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Status Updates posted by DeathscytheX

  1. Freezing... a Sekirei rip off... lol

    1. Pchan


      Try Kill la Kill, much better use of your time over Freezing :/

    2. DeathscytheX


      Yeah, they're both fan service heavy featuring busty fighters whose clothing easily rip during combat XD. I don't think funi has kill la kill on their streaming service yet.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Honestly I thought the story was pretty good. They could have spent less time on Setallizer and Kazuya relationship development. But I'll watch Season 2 when it is dubbed.

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  2. Dragon's Reach Pt 1 starts today on GW2! *prepares to marathon*

    1. DeathscytheX


      Dammit the story is so good. I'm thinking the next big festival event is going to be in October. I think they run a Halloween themed event every year. I hope the Queen opens up the pavilion again. You must experience the frustration that is Boom Boom Baines! XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      Ah here is a more accurate version.... long, but worth watching Tequatl appear at the start. :P
    3. DeathscytheX


      Ugh, I got one more Tequatl achievement to get to get 50 achievement points. But it comes at the cost of getting the max reward. XD

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  3. Teqautl the Sunless raids are defintely the biggest on Sunday's and Monday's #GW2

    1. DeathscytheX


      Ok I just experienced it! He still flies off by he cant even start attacking each time he lands. crazy.

    2. Sledgstone


      Wow. They must do some insane long distance damage.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Nah, They just have a crap ton of the right ascended armor and weapons. We all stack on the commander and go to town on him to where his life bar drops so fast.

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  4. I hit the maximum Vanguard marks for the week. I got my 3rd Exotic, and I'll probably buy a legendary hand cannon to completment my exotic machine gun load out.

    1. DeathscytheX


      Let me clarify that the exotic weapons share the same max damage cap, while armor defense caps are higher than legendary.

    2. Sledgstone


      The exotic armor special traits seem much more beneficial than the weapon specials. The increased defense is good but the bonus light is definitely better. Maybe a new class of exotic weapons will have light bonuses next.

    3. DeathscytheX


      I don't think they will do that as it would make certain weapons useless, and the loot system would be broken again.

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  5. I've fallen in love with Sword Art Online. #nerdgasm

    1. Sledgstone


      That was the last ep I watched. -_- let me know if it gets better for you and ill resume it.

    2. DeathscytheX


      Yay! ____ is back! ^_^ #nonspoiler XD

    3. Sledgstone


      lol. Is season 2 on netflix?

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  6. Fairy Tail has a tournament season?! YES!!!!!

    1. DeathscytheX


      After Juvia revealed the rules Gramps put into place with both team facing each other, Natsu imagines himself making Laxus and Gajeel doing Happy impressions?! ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. DeathscytheX


      Wow the beginning of this season is gut wrenching with Lucy losing to Flare because of cheaters :| She really got screwed over after improving so much.

    3. Sledgstone


      Poor Lucy. She didn't deserve that. :(

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  7. Finally did dungeon night. Arah path 3 was insane. The 2nd to last boss was so hard that a guild leader had one of the main leaders of TTS come in and help us beat him almost SOLO when we all went down. I love the positive attitudes even when we fail. It was a fun time.

    1. Sledgstone


      You know you're contributing when your best choice is to lay dead. lmao. XD But yeah, if it would have reset the fight, screw that. I'd lay there dead too.. like I did in that glint's mini dungeon. lmao. I watched you fight that boss for almost 10 minutes. XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      Nexforce is a good Wurm commander but he dropped the ball on our Guild Missions tonight. completely disorganized. Our leaders must have been tied up for him to fill in. I'm glad you got your commendations but it was more organized the last week I did it. He probably had something to do and rushed it a bit. I can understand that since he isn't our chapter's leader. I'm just glad we got to do missions.

    3. Sledgstone


      Yeah. He didn't know what he was doing At first. Lol. It all worked out in the end. I'm glad I got those commendations. I'll do those every week.

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  8. After two years my HTC One has had a good run, but it's battery has seen better days. I just preordered the Galaxy S6 from best buy. They had a deal where it came with a free wireless charging pad.

