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Everything posted by LeeLee

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-18770328 Might find this interesting! It's a body fat ratio chart that compares you to the rest of the world. I'm like 85% skinnier than most women in the usa ages 19-29! I had some blood work done a year ago, and I found out that I have a vit D deficiency because I don't get enough sun. This is something that's getting really common now with people staying inside on their computers all day. I fractured a bone in my foot just by running and having weak bones! I used to work at a healthfood store. I know a lot about proper diets and suppliments. If you have any questions I could prolly help you. Pretty much there is no such thing as a magic pill that makes you lose weight, and a lot of the ones out there don't actually work. The biggest mistake people make when they try to lose weight is that they don't eat enough. Starving yourself may work in the begining, but over time your body will panic and stop burning your fat cells and instead will attack your muscle and organs. If you do lose weight this way you'll only be hurting yourself. Also, while doing this, most of the fat you do take in will be stored, and this can cause weight gain, even though you are eating less. It's better to eat 6 small meals in a day, than three big ones, too!
  2. Banks can be evil. Hospital bills don't count towards your credit for everything. When I got a car they told me they didn't look at that. Right now I'm working to clear up a mark on my credit that was kinda caused my a bank being a dick. Had a Suntrust account for a while, was ordering skin care stuff with my credit card, then I cancled it. The company had the report that I cancled, but it didn't get put into the computer right or something and the charge went thru the next month. The company told my bank it was their error, and refunded the money, but not the over draft. My bank refused to take the over draft charge back saying it was my fault for not planning for that situation and not having enough money to cover it "Just in case". Claimed it was a lesson to learn from. Dicks. I refused to pay out of dumb pride. After I was only able to get an account from Chase, where there is a limited checking account for bad credit that actually helps you buy your credit back. No checks. You can only access your last $100 via a bank ATM, and for 6-9 months they charge you $15 a month. After that, better credit! Or so they say.... banks.
  3. Only once here! It was about 6 years ago. I actually wanted them to pick me. It was a high profile case! Thought it would be cool to be a part of it. They had too many white people, tho.... lol
  4. LeeLee

    The GIFs thread

    and all things cute!
  5. LeeLee

    The GIFs thread

    Yay! I love puppies! I
  6. well I have bad credit due to hospital bills. Another downer to being an adult is not having your parents insurance any more. =/
  7. it's just that, I've been doing this adult thing for a while now. I just can't seem to get used to all the ups and downs. At least I love my job! And I don't believe in credit cards. =P
  8. LeeLee

    The GIFs thread

    omg!!! Tonton pug! The mouth gif makes me dizzy. It looks like it's moving.
  9. Ya. Had a great day at work. Got off at 4pm, then spent the last hour and a half on the side of the highway! Life is full of tough choices! Pay rent or fix your car?! Well, don't need a car to go to work and make money if I don't have rent to pay, and I won't have a place to live if I don't have a car to get to work to make money to pay rent! Gah! It never ends, either!
  10. no, there would still be really stupid people out there looking for the ultimate high. I know plently of coke heads who don't like the way weed makes them feel. Then you have some people who just get stupider when they smoke!
  11. Haven't seen it yet, but will prolly dl it soon. My friends who are huge fans of the alien universe really liked this. They told me that someone who only knows the alien movies, who wants to see aliens like that, will be dissapointed. That it's different aliens. I always go into movies expecting to be underwhelmed. I know that the movie can never be as good as I imagined it might be.
  12. I'm so mad! I haven't had cable tv in about 3 years. I didn't feel there was anything worth watching any more. Now they do THIS?! I love Blue Sub!!
  13. That guy isn't the only one eating people! There was another where some guy killed and ate his roommates heart and liver. What about the guy who stabbed himself like 30 times, then when the cops came, he started throwing parts of his skin and intestines at the cops?! People are going batshit crazy for some reason...
  14. LeeLee

    The GIFs thread

    Yeah, we need more boobie gifs.
  15. LeeLee

    The GIFs thread

    I'm feeling fiesty today! Here are some very fiesty anime chicks showing some dudes who is boss!
  16. Last I heard he is in critical condition. If he dies it won't disprove the zombie possibility. Could be he turns and the government covers it up. =P
  17. LeeLee

    My art

    Very interesting.... lol
  18. Yes! AWA is just anime gaming and japanese stuffs. Dragon con is more scifi horror and comic oriented. I forgot Dragoncon, too! I went there 2 years ago. Also other cons I forgot is Chibi-pa and Mega con. Mega con is similar to Dragon con, only not quite as big, and more of a focus on comics.
  19. That's right! On Saturday, May 25th of 2012, a nude man attacked a homeless man and proceeded to chew his face off in Miami, Florida. When police showed up he wouldn't stop when comanded and they shot him. The nude zombie guy still didn't stop. It took a second shot from police to take down the crazed naked zombie dude. They claim it was either due to crack coccain or smoking bath salts. I say zombie. I mean, he ate a man's face off!! To the bone. Even ate the guy's nose! I'm scared. I'm so not stocked and ready for zombies. I live really close to Miami, as well. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57443456-504083/ronald-poppo-victim-of-fla-face-eating-man-rudy-eugene-is-a-65-year-old-homeless-man-police-say/
  20. LeeLee

    The GIFs thread

    Couldn't help myself. I have another where a anime chick squeezes her boobies and milk squirts out and decapitates a ninja. It's amazing. I think I'd get in trouble for posting that one, though...
  21. Just finished watching it! By far the most entertaining and well done comic movies I've ever seen. I have a super girl crush on the Black Widow!
  22. Yes! The style of this anime is amazing! I was a bit sad it was so short! It's been a long time since I've seen it. Thinking I will watch it again now that you got me thinking about it!
  23. Ya! Action! Explosions! This movie will be awesome if they do lots of that, and all the characters do less talking.
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