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Status Replies posted by Sledgstone

  1. I'm adopting a cat from the shelter. :D We went there last saturday and picked her out. A little kitten 4 months old. We're waiting to hear back from the place about when to pick her up. They give her full vaccinations, spay and a month of flea treatment. They have to spay her before they can release her to us, so we just gotta wait a few more days to find out when we can get her. They got hit with multiple large hoarding cases recently of saved animals and theres alot of volunteers there now. I hope this shelter doesn't screw this up. We have little cat toys and a new litter pan all ready for her.

  2. I'm adopting a cat from the shelter. :D We went there last saturday and picked her out. A little kitten 4 months old. We're waiting to hear back from the place about when to pick her up. They give her full vaccinations, spay and a month of flea treatment. They have to spay her before they can release her to us, so we just gotta wait a few more days to find out when we can get her. They got hit with multiple large hoarding cases recently of saved animals and theres alot of volunteers there now. I hope this shelter doesn't screw this up. We have little cat toys and a new litter pan all ready for her.

  3. So I'm lazy and I'm getting old to where I can't really stand to wear contact for +20 hours a day anymore. I've had cheap ass back up glasses for 2 years ever since I got a viral pink eye and couldn't wear contacts for a week. Needless to say, they def weren't meant for heavy long term use. One pair already had the lens coating dry up and chip away, and the pair I'm wearing now has one of the lenses hanging on for dear life. My first and only decent pair of glasses were purchased back in 2003... they were almost $500 at the time. Compared to the $180 I paid for the two pair I've gone through in 2 years. I went to day and dropped $360 on titanium flex frames with Nikon HD transition lenses. I guess glasses tech has become a little cheaper since 2003 because these have more features than my first pair. (Yes I'm aware of the artificial price inflation of glasses) 

  4. So I'm lazy and I'm getting old to where I can't really stand to wear contact for +20 hours a day anymore. I've had cheap ass back up glasses for 2 years ever since I got a viral pink eye and couldn't wear contacts for a week. Needless to say, they def weren't meant for heavy long term use. One pair already had the lens coating dry up and chip away, and the pair I'm wearing now has one of the lenses hanging on for dear life. My first and only decent pair of glasses were purchased back in 2003... they were almost $500 at the time. Compared to the $180 I paid for the two pair I've gone through in 2 years. I went to day and dropped $360 on titanium flex frames with Nikon HD transition lenses. I guess glasses tech has become a little cheaper since 2003 because these have more features than my first pair. (Yes I'm aware of the artificial price inflation of glasses) 

  5. I'm adopting a cat from the shelter. :D We went there last saturday and picked her out. A little kitten 4 months old. We're waiting to hear back from the place about when to pick her up. They give her full vaccinations, spay and a month of flea treatment. They have to spay her before they can release her to us, so we just gotta wait a few more days to find out when we can get her. They got hit with multiple large hoarding cases recently of saved animals and theres alot of volunteers there now. I hope this shelter doesn't screw this up. We have little cat toys and a new litter pan all ready for her.

  6. So I'm lazy and I'm getting old to where I can't really stand to wear contact for +20 hours a day anymore. I've had cheap ass back up glasses for 2 years ever since I got a viral pink eye and couldn't wear contacts for a week. Needless to say, they def weren't meant for heavy long term use. One pair already had the lens coating dry up and chip away, and the pair I'm wearing now has one of the lenses hanging on for dear life. My first and only decent pair of glasses were purchased back in 2003... they were almost $500 at the time. Compared to the $180 I paid for the two pair I've gone through in 2 years. I went to day and dropped $360 on titanium flex frames with Nikon HD transition lenses. I guess glasses tech has become a little cheaper since 2003 because these have more features than my first pair. (Yes I'm aware of the artificial price inflation of glasses) 

  7. Sometimes its laughable how bad western entertainment can mangle/misunderstand or don't care to even try to be accurate with eastern content to this day. I just watched a "Top 10" Godzilla villains video where the rules were that no one that was a frequent ally would be included in the list... and then they put King Caesar who was never a villain save for one time he was being mind controlled. I mean wtf? He's a huge ally in one of the most memorable movies in the whole damn franchise... and then they pick Anguirus?! Literally Godzilla's best friend lore-wise? Because they fought in 1 film as enemies, and another again being mind controlled. If that wasn't enough, Rodan was an honorable mention yet again breaking their rule for those not to be included. The rest of the list was spot on.. ironically Mechagodzilla was #2 (rightfully so) where they heavily emphasized the first film over the new age ones... you know... where Caesar was an ally. XD What a train wreck. At least King Ghidorah was #1. Gigan and Destoroyah rounded up the top 4. The commentator called Destoroyah "Destroyah". -_-;

