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Sledgstone last won the day on April 11 2024

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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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    One piece
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    Lunar Silver Star Story
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. My PS3 died today. :( It was one of my favorite consoles of all time and the best bluray player ever. I tried everything to fix it except buy a new power adapter. If I buy a multimeter I can test it to see if thats the issue or not. But I'll probably be better off putting the $30 that would cost towards a newer model refurbished one. I would just get another ps4 for my living room, but I still have a bunch of ps3 games I still want to eventually play.

    1. DeathscytheX


      You'll never play them. XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      I left my PS3 on for its entire life. I never used that "off switch" in the back so it was always on low power or what ever it was called. I had a first gen launch day version. It actually got me more money on trade it towards the slew of PS4 games I got on the PS4 launch. thats pretty sad that a first edition was worth more than a newer slim because of the backwards compatibility.

    3. Sledgstone


      I might not ever play them, but it was the Final Fantasy 13 games. I could pick them up on steam now, but that PS3 was the best bluray player ever because of it's built in dolby digital surround sound decoder. With a bluray movie and my 5.1 speaker set up, that PS3 made my living room sound like a movie theater with massive bass. I think to buy a bluray player with that audio output would cost around $50, so I still think I'll spend the extra $50-$80 more and get a refurbished ps3 instead so I'll get the benefits of auto firmware updates, a 500 gb hard drive and access to all my games again.

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