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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. Tifa gameplay footage and Sephiroth reveal. I'll probably get this when the whole thing is out. I've never played a final fantasy game because despite it moving away from it in recent years... I've never ever liked turn based RPGS. I don't know the lore of each game and how they compare, I just remember how mega hype this game was when it came out from people that loved RPGs. Whether it deserved it in hindsight, I can't make that call. But regardless it probably benefited a lot from a major turning point in gaming history which was the 32bit era.. While the 128 bit era was the golden age, the 32bit era was the renaissance that lead to it. New technology was born, things that were never done before in gaming were coming to life. No doubt being the first FF game on PSX enhanced its mark in history.
  2. I mean, I'd hope it would be in a Telltale format with each episode coming out every 3-4 months. But you're right... that would suck waiting a year or more for a freakin ep. You'd be better off just waiting for it all to come out and snag a complete series deal or something.
  3. I guess I got so use to them never being in costume that i didn't care. I mean they look like they're all wearing a party city Halloween consume of one of Jean Grey's comic variations. Sophie has a small frame and it looks like she's wearing football pads under her top in the top pic. Everyone else's outfit fits great except hers. Shes just a bad actor. Shes got the same facial expression and tone in everything she does. And when she does interviews shes a different person entirely so its not her personality. Shes just not good at acting.
  4. It will still be episodes https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-vii-remakes-action-rpg-combat-detailed-1835393635
  5. Funimation put up Your Name. I remember all the hype behind this film and how it it became the highest grossing anime at the box office. After watching it, it was kinda a letdown. I mean it wasn't bad, but Spirited Away is immensely superior to this movie. Its worth watching, but I wouldn't grade it above a solid straight to Netflix feature.

    1. DeathscytheX


      It was absolutely beautiful from and animation standpoint. I just found it to be a typical love story. XD the musical montages sprinkled through out it didnt really do anything for me. I could have done without the episodic series style opening too. I liked it, I just expected more since it got so much praise and every new movie is wrote about comparing it to Your Name. 

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      That'll be the problem for the foreseeable future until something else comes out that's superior to it in some way (Shinkai has a new film coming out so who knows it'll probably kill the Your Name hype if its good (which who am I kidding, I'll think its amazing so my opinion here is pretty much moot XD)). Almost every sub-genre in anime has a "Your Name" title in it that everything else gets compared to so I completely understand the sentiment when looking at it that way.

      Honestly Your Name's OST is probably one of my favorite ones to date so those muscial montages were amazing to me (one thing Shinkai does well is having a good musical score for all of his movies). Honestly my only gripe about the whole film is how it ended but I should be used to that by now, none of his fucking movies have a happy ending (Your Name is probably the only one that comes close to being a happy ending). They always end with both main characters going their own way either not remembering who the other is (ala Your Name), not recognizing each other in the future (5 cm), completely loosing their memories (The Promised Place), being million miles away from each other (Voices of a Distant Star), or having  a falling out and not seeing each other again (Garden of Words, though both still pine for each other). Drives me fucking nuts and I wish he'd fix that about his stories.

    3. DeathscytheX


      OMG, I thought Your Name was gonna end like that. If they wouldn't have turned around and acknowledged each other for the payoff, I would have been so pissed. XD

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  6. Not surprising. None of the trailers did it for me. Sophie Turner is a uninspiring actor, shes too stoic, stiff... I don't know what it is. I didn't like her in GoT, and I didn't like her in Apocalypse. As a centerpiece of a film, I knew it wouldn't work. X-Men has always been a B series for me, only propped up by mega stars at the start. The scripts were never that great. Days of Future Past was probably the only film I found to be excellent, excluding Logan which was outstanding. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are well above everyone else in the young cast. Deadpool will be the best "X-Men" movies from here on out. Which is crazy how X-Men side story/alternate universe movies are better than actual X-Men films.
  7. Oh they even tuned it to each map. If a control map had even a 55% victory rate for defense or offense, they'd change cap speeds and other aspects of the map to get it to within a 1-2% margin. It totally takes the "fun" or sense of accomplishment out of "bad maps". I remember in MW1, Bog was the most lopsided map for whoever started out on the side opposite of the bus graveyard. It was a terrible map because the enemy team could just pin you down in all the choke points as you were just in a big kill box. There was a path to the side a lot of people didn't pay attention to except a few campers. If you're aim was good enough or you could get lucky/ knowledgeable enough where to blind throw the nade over the building, you could clear the path, get behind, and flip the spawn to where your team starts spawning on the good side. It was such a good feeling, because once you did that, you're team was in the know and guarded the hell out of that path so the other team wouldn't be able to take it back. If they were disorganized, they'd just funnel through the door in panic mode and get mowed down to defeat trying to flip the spawn again.
  8. Well it has a release date.
  9. Please Sony don't do what MS did and have a lame ass montage of a bunch of generic people talking about a console's vague specs you don't get to look at. Don't bother having a presser until physical hardware is ready to see and they're are games to announce for it. 🙄 I hope you missed E3 for this reason, and you're own event will not feature this garbage.

