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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Battlefield V

    I think the most important thing is there will be no more one man army'ing it up. I felt way OP in the last few BF games. I was a one man mobile SAM in BF4, and I kept bunkers clear in BF1. Having a 1.7 KD in a BF game is a little insane. The not healing back to 100% means there has to be a medic. Even in BF3 you'd heal to about 70-80% and that last bit to 100% felt like forever to get back without a medic. I also like the ability to move AA around so planes can't dominate by remembering where they are and taking them out immediately. The low ammo count I feel conflicted on. But it should solve the sniping issue somewhat. It definitely means it will be better when you're playing with at least 2 people you know in the squad. Having a medic and support is going to be key otherwise you'll have a squad with no ammo and constantly losing tickets. Fortifications sound nice to guard your back in indoor situations. Hopefully there will be proper notifications when they are destroyed and they aren't ridiculous to destroy. All we need is people bunkering down hard on a flag inside. Of course driving a tank through the wall helps. It's good that full destruction is back. Plus the rocket strikes and other squad abilities have the potential to balance it out.
  2. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Battlefield V

    I like what I'm hearing now they just need to deliver (I liked a lot of what I heard about BF1 but it was never really delivered on imo). Honestly happy that it's WWII (yea I know everybody wants modern and what not) and I like they're keeping the War Stories SP around as that was one of the main things I loved about BF1 (though I still haven't beaten the last set yet) and I really like that it's going to be stories we haven't heard and battles we haven't seen (nice little touch). I could honestly care less about soldier customization (honestly I don't see the point. The only games I care about being able to customize my character on are MMO's and some action/rpg games) but it's nice they're finally allowing it more so than before. The whole archetype class and weapon system sounds interesting especially since I'm one of those guys that ends up doing to things no one wants and I actually play my class the way it's meant to be (I have a feeling I'll be leaning heavily toward support or medic depending on what sounds like more fun), I just hope it's implemented well and not just thrown into the game like Behemoths and Elite Classes were in BF1. Grand Operations sounds fun especially since its kinda what we were supposed to get in BF1 but never did and I'm extremely happy that Conquest is going back to what it used to be (about time). Not to sure how I feel about Fortifications. Sounds interesting but only if it's done right, will have to wait on actual gameplay footage of this feature before I fully give my opinion. All in all it sounds like a return to what made BF what it is along with adding new things that will eventually be ripped off them by someone else. Not going to jump on the bandwagon though, I'll wait until it comes out before I buy it instead of pre-ordering it (as I'm sick of getting burned) even if that means no beta access.
  3. 1 point

    Battlefield V

    The problem is, they gave all the good info to the YTers and revealed only half of that stuff at the event. Trevor Noah wasn't funny and the talk show format was odd. More people watched that than will watch Westie or Jackfrags.

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