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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. i meant to reply to this topic yesterday, but i forgot. Escaflowne is one of my favorite animes! the plot, concepts, enemies, scientific theories, etc. are all wonderfully pulled off. the series is great and compelling.. but.. i didn't like the movie. ; the animation quality is completely different from the series and the plot didn't do much for me. the end result is the same with the series, but the movie doesn't do Van justice. he seems like a secondary character without much depth. btw, as strider was saying, for anyone that doesn't know, Escaflowne the series and Escaflowne the movie are two seperate animes. the movie is not a continuation of the series. it is basically an alternate version of the entire series wrapped up into one 1 1/2 hour movie. but because of the lack of character information in the movie, its highly recommended that you watch the series first so you'll know who is who. the ending of escaflowne is a bit disappointing because you don't get what you expected in the end.. i too, was disappointed. but hey, i'm glad it ended that way. the first time i watched escaflowne, i couldn't predict anything that was going to happen. hell, consider dilandau's origins, did anyone see that coming? heres a link to the official escaflowne movie website for anyone interested: http://www.escamovie.com/flash/
  2. everything up to 27 is probably licensed then. btw, if we ever want to see a second season of berserk, i recommend that everyone buy the products. enough sales numbers and there wont be any denying the demand for berserk. *wishes the PS2 game came out in the states* btw, have you seen this topic yet? oh my god. i want this game so bad. the anime didn't even get to his Berserk armor. http://forums.ancientclan.com/showthread.php?t=2407
  3. i finally got around to typing up my Eva review. http://www.ancientclan.com/content/view/307/2/ i even took screenshots of that wonderful series ending. X'D and yes, this is a screenshot. Check our eva galleries for more pics.
  4. bwahaha! *points finger and laughs* now someone knows how i feel! umm.. actually, any idea how many volumes of berserk have already been licensed?
  5. heres a sneak peek at what they didn't show you in the anime... the demonic space was created by a vortex, heres a pic of it from the outside.. where skull knight fought zodd.
  6. i don't know how good it'll be tho.. and the dialouge.. ehh.. i wonder how they'll condense so much into a single movie. *remembers last two episodes of eva* ohh.. thats right. X'D as for the double post, you did:
  7. don't double post. yeah, i've heard about it for a couple years now.
  8. soldier: "every time he swings his sword, somebody dies!" oh man, i gotta watch that episode again. i think its the single most violent episode in all of anime. so many ppl die in twentyish minutes. Gutts is awesome. X'D
  9. *grumbles* i feel so left out.
  10. who else has been keeping up to date with Bleach? i'm waiting on lunar to release episode 47 already, i don't know why they've been so behind lately.. hmm.. will ichigo finally get that sword upgrade i wonder? anyway, what are some of your Bleach theories? i have a feeling at some point Ichigo is going to be overcome by his hollow self. that mask keeps showing up, and ichigo, who should have a serious disgust of all things hollow, doesn't seem to mind it or think much of the fact of its reapperance. btw, i am seriously amazed at the power of these captains.. but what amazes me more than their abilities is the fact that there must be hollows or possible demons of equal power out there. i figure there must be some serious bad ass hollows or demons or the deathgods would have already wipped them all out. that and if you consider soul society isn't the epitome of heaven, something is messed up. forces are all out of balance and even soul society is corrupt. i also have a feeling that bleach isn't going to end with this deathgod/save rukia arc.. if it continues on, could you imagine if ichigo turns hollow/evil, commits some serious sin and then they had to invade hell to go rescue ichigo? what if rukia actually has crazy ass deathgod powers now that ichigo has his own and she doesn't even know it yet? and what do you think her released soul slayer looks like? so many possibilites.. oh, and what about ishada's quincy powers!? *dies in anticipation*
  11. they explained it in the manga and it was left out in the anime. besides, if i remember it right, the guy had it coming.
  12. Gutts is the shit. now that you've seen half the series, look at the Berserk avatars i added a while back.
  13. friggin editing. GO USOPP!
  14. i'm just glad it'll be on thursdays. http://www.ancientclan.com/content/view/279/85/
  15. This is one of my favorite scenes in One Piece so far. The episodes cartoon network aired last night were 3-4 episodes cut down to 2. Usopp's fight scene was ripped from half an episode down to 1 1/2 minutes. So, I took some screen shots. In this scene Usopp has a revalation with himself. He finally stops being a coward and makes a stand. The emotion in his voice and his actions were stunning. The screenshots can't describe it all, but its a basic summary of what happened. The scene starts with Usuopp playing dead. Then when the merman walks away, Usopp figures it'd look better if he went back to everyone looking more dirty/battle damaged and with a good excuse.. Then after thinking about it all, he can't take it anymore. You'll also notice at the end, Usopp busts out with his Usopp hammer, well, technically he hits the guy about twenty times in the face so I didn't bother taking multiple screen shots of a phrase.. so, yeah, Usopp hammers Chu's face until hes dead. And if you couldn't tell by the edited version on CN and 4Kids.. the Luffy Pirates killed every last merman on that island. And then celebrated for a week by getting pissy drunk and having a huge island party (I doubt they'll air that episode. ) Screenshots: http://www.ancientclan.com/memberfiles/usoppvsmerman/
  16. Off Topic: yep, double posting is making a reply after your own. let someone reply first, then add post something else, or just edit your last post.
  17. For me its Luffy, then Zoro. They are the dudes.
  18. you can pre-order them just about anywhere. rightstuf, bestbuy, circuit city, amazon, etc. http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmgr/88yD497=WctDT5w5df/browse/item/66563/4/0/0 *edits* no double or triple posting! http://forums.ancientclan.com/faq.php?faq=posting#faq_doubleposting (edits) http://forums.ancientclan.com/showthread.php?t=3111 Delayed.
  19. i should pre-order this. btw neo, don't double post.
  20. its because i watched the dub first. X'D i swear if you watch something in english before the sub, you'll associate the voice with the face. and i dunno why, but i love kaname's english voice!
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