need to watch them all. Mandalorian looks great.. I see they didn't show the person with the helmit off. I'm calling it now.. its a woman and when its revealed we'll get a new Quarting video.. "Disney got WOKE and now they'll go BROKE! Mandalorian fail!" XD joking aside I'm looking forward to all the new star wars content. :D

  8. I watched alot of the Life after people show. Its amazing how fast nature can take everything back if humans just vanished one day. Aside from buildings taking a long time to fall apart, certain stainless steel will be our legacy. lol. In the right conditions a stainless steel sink could last a long long time. Imagine some future humans looking into what ruins are left of our civilization and finding a stainless steel kitchen sink tub. "It must have been extremely important to them to make it out of metal like this.. perhaps they worshiped it as a god." XD 

    other people.. "This is far too advanced for what tools were available to them at the time..."

    Area 51 Aliens GIF by HISTORY UK

  9. I doubt I'll use Epic much, I figured I'd get the free games added to the account for now. I hardly play anything on Steam anymore, but I have gotten into the habit of launching it every day again to stream Guild Wars 2 from my pc to my laptop so I can grind it at max settings while watching a movie in my living room. Epic's game store seems very lackluster. Its so basic and its no where near steam's quality right now. Epic must be paying ass loads of money to these developers for exclusivity or timed exclusives. If they have that much money to spend, they really need to upgrade their store and launching program. I honestly didn't notice the shopping cart until you mentioned it.. I thought it was odd I couldn't claim both of those free games at the same time.. turns out theres no shopping cart for this online store.. wtf. Humble bundle's online store is a better experience.

  10. Looks like Epic Games Store will be here for the long haul with all those exclusive game deals, Fortnite still being popular and the free games they keep giving away. So I made an account. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you have an Epic account. Username: Sledgstone

    As of right now Epic is giving away 1 or 2 games free every week and you just have to add them to your account, like PS+ games on PSN.


    For Honor and Alan Wake are free for this week.

  11. Yeah, I just want video game news with some research done with decent production quality. YongYea and Jim Sterling are the only youtubers that I actually trust for actual news. I may not agree with some of their more opinionated segments if they don't conicide with my own, but its nice to hear someone else's view on a subject to take into consideration.. overall they make good quality news videos. The Quartering now comes across as an entitled white man that is complaining about his privileges being stripped away from popular media. I don't follow him on twitter, but he reminds me a bit of Trump in terms of how he portrays his opinions as in Negative attention = attention. As long as you have attention (of any kind, especially negative attention that gets more views), headlines and click bait, he'll always have a following. I don't know if he has a patreon like YongYea or Sterling, maybe he doesn't and thats why he needs to throw out so many endless opinion videos so he can keep racking up views for youtube cash.

    In terms of youtube as a whole. I don't trust any video that is building up hype for a game because all those youtubers are being paid for the hype. I stopped pre-ordering games years ago and this video really emphasizes it.

    Its a shame this video has so few views. I watched it earlier this year and forgot to share it. After watching this, and then going back through videos of popular game channels like Westie, Jackfrags, etc. You can see the hype videos leading up to the release of the game. Nothing but good things are said.. because they can only say good things to use the footage and access they were given. After whatever game came out, whether it be BF1 or BFV for example you can see where critisism videos start up because then they are allowed to post whatever videos they want because the game was released. I can guarantee the same bribery happened with Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Destiny, etc. and all their respective youtubers that focus on those games.

  12. Maybe its just me, but over the last month I've realized I don't like the quartering anymore. I unsubscribed from him the other day. I first started following him because of his coverage of video games, but all he does now is make endless hate videos about whatever people are complaining about for the day.. and an abundance of them. Like every video has "woke", "feminism", "woke" again, etc. Or its a video about shaming somebody or some company, usually a female. And it feels like its all click bait topics about white male's being repressed or reverse racism without calling it that. I'm not entirely sure who his target audience is anymore.

  13. FF14 looks great and I'd love to try out the trial myself, but I'm so super casual now I doubt I'll ever play another MMO again. GW2 has been great for me because of solo content and no sub fee. The sub for FF14 does seem to provide for a better gameplay experience and with the company making consistent revenue they have a constant cash flow to keep bringing in more content. I love GW2, but with no expansions on the horizon I don't know where the game is going from here. Living world is good, but if they just keep making more endless maps it'll break the community up more by spreading the population around so much multiple maps will start emptying up. If GW2 had a sub, I'd have stopped paying for it a long time ago. Not because I don't love the game, but unless I can dedicate at least 5 hours a week to a game I'm paying a monthly fee for I can't justify paying for it. At that point I'd be one of those people with a gym membership that never goes there. XD

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