    1. Sledgstone


      The camera on my friend's s5 is very impressive. Big leap in quality over my s4. The s6 camera should be amazing.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Hmmm, I was thinking of trying out the Droid Turbo this time around (I'm up for a new phone in Nov). Still not 100% sure, you'll have to tell me how the S6 is (I love my S4 but I don't really know if I want the S6)

    3. DeathscytheX


      Yeah my preferences are a bit different from the hardcore. Removable batteries and micro SD slots don't matter to me. I got the 64gb version even though I never use more than half of the 32GB models I've owned. Heck, by the time you're up, the S6 active might be out with the water resistant features and what not.

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  9. After completing all but one of the PvE Jumping Puzzles, I can see why hardcore JPers wish for better content. Maybe 4-7 of the 40+ puzzles were long and challenging... I thought most of them would be hard, otherwise I would have done them a long time ago.

    1. DeathscytheX


      Just typing in the name of the JP on youtube generally brings her guides up as the top result, but always go with AyinMaiden's videos. She shows you where to go to get to them if they are hidden, and she is straight to the point. I used her guides exclusively. https://www.youtube.com/user/AyinMaiden/playlists?sort=dd&flow=list&shelf_id=10&view=50 You can thank her SW JP video for helping me guide you to Skritt Tonic glory. ;)

    2. Sledgstone


      I love that tonic. XD

    3. Sledgstone


      On another note.. I bet with the new borderlands coming for WvW, they'll probably retire those jp from the collection like how they removed WvW from map completion.

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  10. D: ;_; wtf....... This story... So gut wrenching so soon... #GW2HoT

    1. Sledgstone


      Nice way to cheese that fight. XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      The area was small enough that the flesh Wurm was straight beast mode. XD

    3. Sledgstone
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  11. broke down and got BOIII on a cyber monday deal... too many friends on PSN are playing it, guess I'll join them. smh

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Sure now you decide to buy it. You'll have to let me know if the MP is still fun. I'd get it but with that purchase at Walmart on Friday I have to many games to play at the moment (and I really wanted to buy Siege too).

    2. DeathscytheX


      Meh, I'm not really impressed. I guess its fun with friends, but it seems more like a chore than previous games.... it doesn't feel like COD to me. But suffers a lot of COD flaws.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Now that I have better gear it's more enjoyable. Starter gear is def the worst in the series history. The ICR-1 makes me feel at home with its M4-like qualities.

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  12. Sparrow Racing will become a 3 week event on Destiny next week... something that should have been a permanent fixture of the game.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Shit I deleted it off my PS4 months ago to make space for other, more interesting games. Battlefront, BF4, DA: Inquisition and AC4 take up a lot of room. Not to mention all those damn free games I have downloaded. Destiny can stay off my system till the day I decide to play it again.

    2. DeathscytheX


      Its for TTK only, We can't play it unless we have the DLC. :P

    3. Sledgstone


      Oh well then. Time to delete it. :P

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  13. COD is slowly trying to introduce P2W with the supply drop weapons. They must think they can get away with anything. Reddit has been really pissed about this since it happened. This will be their undoing.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Welcome to the new age of gaming. I honestly didn't think Activision would go down this route or at least with COD but I guess I'm wrong. It's only a matter of time before we see it in other shooters.

    2. DeathscytheX


      Paying $100 for the season pass, and then having to spend more to hope and get the game's best weapons... sad. I guess they are trying to compensate off the super hardcore for the declining sales. They're just testing the waters with this one. I'm sure the next will go full blown, and that will spell the end. COD lives off its casual base for sales. Its not an MMO, and it wont survive without the casuals.

    3. Sledgstone


      I bet it is a test on their part to see if it pays off for them. It'd be one thing if the extras were gun skins like in medal of honor, but to have the best guns trapped behind money is just BS.

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  14. The Division loot cave has been found! XD

    1. Sledgstone


      Oh thats huge then. This will be the first real test to see how quick the devs can fix an exploit.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Considering it was just fixed in today's patch I'd say rather quick. Massive won't have any of these farming exploits in there game

    3. DeathscytheX


      Yeah, and they buffed loot/dz gains across the board. Much better than Bungie saying "f you, we'll turn all your purple engrams into blue ones if you dont spend them before the patch" and keep the drops shit. Even thought the drops were already better than anything Destiny gave me in a whole year.