  8. Sometimes its laughable how bad western entertainment can mangle/misunderstand or don't care to even try to be accurate with eastern content to this day. I just watched a "Top 10" Godzilla villains video where the rules were that no one that was a frequent ally would be included in the list... and then they put King Caesar who was never a villain save for one time he was being mind controlled. I mean wtf? He's a huge ally in one of the most memorable movies in the whole damn franchise... and then they pick Anguirus?! Literally Godzilla's best friend lore-wise? Because they fought in 1 film as enemies, and another again being mind controlled. If that wasn't enough, Rodan was an honorable mention yet again breaking their rule for those not to be included. The rest of the list was spot on.. ironically Mechagodzilla was #2 (rightfully so) where they heavily emphasized the first film over the new age ones... you know... where Caesar was an ally. XD What a train wreck. At least King Ghidorah was #1. Gigan and Destoroyah rounded up the top 4. The commentator called Destoroyah "Destroyah". -_-;

  9. Apparently NCSoft got DDoSed today and caused server issues for GW2. I've taken a break to play some other games so I'm glad I'm not working on anything right now or I'd be raging... especially if I was trying to WvW.

  10. So because I was bored and I'm getting kinda burned out on FFXIV (yea, week off to play it probably wasn't the best idea) I decided to play some BF1 last night. Have to say I really like a lot of the new changes they put forth since the last time I played (which was shortly after ribbons were introduced). The best feature by far is the new battlepack reward system and I won't go into specifics since I'm sure most of you have seen videos on it. Suffice to say after one match last night I almost had a battlepack (did get one after my second and almost halfway to another one). Nice to see they implemented a system that rewards team play as well as high placement on the scoreboard (about fucking time) for getting battlepacks instead of the RNG based system they had.

    Also have to say Frontlines is fucking amazing. IMO it's what Operations should of been instead of the crap they gave us. Being a mix of Conquest and Rush (at the end if you get that far) it's pretty fucking fun and the battles get extremely intense at flag points. If Frontlines would of been introduced from the get go I'd of probably continued playing this (hell I most likely will start playing more now, it was kind refreshing to play an FPS again (even if it's one that pissed me off when if first came out)).

  11. I started playing Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and its great. The best part about this game is the hidden "Nightmare" stages in each chapter. I stumbled across the first one in chapter 1 and fell in love with it. I found a random bunk that had a sleep icon on it, I clicked on it and Blazkowicz went to sleep / transitioned into a HD remaster of the 8-bit nightmare that is the original Wolfenstein 3D game. XD Each stage has been extremely fun and gives me flashbacks to my childhood. :D

  12. I started playing Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and its great. The best part about this game is the hidden "Nightmare" stages in each chapter. I stumbled across the first one in chapter 1 and fell in love with it. I found a random bunk that had a sleep icon on it, I clicked on it and Blazkowicz went to sleep / transitioned into a HD remaster of the 8-bit nightmare that is the original Wolfenstein 3D game. XD Each stage has been extremely fun and gives me flashbacks to my childhood. :D

  13. I started playing Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and its great. The best part about this game is the hidden "Nightmare" stages in each chapter. I stumbled across the first one in chapter 1 and fell in love with it. I found a random bunk that had a sleep icon on it, I clicked on it and Blazkowicz went to sleep / transitioned into a HD remaster of the 8-bit nightmare that is the original Wolfenstein 3D game. XD Each stage has been extremely fun and gives me flashbacks to my childhood. :D

  14. -_-; wtf... Its 6v1 on WvW this week... both of our opponents are triple link servers. How is that even fair? We're getting destroyed in skirmishes because they K-train the whole map. They can't fight worth anything because were were farming them hard. But every time we dug out of last place we were instantly back in it within seconds of taking a keep or tower. They probably have like 3 commanders from each server zerging around the map capping stuff. How did Tarnish Coast get so bad that it needs 2 servers linked to it? Feels like not too long ago it was the weekly battle of JQ/BG/TC.

