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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. Happy Birthday, may it be a fantastical one.
  2. Such a debbie-downer sheesh. The impression is a 3D fighter, although EX really didn't do to well. I'm hoping for a mix of MK: deadly alliance and Virtua Fighter as far as mechanics go. You're right though, another 2D would be disappointing seeing as Mortal Kombat has successfully entered the realm of 3D fighting.
  3. http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/142/14211548/vids_1.html No real game footage, but still sweet as hell. A next-gen SF! Watch out Soul Calibur!
  4. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/827/827695p1.html Sweet
  5. I liked it, but I didn't love it. I thought it should have been longer. It seemed like they tried to put too much in so little time. Not enough Mustang and Armstrong. It should have been a two hour film.
  6. At least someone understands where I'm coming from.
  7. You kind of need the console to play the game that they are on... I could have bought the games I wanted instead... but then they'd just be sitting there. My list spans across both consoles.
  8. Gears of War is highly overrated. I have no desire to finish the game. I'm kinda disappointed i wasted money on it. PSN has classic PS1 titles, but they aren't taking advantage of it. Theres only 8-10 titles available and only a few decent ones at that.
  9. pfft. I have a PS3 and Xbox 360 thank you. Lets see you buy 4 or 5 games at once. Sledge: Yeah I heard it was good, I was dying to play it when I had a cube, but now I'll get to it when I get to it. I'll probably get a Wii sometime after smash comes out. The only games I want to play for Wii is Smash, Metroid Prime 3, and Twilight. But I'd mainly be buying it for smash, and smash parties.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOO, why did you post that! X'D
  11. You're not the pre-ordering type I'm assuming? Maaan, back when department stores were my only option, I hated life for the simple fact that they never did get things in on release dates, more like a week after them. I don't purchase many games. I'm very picky. This is one of the first times I've ever had so many games I've wanted to play I haven't bought them all/can't buy them all at once.
  12. I think the fan base for Smash Bros. is far larger than that of GT or any racing game for that matter. Did I not just say I don't expect every game to come out on time? Maybe before you try to insult me and fail miserably, you should not only read the entirety of my posts, but also review the history of Nintendo in relation to the delay of their major titles. Yes third party has always been a problem with Nintendo, I am well aware of that. That being the case, delaying 90% of your blockbuster titles from their original release date (on the biggest selling weeks of the year) doesn't make much sense. Nintendo has blundered in every category. Maybe if they'd stop promising dates they can't meet, and be more realistic, it wouldn't put such a strain on their fan base. Yes, games get delayed... but they shouldn't every time. What if you were told every good movie you wanted to see would come out on a certain day, but every time it didn't and instead it came out 3 months later? Wouldn't you find that kind of silly? I already knew Smash was going to be delayed the minute December 3rd was announced... I expected no less. gokuDX: Both Sony and Microsoft are fairly good about keeping their release dates TBA until they get a good idea of when it will be released. Their delay ratio is far lower than Big N's... possibly combined. Sony recently delayed Ratchet and Clank... for less than a week. Most all of Nintendo's delays are 3 months to a year or more. Anyways, back to the original topic. I don't see how a character being added to the game could cause such anger. For all we know Sonic could very well be one of the better characters. Ice Climbers flat out suck, and unless they've been overhauled for this game, I don't see the point in waisting space that could have brought a better character back.. I've never played earthbound in my entire life, yet Ness has been my best character in Smash... well now I'll have to go with Lucas apparently.
  13. Excuse me for believe things shouldn't be delayed every single time. I'm only paying hundreds of dollars for the product. I expect a delay or two, but not every single major title ever throughout the entire lifespan of the console. This is why Nintendo has been in last place that last couple of generations, they finally pull ahead somewhat and they don't capitalize on it. This is why they will fall back into last place within the next two years. I just find it silly, and old.
  14. You should be more mad that they kept the Ice Climbers than the addition of Sonic. Sonic's fanbase is huge, whether you like him or not, it's an excellent move marketing wise... Ice climbers are useless and and suck as smash characters regardless if anyone liked the original game or not. Mathias, if Nintendo held that philosophy, their fans wouldn't be pissed off all the time. But instead, as always, they promise and don't deliver just as they do with ever big title. I still have not forgiven them for the year delay on Twilight, I have yet to play it and I'm really not in a rush to do so.
  15. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/826/826664p1.html Does EA have to buy everything? I stopped buying EA games a long time ago. Its bad enough that Obsidian ruined KOTOR, but now I don't think I'd want it to go back to BioWare... At least they finished Mass Effect first.
  16. Well this is why I didn't get a Wii. I think this time around I'll make them wait for me to buy their system AFTER they bring out everything I want. I'm not waiting on their ass anymore. I don't give the Wii a second thought.