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  15. Thinking about picking up Overwatch when it comes out. The more I watch Widowmaker gameplay, the more intrigued I get.

    1. DeathscytheX
    2. Sledgstone


      Hell yes blizzard. They know what they're doing.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Blops 3 made this mistake. Apparently the pc version is full of the semi auto sniper rifle. Treyarch refuses to nerf it separately. Mouse and keyboard make it super OP.

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  16. When you go to the DZ solo for the sole purpose of killing 10 cleaners for the weekly and the cleaner boss drops a gear set piece... I didn't need that stress, but I extracted successfully. X_x


    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Eh, I'll probably attempt it tonight after I do the HM missions when they reset. That 30 creds would give me enough to by the M44 blueprint.

    2. DeathscytheX


      I see now why those weapons are almost 1000 credits... they are 204 gear score. I guess it makes sense now. I bought my striker pads today and I rolled 99% scavenging on them. I'll try my luck in CM drops. I hear you can get a 204 weapon drop if you're lucky.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Yea I noticed that today when I got on. Nice scavenging score, pretty sure you'll get a 204 HE with that). Finally bought the M44 blueprint and, while I probably didn't get the best rolls on it, the thing is a beast in the test range (almost 108,000 on headshot, almost 152,000 on crit headshot). Can't wait to actually try it out on enemies.

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  17. I'm about half way through Code Geass. I see where Aldnoah.Zero borrowed a lot of inspiration from. XD

    1. DeathscytheX


      Yeah Funi doesn't divide them up by season. It was just a Playlist of 50+ eps. The only thing I didn't like was they never explained CC and VV's origins. The whole be the villian to secretly be the hero was awesome. The most gut wrenching part was Euphemia's death. 

    2. Sledgstone


      Code geass is one of the best animes made in a long time. I don't know if CC or VV were explained in the OVAs or not because I haven't seen them yet. There's 4 ova but I never looked up the plots.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Funi is hit and miss about OVAs. sometimes they have them and sometimes they don't. I don't think they have any of the Fairy Tail OVAs. Plus when they do have them they list them all at the end. I don't know if some of these OVAs come out during the series or they all come out after but many times it has characters that died or had some plot twist that made them the villain, so its weird to watch something that reverted back to a time before the event.

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  18. Infinite Warfare sales are down 50% from Blops 3. Blops 3 didn't outsell 1 or 2. Finally the tide has turned. Activision is blaming no old gen, but BF1 outsold BF4 and Hardline combined. 

    1. DeathscytheX


      Overwatch probably took a nice chunk, but I think its more of every game took a piece of the pie. Overwatch is a completely different beast than the causal nature of COD. In COD, one person can win the whole match for their team, in Overwatch that's impossible. Overwatch probably took a lot of TF2 players as its more that type of game. There is a lot of strategy involved, unlike COD where its all about having the best twitch reflexes and exploiting spawns.

      The thing that has always struck me about COD is player's lack of map awareness. My success in that series was predicated on that. I often used map routes that no one bothered traveling. After all, no action took place there, so it was a "boring" part of the map. Using those paths, I'd easily get the flank and demolish the enemy team, and they'd never discover what I was doing. My favorite example of this was a map on COD4 called Pipeline. It took place in an abandoned oil refinery. The map was your standard 3 building map with a rail way, and some cement tubes and metal sheet fencing. There was also a network of tunnels under the map that had 3 access points. One access point was in the middle of one of the warehouses. Even so, no one ever used the tunnels. In hundreds of matches, I only ever saw someone else down there maybe 3 times. For me, It was a quick way to get to the opposite side of the map and come up behind the enemy, and then quickly escape. I used this tactic on the map forever and I still talk about it with the friends I played that game with to this day. It was so effective that I replicated it on several other maps that had a similar design. (Highrise on MW2 comes to mind). Everyone wants to run to the center of the map and shoot at each other with no tactics in mind. In OW, you have to know the map, where the health packs are, and where to go to flank, and chances are you'll have to fight you way through a path to get to where you want to go. :P

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Titanfall most likely got the biggest share of the COD pie since it plays almost exactly like COD just with more vertical movement. Halo probably ate up what was left. BF gets it's fair share of COD players but most don't stick around long enough to learn the game.