  15. -_-; wtf... Its 6v1 on WvW this week... both of our opponents are triple link servers. How is that even fair? We're getting destroyed in skirmishes because they K-train the whole map. They can't fight worth anything because were were farming them hard. But every time we dug out of last place we were instantly back in it within seconds of taking a keep or tower. They probably have like 3 commanders from each server zerging around the map capping stuff. How did Tarnish Coast get so bad that it needs 2 servers linked to it? Feels like not too long ago it was the weekly battle of JQ/BG/TC.

  16. Well I guess I put off buying a video card for too long. All the prices have skyrocketed by 50% or higher because of some bullshit ethereum mining thing. I'm def not paying these prices. I was planning on doing it next month when I financially had a chance to do so. I guess I'll have to hope my video card last a bit longer.


  17. Well I guess I put off buying a video card for too long. All the prices have skyrocketed by 50% or higher because of some bullshit ethereum mining thing. I'm def not paying these prices. I was planning on doing it next month when I financially had a chance to do so. I guess I'll have to hope my video card last a bit longer.


  18. Well I guess I put off buying a video card for too long. All the prices have skyrocketed by 50% or higher because of some bullshit ethereum mining thing. I'm def not paying these prices. I was planning on doing it next month when I financially had a chance to do so. I guess I'll have to hope my video card last a bit longer.


  19. The older I get, the more I dislike the general public. I was never Mr. Popular in school because I kept to myself and felt that the upper echelon of the social order was so trivial. I can befriend just about anyone of any type of values/background. But overall my circle of friends is pretty small, and always has been.

    I say all that to say this... holy shit why are people so fucking stupid on the internet? I'm pretty new to this whole reddit/facebook groups thing. I remember running around anime forums as a 14-15 year old shooting off at the mouth like I was hot shit... but these are grown ass adults that don't have a fucking clue what they are talking about, nor do they want to learn.

    I see all these morons on the GW2 facebook group asking dumbshit questions you can easily look up yourself on wiki or youtube... The GW2 community has the best community of YT guide makers of any game... quite literally there are the most pointless guides for even the biggest imbeciles.  Taking 5 steps in a straight line from a waypoint to get to a POI? You better believe there is a YT video on how to do it! Just type in the name of the POI and at least 5-6 20 sec-1min videos will pop up. You could have tabbed out of GW2, or pulled out your phone and looked that bullshit up and got it done w/o wasting your time posting a question in a facebook group and waiting for someone to respond. I mean what the actual fuck? Then they get butthurt when someone posts the link to the wiki, and people actually coddle this fool like we shouldn't tell him to try harder to help himself? I almost left the group because of that because it was the second time in two days I saw it. Kumbaya shit pisses me off, and as a society its lead to the everything is offensive/racist/bigoted/cruel. Sometimes people have to feel like people think they're stupid to better themselves. Its called learning the hard way, and I've done a lot of it myself.

    Then you have assholes telling you about the class you main, and they have no fucking clue how the class works.... because they don't even play it. They main another class. Its obvious by what they're spewing out, by leaving out various aspects of the class while giving out vague descriptions... then a lot of times saying something that's completely false.

    But this is just a side note really, what set me off on this rant today is another facebook group. I'm a EDC nut. I own multiple guns, pocket knives, and flashlights. I recently got into a group about a particular brand of knife I enjoy. Overall its a great group that gives me good ideas about future purchases I might make. I recently ordered a knife that is an upgraded version exclusive from a certain knife retailer. It has a high tier quality blade steel, making the knife double the cost of the standard version. Even then at $80, this steel is normally only found on pocket knives that are $220-400. Its one hell of a deal. So this new guy that joined the group asks in a comment reply why would anyone pay double the price for this knife when he got it for way less. I explained to him what the deal was, because that's what the group is for... sharing knowledge and opinions. He never responded so I figured he understood and moved on.... then later down the comments I see him ask the question again... -_-; Another member tells him about the steel, and I follow up explaining that its an exclusive version of the knife only sold by that particular retailer, and I even go into why that steel is special and its characteristics. Once again no acknowledgement. He later makes his own post, posting the basic version of this knife that he owns, and someone asks him what version it is, and he states he just found out that there are more than one version of his knife and asks AGAIN why is there a one doubled in price.... this all took place in the span of 17 hours. I mean did you not fucking read mine and other peoples explanation? You read it enough to know there was more than one version! Holy shit.... Why are you so fucking ignorant? Is your mental retention that bad? How did you even manage make it back to the facebook group two days in a row?

