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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2013 in Posts

  1. 1 point


    Check out the first trailer for the remake of Robocop! Click here to view the article
  2. 1 point
    Teaser - Beebop, Champloo. Interview - http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2013-09-03/interview-shinichiro-wantanabe
  3. 1 point


    I'll go see it. Wish it wasn't PG-13 and was R, like Dredd which was fun even though it was like The Raid. Combat armor's black the silver one. Stealth is black. Big difference in plot is how he dies and how that affects the character and the movie's intent. In the original, Murphy is tortured, shot at, and eventually murdered with a bullet to the head. He was a cop all this while. Traumatic. As Robocop he suffers PTSD and that shows the human element and depth in his character. In the new movie, he's home chilling and his car explodes. Looks like the company did that to him on purpose to experiment on him, maybe he gets back to them when he finds out they did this to him and probably other cops who've been experimented on/ died in the process and he seeks revenge.
  4. 1 point


    I think back is the better colour for what he is, Black is a colour associated with tactical squads / special divisions of law enforcement like SWAT. H now seems more cyborg then robot, which i think will be peoples biggest gripe Alex died, and was re-animated as a cyborg, more machine then man, and learnt humanity again this take seems to be more cyborg, that is essentially an augmented human, human feelings with a programmable body, Personally i don't think the film needed to be remade, but that doesn't mean it will suck,. it will be entertaining at least. I look forward to it, Back when robocop was made in the 80's people could barly fathom the idea of touch screen, 3d imagining or even flat screens. I am curious to the take of the future this film will have. Personally I think he should be more mobile, stronger faster and smarter. Why does he need 3 inch layers of steel to be bullet proof when new compounds of metal can be 5mm thick and more resistant, Less walking tank more walking arsenal.
  5. 1 point

    YT thread

  6. 1 point


    Check now the new intense trailer for Gravity. This post has been promoted to an article

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