      R6S is not a game COD fans would play and I state this because COD fans would never understand the basic premise of the game. It took me awhile to learn R6S and how to play it effectively. Much like Overwatch map knowledge is key to victory. Knowing entry points, where to flank, what areas of the map can be used to hold the hostage/bio-container/bombs, how to enter those rooms effectively, where camera's are located, what walls can be destroyed, and even the smallest of details. Operator knowledge is also key as you need to know what operators do what, how effectively they work with other operators, how to counter each of the operators abilities (like Mute's jammer, Valkyrie's camera's, Kapkan's trip bombs, Thermite's thermite charges, etc), what weapons the operators use and which one is more effective for the map you're on, etc. R6S is pretty much Counter-Strike with a twist and most COD players I know can't even grasp how to play CS effectively.

      God I miss COD4, it was the only time I've ever been extremely good at an FPS (I'm good at BF but I'm nowhere as good at it as I was at COD4). Maps like Pipeline made it amazing. I used to camp that tunnel with my Ghost layout when I played Search and Destroy (as defense) since one of the containers was located right next to it. You don't know how many times I've wiped a whole team by doing it. Hell I used to run that path during TDM all the time since, as you said, it was rarely ever used. Most of my epic flanks are due to that tunnel. Shit my ability to go ham with the shotgun on Bog was due to my extensive knowledge of the map and how to effectively move through it (and what corners to camp, what I was a corner camper and I'm proud of it. I had the pro perk and everything (mine even had smores)). People in COD now-a-days don't want to learn the maps because all the fighting takes place in one area. Why flank when you can get right into the action and lose the battle for you're team (thank you COD for your shit players coming to BF1, it's no wonder why a lot of operations matches end in the first sector).

    3. DeathscytheX


      I loved all the maps because they all had a different style of play. Countdown was so open and vast, there was no camping outside of the two hangars. The smoke provided cover at times, but it you could go nuts with the M16, which was so OP if you had good aim. XD 1-2 burst kill from across the map with stopping power, snipers never had a chance. Downpour had so many great routes too.... and then Wetwork was the meatgrinder map. The Operation Locker/Metro of COD. If you aren't using 3 frags, you're doing it wrong. XD I miss my MP5 silenced.

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  19. I logged into BF1 today for the first time in 3 days and I had a Superior and Regular R5 battlepack waiting on me. I have no idea where they came from. I got the gold skin for the 12g automatic, but I scrapped it. R6 is pretty lame this week, I'll keep saving my scrap.... I'm waiting on a Legendary Martini skin.

    1. DeathscytheX


      That or a hook for people to buy them now that they're in the store. 

    2. DeathscytheX


      I take it back,  it is premium. I just saw it on Facebook. Lol

    3. Sledgstone


      I got on today for an hour and I did get a regular battlepack. I got a white and an xp boost that I immediately scrapped for 270. Maybe DICE was being generous with that free battlepack for non premium.

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  20. Trying to get better with Thief. The personal DPS is amazing, but damn you can't take a critical hit. I did manage to solo the lumber yard event in Lake Doric and prevented all the ghost bandits from making off with the lumber. WTF the ship event is 1000x harder and TTS couldn't even stop the White Mantle from making off with supplies. It doesn't help that one is a Mesmer that just instantly ports off with a bag of goods. The Lumber yard just has a shit ton of spider adds which would get annoying if I couldn't melt them all with staff 5.

    Out of all the classes I believe Daredevil will remain the superior option over its new elite spec for the expansion. I dont see Rifle thief being better than DD. Chronomancer will probably be there as well for raids. Guardian's virtues and utilities will have to be amazing to give up traps. I'm biasly hopeful about Scourge because it just sounds badass. If its true Viper Burnmancer could be insane. 

