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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2013 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Strider Hiryu


    Considering the fact that consoles will not be backward compatible in the next gen I'm pretty sure both companies won't stop supporting the current gen systems for quite awhile (especially considering the fact that the new Xbox is going to require a constant internet connection (or so has been reported). A lot of people don't like the idea of that (nor do I, with my crappy internet connection)). Plus as DX pointed out the original Xbox Live was shut down in 2010 due to lack of subscriptions. Plus most people won't update to the new system right away so they'd lose money if they stopped supporting the old systems right away (I, for one, will not be upgrading right away. I just bought my current 360 two years ago and I'm still paying off my laptop, no money for a new system. Plus I usually wait a year to make sure there's no major hardware or software problems with the new system (remember the 360 debacles)). Back on the actual subject I've been awaiting this announcement since Bungie left MS for Activision (and turned over the keys to Halo, an idea I still don't agree with or like. Don't get me wrong Halo 4 is fun but I don't like the direction 343 is taking franchise). Bungie has a lot of great talent on their team so I can't wait to see what the final product looks like and if they can really support their ideas for this game (the server thing has me wondering since, as DX pointed out, Activision doesn't like to run its own servers).
  2. 1 point
    http://www.collegehumor.com/facebook-history Alexander the Great: You seem pretty chill, is there anything you want from me? Diogenes: Just Step out of my sunlight Alexander the Great: Badass, man. Its pretty old, but I see its been updated since last I saw it. Funny stuff.

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