    I'm not really raging, even though it sounds like it. It just bothers me that people act this helpless. The internet has made people even more lazy despite the fact that there is a wealth of knowledge to be had. I've learned a shit ton using it, whether it be about science, history, or my very own hobbies. I mean how do these people even pay their internet bill? Did they post on their ISP's forum to ask how to do it? Google is a powerful tool to find quick answers to everything. It requires way less clicks. Use groups and reddit for opinion discussion... not for basic questions that you need to find on your own. You just look like someone that could drown in the shower.

  20. I wish amazon would indicate if something is being shipped from out of country. The last 2 items I've purchased were both prime eligible and both gave the impression there would be 2 day shipping, until I get to the checkout and 'free 2 day shipping' has a delivery date of 1 week later. Still no indication as to why until I get the UPS tracking number and find out the item is being shipped from Canada. I haven't had anything from amazon actually arrive in 2 days in over 8 months.

  21. I wish amazon would indicate if something is being shipped from out of country. The last 2 items I've purchased were both prime eligible and both gave the impression there would be 2 day shipping, until I get to the checkout and 'free 2 day shipping' has a delivery date of 1 week later. Still no indication as to why until I get the UPS tracking number and find out the item is being shipped from Canada. I haven't had anything from amazon actually arrive in 2 days in over 8 months.

  22. I wish amazon would indicate if something is being shipped from out of country. The last 2 items I've purchased were both prime eligible and both gave the impression there would be 2 day shipping, until I get to the checkout and 'free 2 day shipping' has a delivery date of 1 week later. Still no indication as to why until I get the UPS tracking number and find out the item is being shipped from Canada. I haven't had anything from amazon actually arrive in 2 days in over 8 months.

  23. So the Stormblood Early Access is fucking broke and everyone in NA trying to play the story is locked behind a mission no one can do due to SE dropping the fucking ball because of server congestion (or that's what they're saying, I've been waiting since 7 am to finish the god damn quest. Finally gave up since I can't get into the instance to do it). GG SE, I'm pretty sure if you get it fixed it's just going to break on Tuesday when SB officially launches. I forsee many angry customers and a lot of rage quitters. On a side not Samurai is fucking amazing and I think, once the story is finished on my Ninja, I'm switching jobs again. The amount of dps and damage this job can put out at 50 is enormous so I'm expecting great things from it at 70.

    On a much better note I finally got around to trying out Black Desert Online tonight. Gotta say besides being a freaking beautiful game it's actually pretty fun and addicting. Really like how the combat plays out with all of its combos. Definitely worth the $10 entry fee (that is if you're computer can run it, I'm running on high settings and not having any real issues). I think I found my new game to fuck around in when I run out of things to do in FFXIV (if I ever do x.x).

  24. I wish amazon would indicate if something is being shipped from out of country. The last 2 items I've purchased were both prime eligible and both gave the impression there would be 2 day shipping, until I get to the checkout and 'free 2 day shipping' has a delivery date of 1 week later. Still no indication as to why until I get the UPS tracking number and find out the item is being shipped from Canada. I haven't had anything from amazon actually arrive in 2 days in over 8 months.

  25. So the Stormblood Early Access is fucking broke and everyone in NA trying to play the story is locked behind a mission no one can do due to SE dropping the fucking ball because of server congestion (or that's what they're saying, I've been waiting since 7 am to finish the god damn quest. Finally gave up since I can't get into the instance to do it). GG SE, I'm pretty sure if you get it fixed it's just going to break on Tuesday when SB officially launches. I forsee many angry customers and a lot of rage quitters. On a side not Samurai is fucking amazing and I think, once the story is finished on my Ninja, I'm switching jobs again. The amount of dps and damage this job can put out at 50 is enormous so I'm expecting great things from it at 70.

    On a much better note I finally got around to trying out Black Desert Online tonight. Gotta say besides being a freaking beautiful game it's actually pretty fun and addicting. Really like how the combat plays out with all of its combos. Definitely worth the $10 entry fee (that is if you're computer can run it, I'm running on high settings and not having any real issues). I think I found my new game to fuck around in when I run out of things to do in FFXIV (if I ever do x.x).

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