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Sledgstone last won the day on April 11

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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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    One piece
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    Lunar Silver Star Story
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. I need to do my front brakes. I haven't done a brake job in 4 years. I love this corolla. :D I used to do a brake job once a year with my crappy blazer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sledgstone


      Got the front brakes done. I've never had difficulty taking tires off a car until today. I'm tempted to leave a rubber mallet in my trunk in case I ever need to change a flat.

    3. Trigger


      lol I don't mind doing the front brakes, it's the back one's I can't stand doing. Before you changed them, did you have the highest quality of brakes? I went almost 3 year without changing them on my Chevy Cav, but now I travel a lot more with my job. Around 500 miles a month just for work so I suspect I'll be changing them a lot more.

    4. Sledgstone


      The original brake pads the corolla had was ceramics and thats what I bought to replace them. The exact same OEM pads from the dealership's parts department. They cost roughly $30 but thats about how much I'd have paid for the duralast gold ceramics that I kept buying for my previous cars. Whats surprising is that the Duralast only have a 30,000 mile life to them.. these toyota pads must be perfectly molded for the model of car considering they lasted 51,000.

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