    1. Sledgstone


      I didn't watch it but the gist seems to be.. "most powerful console ever (like they all say every single time a new console comes out), 120 fps, 8k support, backwards compatibility support, blah blah..." no details on whether that 8k support is for movies/streaming movies only or if its for games.. 120 fps, but no details with at what resolutions to achieve that. It almost seemed like they were testing the waters. Ever since they did their last big reveal with the Xbox One, with no used games, must have a kinect sold with it, etc.. and it initially flopped and got ripped apart by the community.. its like MS wants to be as vague as possible so they can read peoples comments on what they actually want to make sure they have a solid product now before they finalize it.

      What I want to hear from Sony is backwards compatibility of all digitally purchased games. They are making the PS5 backwards compatible, but both MS and Sony are not giving details on their consoles backwards compatibility. Is the backwards compatibility only for disc games? Or can we finally use our digital libraries over multiple consoles like all PC players have been able to do since the beginning of the Steam store and more recently the Epic store?

    2. DeathscytheX


      The more I've thought about this, the more I'm convinced both consoles will be digitally backwards compatible. They both want to be all digital and streaming one day, but mostly for PS+ and Games with Gold. Remember how shitty the free games were, until basically the end of the consoles life cycle? When the consoles launch they'll have a strong last gen line up to give out for free monthly rather than random indy shovelware for the first years. It's too perfect not too do.

    3. Sledgstone


      That's a damn fine point right there. I hope that happens.

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  10. I just couldn't get over what I guess was the main antagonist being some generic white dude with slick back hair. 🙄
  11. GW2 has been picking up a shit ton of refugees. We don't have queue times, but I know its a burden on support as people with issues have reported on reddit how they get a response about a longer than normal wait time for resolutions due to a massive influx of new and returning players. I've been frolicking around starter zones playing Santa with skins and gold for shits and giggles, making some random newbie's day. I haven't really followed the whole shitstorm with BFA but I know a lot of people are disappointed with it. Must be pretty bad, I haven't seen this many low level, no title, guildless players in a long time. I have no doubt Activision has a similar technology to keep you from being "too good" and getting stuff for free. Its one of the reasons I stopped playing Overwatch as much as I loved that game. My squad doesn't really play it anymore so its more problematic solo. They're dedication to a 50% w/l ratio for everyone is frustrating at times, especially when the game has gathered a ton of historical data on frequent players. Playing with just 3-4 friends, after a while we'd get put up against well organized 5 and 6 stacks constantly to make up for all the wins we got. Playing by my myself I'd get put with the most incompetent people possible at times, and I played healer 90% of the rounds I ran. I'd get a team full of people that ran away from heals to do their own thing and die, or people that thought they were invincible as I was healing them and got killed, then I get get put on a team of decent people that stayed with me, got heals, coordinated ults at the right time, etc.... after a few wins, it was back to idiots. People can say "skill based" match making is healthy for the game... I just think its a way to limit your currency/xp bar progress to get free boxes. If MW2 had loot boxes back in the day, they'd been raining all over my face with how consistently I could win matches.
  12. Ugh yes the running animation is so weird. I hope they clean that up.
  13. It was about a battlefield type StarCraft FPS, probably being made from repurposed Ghost assets similar to how Overwatch used stuff from its failed project. It was canned in favor of putting more effort towards the next Overwatch and D4.
  14. I saw 30 min of this movie in passing around when he had some arena fight and thought the acting was terrible, the villain was bland, and there was a bunch of power ranger looking enemies. 😂 I had no desire to see the whole thing after.
  15. Sucks for StarCraft fans, sounds like they're in panic mode after the massive backlash over Immortal to get D4 out.
  16. I also chews up 1TB in 4k in less than 3 days. Thats a big no go for anyone with data caps.
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