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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2010 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    burn a Quran 9/11

    le sigh~ I'm from NY. I lost a former classmate in the attack on the towers on 9/11. I am an atheist. I hate the religious nutters whatever deity they pray to, they are delusional. I do not want myself, my family friends or my country dragged into some retarded war over whose old time piece of shit book is correct. News flash to the christians and muslims: yer all wrong. Every last one of you brainwashed assholes is wrong. We have freedoms in this country. Ya wanna burn a book, well have at it. All you are really doing is taking action on your ignorance and/or hate. Keep in mind that book burning has never accomplished anything other then the loss of history and culture. From the crusaders to the conquistadors; they burned away the history of entire cultures in the name of their deity. We cannot learn from history (and thus be doomed to repeat it) if the tomes keeping that history are burned to ashes. Obviously the christer organizing this tard fest is only doing it for attention. He's mentally ill, just as loony as the assholes that strap on bombs and blow themselves to smithereens cuz they think they'll get virgins in their afterlife. People like these just want a holy war, at least they think they do. but imagine no electricity or water running to your house, no food or medicine being shipped to local stores and hospitals, no fucking toilet paper to wipe your ass -that is what a war zone is. You want that? Really? If so then by all means please move to the middle east and go have your war over there. I don't want it here. I see these fucktards on tv burning my flag because a handful of my countrymen are fucking assholes and it pisses me off. I'm tired of tolerating religion; personally I like being able to flush a shit away and having access to antibiotics when I get a sinus infection. I would love to see a countrywide protest by atheists. We all go into libraries and book stores and move bible/quran/torah into the fiction section. No matches required.

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