  17. Sheesh, like anyone should be surprised? Why would Nintendo want to release the sequel to their best selling gamecube game, and one of the top games of all time BEFORE Christmas? I mean, they only would have dominated the holiday season... In fact, why release anything on the intended release date when you can always delay it?! http://wii.vggen.com/news/news.php?id=7077
  18. Samuel L Jackson for Green Lantern! X'D C'mon you know it would be awesome!
  19. Right you are! And the coin flips both ways, Movies turned into games blow ass as well, but have more success because some are bearable. I don't even know how these Resident Evil movies keep coming out. If they did a Halo film, it will undoubtedly cause the biggest uproar in game to movie adaption history. The fan base is so huge, and full of fanboys to make matters worse, they'll rip it apart if it contradicts anything from the actual game to some basement nerd's fan fic that he posted on livejournal. Hell they could pull a miracle and do a good job, and it would still get bashed by die hard fans of the game. Its a bad Idea, and in fact a worse Idea than a MGS movie. The only thing that could be a worse idea is a Legend of Zelda movie. Just the fact that Link had dialog would make for cries of blasphemy before the first letter of script was inked. Games are like interactive movies... this is why they'll never work, you have to replace the running around and playing time with BS that usual sucks and screws the story up or changes it into something different all together. I guess WETA will start working on Evangelion again since Halo is canned for now.
  20. Its become a yearly tradition for me and my friends. They're suppose to do Six movies in total. The first one was awful, the second one was ok, the third one was decent. So maybe the forth will be good, the fifth will be great, and the sixth will be unbelievable? X'D
  21. Glacial ice from Greenland with a little help provided from ice floating around in the northern sectors of the atlantic, caused the climate to go haywire from 1680-1850 I'm not disputing global warming. I just dispute its actual cause and effect. As far as actvisits groups go, I don't have time for that. Maybe after I graduate and win the lottery. X'D
  22. Ice Free Arctic is impossible. Too much freshwater would pour into the tropic conveyor belt and prevent warm water from reaching the norther hemisphere. If anything there would be more ice in the Arctic by 2030. The cap can only melt so much, but it does melt. You could possibly see a repeat of the 1840's or even worse. I like how some scientists try to defy history. People are getting funded to study this, and even if they found out that they were wrong, its not like they would go back and denounce their life's work. This is where we run into a serious problem. To make matters even worse, all of this bogus hoopla about the second coming of the great flood is going to have people preparing for the wrong thing, making another historical climate change a bigger catastrophe on the population that it should be. The earth cycles from hot to cold naturally, the last great ice age is believed to be the third one in earth's history. Before that period when the dinosaurs were in their prime, the average temperature of the earth was 103 F. Whether we help this process along by burning fuel... Its possible, but not as much as it is dramatized. I do know that the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't drive a Chevy Suburban. In closing, I personally believe conservation of our forests (as far as leaving the trees that inhabit them) is a more important issue. The only issue fossil fuel presents in my mind is what happens when we run out? The earth will do what it pleases, Man is not mighty enough to stop it.
  23. Its definitely not an highly original game. some of the vehicle designs are ripped out of terminator and aliens. while the Flood could be serious rip off of Half-life indeed. Most of its hype comes from blatant xbox-is-the-greatest-ever-because-of-halo fanboyism. It certainly is enjoyable. But its not in my top five games of all time.
  24. The US is the biggest gaming market in the world, even more so than Japan, we don't get screwed over. I have them both. I haven't had time to finish writing a vs. comparison but here is a short version. 360 has a bigger game library and their online network is more impressive... but that is because it isn't free and far ahead dating back to their previous console. That being said, you still have to pay the same price if not more for most of the network games, even after the Xbox Live Fee. The downloads run faster and the display is more attractive, thats about it besides the achievements/gamerscore system. My first 360 was a lemon, I had to return it. It was the first lemon console I have ever purchased, A LOT of my friend encountered the same issue. The employee at Gamestop even said it was common and his friend has gone through 6 360's already. As far as console construction the PS3 is insanely superior in quality. The 360 feels and sounds flimsy. It really feels like an empty console, It probably could have been made about as big as the Wii. Its not only louder than the PS3 but also gets warmer than the PS3, despite what any Xbox fanboy that doesn't own a ps3 would tell you. Controllers. The PS3 will soon feature its own rumble controller. Controller preference is really up in the air. I personally feel like if you took the 360's joysticks and trigger buttons and put them on the Sixaxis frame, you'd have the ultimate controller. I hate the R1/L1 paddle buttons on the 360, they don't even feel like buttons, but the joysticks are superior in grip. PS3's is lighter, but we will see when it has rumble. The Sixaxis not only takes less time to charge, but the battery life is better, and its on board. The 360's come with AA batteries and you have to buy the rechargeables separate, along with the charging station, which is a must. The PS3 is more expensive for a REASON. If you purchased all the bells and whistles for the 360, that the PS3 already comes with, you spend about the same if not more. The only thing the 360 has over the PS3 hardware-wise is its rumble and headset. People act like their the same system and Sony is just trying to rip people off, which is far from the case. But like I said, Xbox has more games as of right now, which overall gives them the edge. It really depends on what you're into, and what games you're waiting for. I own them both mainly because most my friends wouldn't stop bitching about how I need to get on Xbox live.
  25. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2007/10/04/hulk_hogan_to_host_american_gladiators_
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