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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2007 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    naruto Vs shippuuden

    Point system (1 = poor, 2 = avarage, 3 = super) Naruto: 1) Character Design - is kiddish and hard to take serious for a "ninja" type anime. (+ 1) 2) Battles - Naruto has two or three epic battles that will stick with you throughout both series. (+3) 3) Story - is interesting but chuck full of fillers. fillers are bad! (+2) 4) Music - is kiddish but very catchy and fun to sing. (+2) 5) Love connections and Romance - are there but no two characters have really established an "openly love love" relationship yet (+1) 6) Character Development - is fast, friendships are formed, people become stronger and more interesting. (+3) 7) Interest - Interesting but not really something you would get attached too. At least not until the real fighting starts. (+2) Total Points: 14 Shippuuden: 1) Character Design - is much better and more mature. (+ 2) 2) Battles - Shippuuden really doesn't have any "epic battles" more like small skirmishes that span across several episodes making you wonder if they will ever end or how they can even continue 6+ eps of Naruto chasing after a guy on a clay bird. (+1) 3) Story - has only a few fillers, but the story is continuously boring at times. Battles and issues now span over several episodes with sucks. (+2) 4) Music - is still somewhat kiddish but has adapted to a more adult tone that seems more appropriate for the new season. (+3) 5) Love connections and Romance - Relationships are virtually gone (with the exception of the two teachers that had a secret thing going on). We no longer see any love comedy or progress being made between Naruto and Sakura nor Hinata and Naruto. (+1) 6) Character Development - is somewhat slowed down, after the time skip we see a huge change in characters but after that nothing really changes. We no longer see development in main characters characters. We only see progression in "attacks", enemy's, and newer characters. (+2) 7) Interest - After watching the first series your interest level should be very high. Continuing the show will make your intrest even higher when finding out answers to questions that have been bugging us since the first episode. (+3) Total Points: 14 So in my opinion its about a tie.

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