    1. DeathscytheX
    2. Sledgstone


      wtf... the entire rotation is 1111111111111.. XD And people say warrior is the easiest class. pffft.. XD

    3. DeathscytheX


      That's why I bring mine to TT now. Massive DPS with little work on the fingers. XD plus TT's tells are so slow and massive it's easy not to get hit and downed. 

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  21. I used 56 Machetes on DS and still didn't get the charged horn and focus part. I can do DS 2 more times for a guaranteed part from the big chest, which is probably what I'll have to do because I can't afford to buy any machetes with this grind. What is funny is that I went to AB afterwards and it happened to be a finished map so I looted all the chests without helping the meta. XD It helped me finish up the machined staff and in turn I finished up the Druid staff collection.

    Now I'm wishing I bought all the mystic weapon skins back when they were 10g each. They're upwards of 50g each now because of Mystic Coin prices. I'll need one for each spec weapon... thankfully staff counts for DD's staff as well. I def want a free asc warhorn so next time I see that Trixi person doing an HoT run I'll take my Ele along because I'll never be able to bare it otherwise.

    1. DeathscytheX


      I think only the plated weapons unlock the machined weapons. Might want to check anyways because so much crap pops up on the feed when you open the boss chest you could have missed it. That's why I wanted to unlock all the rest at once so I wasn't missing strikes on pods for them. I got most of them with the first 10 machetes I used and then I got 2 more before I ran out. It was pretty disheartening since machetes just don't drop like chak acid and crowbars. I could do a chain event on TD and have 20-30 chak acid easy. You're lucky to get 3 for an entire DS run before you pick the box that gives you 12 from the meta completion bouncy chest. 

    2. Sledgstone


      Thats a good idea then. I've been using that leyline convertor every day for the free machete. I think I'm up to 50 of them again. Mostly because the last time I did DS I had left over machetes since I've only done DS about 6-7 times now. lol.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Try looking at Lfg around 30 min into it. I caught a group at the blighting tree rooms before the mouth. Got a nice short DS. 

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  22. I never got into Samurai Jack, and now I really don't like Samurai Jack because the marathon is going to delay the AoT dub episode on Funimation since it wont air on CN this week. -_-; WTF.

    1. Sledgstone


      I wish the ending went a bit differently but I am glad we finally got closure. The series was definitely artistic. The purposeful lack of black border lines is what really thru alot of people off from it in the beginning. Its alot like the cell shading and wrong human body types in Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. That game's lack of black border lines separating colors and large heads thru me off from that game initially. Samurai Jack grew on me quick tho. The 300 episode with the Spartans was one of my favorites. :D And anything with the Scotsman. :D

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Meh, I felt the ending was forced as if they were just trying to live up to our expectations but fell sadly short (I mean I was all happy for Jack until the ending fully played out, plus the whole Daughters of Aku thing jsut didn't fell natural for how the show originally progressed). Honestly I thought they could of done more with the ending, maybe flesh out the season some more of make a sixth season to wrap everything up a lot nicer. Ohwell, overall it wasn't badly done it just left a sour taste in my mouth.

      Honestly I never had a problem with the art direction (in fact I actually really like it) then again I'm an artist and I like this artsy shit (though cel shading will never be art, it's just poorly done and looks terrible). I thought it fit the story and setting quite well. Honestly I really need to re-watch the series completely to get a better feel for the ending because I honestly don't remember it all that well beyond Season 2 (I've seen it completely through but I honestly don't remember the middle two seasons)

    3. Sledgstone


      Me and lady rewatched the entire series just before the final season began airing. It helped alot since so many characters and events were referenced in season 5. I was hoping Jack would have defeated aku twice. Once in the future and again in the past.. just in case that future was already set as an alternate time line regardless of the past being changed at that point. It broke my heart to think that the butterfly effect of Jack defeating aku in the past would negate everything he did in the future and all the ppl who may not even exist now as a result of the time line change. I wish we could have gotten an epilogue with scenes of an aku free future were the Scotsman was still enjoying life with his daughters. 

