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Sledgstone last won the day on April 11 2024

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About Sledgstone

  • Rank
    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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  • Favorite Anime
    One piece
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    Lunar Silver Star Story
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    Servant of the Bones
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  1. A SSD hard drive is a significant upgrade. I now want one of these for my main PC. I wish I'd have bought a cheap 256 GB one during black friday just to have the OS and a few games installed on while keeping my 1 TB regular drive for everything else. For my laptop I only have the one hard drive bay and this 480 GB is plenty of space but a 256 GB would have been way too small. I can now boot up my laptop in seconds. After hitting the power button, typing in my password, clicking on firefox.. only takes 20 seconds. :D It could go faster but I wasted a few seconds in shock staring at my password screen and typing slow. XD Everything on the laptop now loads up fast.

    GW2 still takes a while to load, but I think thats because of the online nature of it and my CPU/GPU taking too long to render the game. Regardless of that it still loads all maps literally twice as fast now. It takes almost a full minute to load into the character select screen after logging it. But all maps, including Lions Arch, all load in 10 seconds for me. I wish I had one of these for my main PC since I stream all my games off it. I can get my daily login rewards way faster on my laptop with my alt accounts now and if I'm just farming nodes it'll probably be faster for me to use my laptop now than my main PC. O_O

    1. DeathscytheX


      I've seen people complain about the SSD not loading fast for GW2 after the last update. Some say they have really slow login-character select load times right now. It could just be a bug.

    2. Sledgstone


      That would make alot more sense. It doesn't make sense that my laptop running a ssd will take a solid minute just to load into the character select screen, but my pc will load it in 11 seconds.

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