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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Hmmm... I wasn't all that pleased with Spider-Man 3. \ It had good potential, but it didn't seem right to me. I assumed the venom suit would have been clinging to Peter full time and retract and emerge on him on command, but that didn't happen. and why would he go to the top of a church tower to rip off a costume thats pretty much acted exactly like fabric up until that point? unless he already knew that it bonded to him and sound affected it and he'd have to use something like that church bell to rip it off himself. Venom's head didn't look porportioned right, and he had no venom voice. It peeled away to Eddie Brocks face so much it was like he was fighting a powered up eddie instead a full fledged muscular monster that was Venom. The movie was good, but I don't think it was better than the first two. the movie was better than Transformers and Superman Returns tho. I didn't care for the Harry portion of the show or having Sandman in it. It should have just been a Venom movie that should have started off with a Rhino fight at the beginning of the movie. The movie left me with the impression of those old horrible Batman movies that focused on multiple bad guys (Two Face/Sandman, Mr Freeze/Venom) and bringing in a side kick/hero to help the main character (Robin/Harry). If they do make more Spiderman movies, I hope they focus more on a single plot instead of multiple plot lines that lead nowhere.
  2. Theres a new clip as of 10/30/2007: http://media.movies.ign.com/media/746/746237/vids_1.html Look at those human heads exploding! X'D Thank god that predator is killing everything.
  3. Poor Robin-Chan. and Sanji and Chopper too! Luffy better show up soon and kick some ass!
  4. Sledgstone

    Rock Lee

    Just skip the rest from that point on and go straight to Naruto Shippuden episode 1.
  5. Finally! Let the ass kicking begin!
  6. Damn thats some costly money. Its like that in the states to, they hit you with all these costs and interest you are pretty much forced to finish your degree to get a higher paying job because otherwise you'd have no chance in hell of ever paying off your college debt. Can you refinance at all to get a lower rate? Maybe once you'd accumulated enough debt they'll consider you extremely poor and then help out? What I always find messed up is how the system is set to keep the rich richer and poor poorer. If you have a crapload of money in the back, the money will earn you massive interest and basically your money will keep making you money.. but if you have debt, that same interest will earn you more debt and keep you poor off your ass. I probably pay about $100+ a month in debt finance charges because of credit cards and a car loan. I can only imagine your finance charges for $72000. ouch. x_x
  7. eh... maybe if I get the time. I'm still behind on alot of shows I've been meaning to catch up on. I do remember Peter was my second favorite after that Hiro guy.
  8. In the book, the mist is so thick you can't see that far.. and at one point they see potholes in the ground large enough for cars or buses to fall into, turns out they were foot prints. The monster's walking stride was so huge and long it took a couple minutes for them to see it's back legs landing near them and then realize the sun wasn't being blotted out by a cloud. needless to say it's body was pretty high up, so I can't remember if they were able to see it completely or not in the book. also, there will be tenticle monsters. X'D
  9. http://blog.scifi.com/tech/archives/2007/10/30/takara_tomy_iso_1.html?p=8&cat=undefined#more Watch the video! X'D They should make an entire lineup of DBZ action figures based on this robot. Imagine getting the full Ginyu Force team of robot/action figures doing random poses. X'D
  10. Sledgstone