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  23. Sometimes its laughable how bad western entertainment can mangle/misunderstand or don't care to even try to be accurate with eastern content to this day. I just watched a "Top 10" Godzilla villains video where the rules were that no one that was a frequent ally would be included in the list... and then they put King Caesar who was never a villain save for one time he was being mind controlled. I mean wtf? He's a huge ally in one of the most memorable movies in the whole damn franchise... and then they pick Anguirus?! Literally Godzilla's best friend lore-wise? Because they fought in 1 film as enemies, and another again being mind controlled. If that wasn't enough, Rodan was an honorable mention yet again breaking their rule for those not to be included. The rest of the list was spot on.. ironically Mechagodzilla was #2 (rightfully so) where they heavily emphasized the first film over the new age ones... you know... where Caesar was an ally. XD What a train wreck. At least King Ghidorah was #1. Gigan and Destoroyah rounded up the top 4. The commentator called Destoroyah "Destroyah". -_-;

    1. DeathscytheX


      Damn you! XD it's Desto-ro-yuh! 

    2. Sledgstone


      "DESTROYER" XD Even the dubs can't get it right. XD

    3. DeathscytheX


      XD They probably thought the Japanes misspelled Destroyer or something. XD

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  24. So I preordered the standard edition of Destiny 2. I'll let you know if downloading the Beta is worth it since I'll get early access. I have a feeling there might not be any open world like D1. They haven't shown any at all if you think about it. They'll probably just be a strike, the first mission, and PvP. I hope I'm wrong, because I'd rather just run around a map and test out weapons more than anything else.

    1. DeathscytheX


      My biggest interest going into this beta is class diversity. I just saw where Hunter has a trait line where the staff does double damage per hit and they were just destroying the Titan during their shield ult. A rock paper scissors approach would be nice. Although Warlock still looks like the master race. I doubt I'll use dawnblade much though. I'm in love with blink... and with my custom controller I'll really love it. (beaing able to jump, crouch, AND melee without ever taking your thumbs off the sticks is so underrated) Void Walker is what I'll be testing out most of the time. You hunter mains can be jealous of Titan and Warlock super jumps, but I like Warlocks shortest jump the best. XD Interesting how they took blink away from Hunter though, and they basically split the Titan bubble ability between the Titan and Warlock. Those Warlock rifts are going to be super powerful in group content. But Warlock gets a lot more utility than everyone else. In some sort of shitty trinity Titan is Tank, Hunter is DPS, and Warlock is a support god that can tank and DPS it feels like. In D1 Titan was a Tank and Support and Warlocks and Hunters were DPSers. Bungie doesn't have the trinity down right it feels like.... I would say Warlock got the GW2 Elementalist treatment from John Ryan, but he doesn't even work for Bungie anymore. Probably for the best... we don't need a Trahearne in D2. XD

    2. Sledgstone


      They need to get the voice actor of Trahearne to play the ghost and every time you need to interact with something it'll say "Guardian, a word please." XD

    3. DeathscytheX


      XD Your ghost would take credit for every Crucible win, and Strike completion.

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  25. The French Open... freakin' Tennis out of all things is going to cause a 2 week delay for Fruits Basket, literally the highlight of my Fridays. UGH I can't blame Cartoon Network this time....

    darth vader no GIF

    1. DeathscytheX


      Ep 9 was up yesterday for me as well even though Funi announced it was going to be delayed... they made it sound like it wasn't airing at all, but I guess it was just later in the day. Which doesn't affect me since it's the only show that was coming on before 4pm ET. It was a really good ep.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      As far as the article on ANN said it was airing on only one channel while the other three were going to be delayed (it apparently airs on 4 channels at different times) due to the tournament. Funi must of went with the latter airing episode than if you got it (don't know what channel CR grabs from but since it's subbed it probably doesn't matter). Then again you also need to remember it airs a day ahead of us due to time change so the episode aired at 9 pm June 1st (so roughly 5 am your time on the 31st) over there so I'm not overly surprised Funi still got it up in time for you to watch. They were probably just giving a heads up to cover their asses just in case they weren't able to get it done in time.

    3. DeathscytheX


      I guess they were trying to be careful because apparently another sub-liscenser was releasing AoT episodes before the Japanese airing, so the main studio wasn't going to release the ep to any of the license holders until a few days after its original airing, totaling screwing the simulcast. I think they settled on a much smaller delay in the end though.

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