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Steam has made its own hand held game console. It can be used as a handheld or docked to a tv like the Nintendo Switch. Honestly, this looks like a solid hand held. Everyone that does PC gaming has a steam account and most likely alot of games already in their library. 

There are three versions: $399, $529 & $649 depending on the internal storage. Its shipping December of 2021.


The hardware looks great too:


Fast storage

Get the built-in storage you need: 64GB eMMC, 256GB NVMe SSD (faster), or 512GB NVMe SSD (fastest). If you're looking for more space, augment your built-in storage with a microSD card and fill it up with even more games.

Hi-Fi audio

Steam Deck's stereo speakers pack a punch. An embedded DSP provides clarity and a wide soundstage for an immersive listening experience. Connect your favorite headset, or use the onboard dual microphones to chat with your friends.

40Wh battery

Steam Deck's onboard 40 watt-hour battery provides several hours of play time for most games. For lighter use cases like game streaming, smaller 2D games, or web browsing, you can expect to get the maximum battery life of approximately 7-8 hours.

Expandable I/O

The single USB-C jack is multi-purpose: used for charging, peripherals, or even throwing the game onto a big screen at the same time. Any USB-C hub can be used to expand your options, or get our official dock when it is released. More info on the dock below.


WiFi keeps you connected to the world, and Bluetooth allows for a wide variety of wireless peripherals - from controllers to headsets, keyboards, and mice.

Fast Suspend / Resume

We’ve built a quick suspend / resume feature into SteamOS. Press the power button, and Steam Deck will suspend your game and go into sleep mode. Push the power button again and it will wake up right where you left off.




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I remember when this was rumored to be called Steam Pal. And before that there was a Steam Machine handheld that failed to launch named Smach Z. I expect to find out that Steam Deck like Steam Machines before it will only be able to run games that work on Linux & will void warrantee if you want to use the desktop. On the other hand if I had money to burn I'd probably buy a Steam Deck.

I don't expect AyaNeo to sell more than Steam Deck, but I wouldn't be surprised if Alienware UFO or some other well known PC company did.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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Took me a while to finish watching these videos. Considering that second round of pre-orders might not get shipped until late 2022 really makes this another scalpers golden ticket item again. I like the Steam Deck and I think its a great idea, but with whatever silicon ship shortage BS the world has right now, its pretty crap timing and this is going to be flipped on ebay just as bad as the PS5. At least the initial scalpers were denied their ebay listings, until it gets closer to December when they'll be allowed to list them for thousands of dollars. -_-; Reviewtechusa makes a great point about the base model though. I'd pass on that and go for the 512 gb version.


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I doubt it due to my experience with Steam OS on Steam Machine.

If only Dell released the Alienware UFO in 2020.


I wonder if I would've backed AyaNeo on IndieGoGo if it weren't for Rich...

Edited by Myk JL

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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The only things that can defeat Steam Deck is it having Steam OS instead of Windows or a company like Dell releasing a handheld PC instead of a company that needs crowdfunding.

Those who fight deplorables should see to it that they themselves do not become deplorables.

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just checked both of their prices on amazon and steam. really..no thanks. that's too high. i have pc to play my games on (some needs wheels and pedals while others need mouse and keyboard), don't know why i have to pay extra hundreds of dollars to play something that i already have. then again i still haven't touched my ps5 in almost a year now..-_- 


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I want a Steam Deck, but I'd prioritize a new PC given the current cost. It's surprising it's been out for a year already. I wonder when Steam Deck 2 will be release..

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