    Rock Lee

    I searched it real quick and I think its 126. There were some really good fights in the 100+ eps. but only until about 130? Then the series tanked for almost 100+ episodes straight (all filler).
  11. Those previews I saw during the ghost hunters live episode were great! I'm really looking forward to watching this. The way the novella was wrote and how it ended really gives the movie alot of freedom to make something really good. I just hope they show the legs of one of those huge monsters they come across.. The way it was described in the book it had to be the size of a walking football stadium.
  12. I stopped watching the show during season 1. That asian guy was hilarious tho, he was the best. but the cheerleader girl/father thing got too boring for me. \ I did catch the last 5 mins of the season finale tho. BOOM! poor flying guy. I don't think he died tho.. or did he? hmm.
  13. I feel asleep for a while. The wrestler guy freaking out at the end was funny. But all in all the place had a couple moments of activity. Its a shame they couldn't see that ball move to begin with. Hopefully they'll get some good evps on the reveal episode. btw, they're constant background music/sound effects annoyed the living hell out of me. Being a live episode I was expecting it to be f*cking quiet so the viewer themselves could try to hear any kind of noises that might have happened. There were at least 2 or 3 times where they said something like "Did you hear that.. yeah its like a something something noise" and as they are standing there straining to hear it all I can hear is this f*cking annoying heartbeat background noise and sound effect noises. and the website just had a single live feed going to it, it was pointless to watch. I do remember the "Most Haunted" live special did show 4 live feeds from their cameras at all times. I doubt anything was shown on any of those cameras but at least it gave you more to check out. It was still entertaining in the end, but it could have been better... especially the camera angles. It would have been nice to have the camera pointed occasionally in the direction the team members were actually looking at so you'd feel like you were there, but at the same time I can understand that they wouldn't want to broadcast a black screen for any length of time. heh, imagine watching a black screen with just the sound effects playing, after about 5 minutes I would have changed the channel. \ I don't think I'll go out of my way to watch it next time. I'm definitely looking forward to the next episode tho.
  14. Sledgstone

    where would you...

    I'd probably wear it either on my forehead or on my bicep.
  15. Sledgstone

    Rock Lee

    Rock Lee is one of my favorite characters on Naruto. his determination and fighting ability is awesome! wait until you see the Kimimaru fight.
  16. Waha! Its good to see you're safe and moved in. welcome back.
  17. Whats your plans for the day? Anyone going trick or treating? We're having a dress down/costume/massive pot luck at work that includes both buildings. Theres going to be over 15 crockpots, 3 different kinds of meatballs, sheet pizzas, endless snack items, lunch meat trays, veggie trays, etc, etc. Theres going to be 8+ tables of food spread out all over the office. and three of them are within ten feet of my cubicle. *plans to skip dinner after eating all day* I'll be working until 6pm and won't get home until almost 7. I'm planning on watching the Ghost Hunters special and probably drink some red stripe if my stomach can handle it at that point. Anyone dressing up? post your pics!
  18. yep. 9pm to 3am. I missed last years, but I caught about 3 or so hours of the "Most Haunted" live episode (they have a once a year 6 hour live special on the travel channel). That show is like a bbc version of Ghost Hunters, but horrible in comparison. Btw, the ghost hunters will have their cameras set up to feed live footage nonstop on the scifi website. I'll probably be online most of that night staring back and forth at the tv and the monitor until I feel like falling asleep.
  19. Two more new features! When you log in, there are now "New Posts" and "New Rep Comments" links in the same top right part of the screen as your private message link. If you do not have any new rep comments, the link will not be displayed. I think this will work with the Thanks mod I installed earlier today. Also, now when you click on your User CP, you will see both the latest 5 rep comments you've received, and the last 5 you've given. Which will be helpful if you forget who the last couple people you've given rep to were. I'm also thinking this might work with the Thanks mod, but I'm not sure. They might function completely separately. If anyone finds out, let me know.
  20. Another new feature! Moods. Change your mood on the fly by clicking the mood image at the top right of the screen (under private messages) and choosing whatever mood you feel like.
  21. http://www.scifi.com/ghosthunters/sanatorium/ It'll be a 6 hour live episode. Anyone else going to watch it? I scheduled the following thursday off of work so I wouldn't have to wake up in the morning.
  22. Arcade updated. Hopefully, most of those errors will be fixed now. New Games! Zookeeper 2 Tower Bloxx Texas Holdem Poker Park Soccer JawaShoot Cloud Breakout Big Bird Hunting
  23. New feature! Whenever someone makes a new topic, their post is eligible to receive "Thanks". If you like someone's post, click the thanks button and your name will appear in a box under the first post of the topic indicating that you liked the post. There is no thanks confirmation, just click the button and its done. Your total thanks is listed under your username/avatar and every time you get thanked by someone you automatically get 20 rep points per thanks. Make a really good topic and get thanked by 20 people = 400 rep points.
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