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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. The whole scene looks CGI and awful tbh, and why are the blades like Kylos? No one is able to make a stable red saber blade anymore? Its clearly some type of vision like when Luke went into the cave on Dagobah. Its pretty much why I didn't share the trailer. I've gotten a little tired of these misdirect trailers, they're so over done now you can tell when their just a misdirection. The Walking Dead has been the king of bullshit previews the past couple of years. I think thats where most my burn out comes from. I have a lot of friends that send me clips overly hyped about it to where I get annoyed and shit all over it, and then I turn out to be right. I won't even watch the "sneak peak" clips from Talking Dead. It's always some boring scene with a dramatic turn around to look at something with a surprised face... and then its nothing noteworthy when the episode comes on. After reading about how JJ Abrams had a detailed outline of how the 3 movies were going to go, and Rian Johnson was like "nah fuck that I'll just do whatever I want", I hope they can make everything come together with this movie. I liked both movies, but it does feel like they just did things just to do them last flim with Snoke's death, and all the big show pieces. None of the villains have been really convincing. General Hux is a really weak character to where I didn't even remember his name from the first film until I saw him again in the next movie. Phasma was a SUPER interesting character but she feels wasted. I honestly think she could have filled a Boba Fett type bad ass role. Benicio Del Toro's character was interesting, but I feel like he died too if I remember correctly... So everyone except Kylo and Hux dies, lets throw Palps in... which I also don't have an issue with, but damn they could have set up the foundation for it in Last Jedi. I just feel like Abrams should have done all 3 films to keep the coherency of it all.
  2. The general consensus among the big YTers is that its fine for 2v2 and maybe even traditional 6v6, but for the 20v20 they got to try it was awful not having a minimap. For 2v2 I don't think there should be a mini map. The maps are incredibly small, and matches only last 2 minutes max whether anyone dies or not. If people just sat in each corner for 2 min, the match is declared a draw. This forced fast pace is what makes the mode great to me. You can't slow it down, the show is going to go on no matter what. This is what made the most interesting to me because you never knew what type of team you're going to get. After 1 or 2 rounds I could get a feel of what the other team was. Sometimes I would get the cautious hang back type, in which I would flank with super sprint and go for the double kill if I had an Assault Rifle or LMG. The super aggressive type I'd stick around the back of the map and peak cover. And then you had the disjointed team that would do the same thing every round. The one time me and my friend went 6-0 is when these two guys would literally run the same exact route and die the same way every round. It's definitely a mode you can enjoy with your Bro because playing solo really sucks if the other team is a party of friends. Communication and listening to sound is everything. The maps smallness leads to you being able to see which way the other team is going. You both start behind cover and when you run left or right you'll either see the other team run the way you're going or you don't which means they went center or the opposite way. Calling this out to your teammate can be decisive if the other team is just two randos doing whatever they want. When its two teams with communication that's when its most fun because it gets super intense. We had quite a few 5-5 match points and that's when it gets real. For me the minimap isn't an issue for traditional modes. Because for me is eliminates the cause of the majority of all my CoD deaths. When MW1 came out, you could choose a perk called UAV jammer. The game only had 3 kill streaks and UAV was the first one you got. Naturally a UAV was up almost all the time revealing your location. I discovered that if I ran a suppressor at the cost of my red dot sight and stopping power. I was a lot more successful on a lot of maps because no one could see my red dot... EVER. I could freely sneak to the other side of the map and get quad feeds behind the enemy and they'd rarely catch on because the mini map told them nothing. MW2 took it to a new level with Cold Blooded where your name plate wouldn't be visible and even the cross hairs wouldn't turn red. Maybe that was a little extreme, but the killstreaks were more advanced and automated in MW2 so not being able to be seen and auto targeted by them along with your red dot staying off the minimap was everything. It was worth sacrificing other more popular perks to stay invisible. After MW2 though, COD no longer let you stay off the mini map or be invisible to automated killstreaks... at least not all at the same time. They divided up the perk between 3 different ones. Often in the same tier so you couldn't have it all still. You could stay off the mini map but not hide from the UAV, or the other way around... or you could hide from kill streaks but everyone can still see you on the mini map. Basically stealth was hard nerfed along with some ridiculous nerfing to damage with suppressors when historically you just sacrificed range and accuracy. So not having a mini map to me is good, because it brings back my play style to the game. There is a personal UAV at 3 kills which I don't mind because its only for that 1 person to use and not for lesser skilled people that can't string 3 kills together without a mini map. There is a traditional UAV which is now like 7-8 kills. Which no one is going to want to use when you can have a big lethal streak in that slot. So UAV has been nerfed effectively. I am for bringing the mini map back as long as you still need the personal UAV to see any dots. You should only be able to see your teammate and their icons dispensary when they die IMO. CoD is not battlefield, the maps aren't big enough to warrant spotting. There is a Operator that has a drone that can spot people, and I'll be the first one to shoot it down when I see it. I loved spotting in BF, so having conflicting opinions about them both is odd, but its the way I feel.
  3. It's been a while since I've been generally excited for a COD game. Playing the 2v2 Alpha boosted my confidence in how good this game is. Crossplay means they pretty much have to have dedicated servers and no P2P play. My only concern is microtransactions a few months after release. This big player count battles are going to be interesting. With a ton of gamemodes diluting the playerbase, the crossplay should keep most of them populated.
  4. Pedro Pascal is the Mandalorian, unless he identifies as a woman, the Mandalorian is def male. As cool as this is, its not Boba, and its not Canderous Ordo. I'm way more hyped about the Obi-Wan series. It seems the Mandalorian is only 8 episodes from the IMDB, unless the main character isn't in some of them. The Obi-Wan better be at least 12. I actually like this better than the movie we were promised and denied after they got butthurt over Solo. They can cover a lot more in a series. As for the Marvel stuff... Meh... I might check some out but I'm pretty burnt out on Marvel now. Endgame was basically the end for me. All these alternate Captain Americas, and what not just ain't going to do it for me. I don't have any connection to the Eternals or any of those other minor series. I almost went to go see Homecoming, and now I'm glad I didn't since they'll reboot it again and make more shit movies. But at least Bonesaw is canon. I wish Randy Savage was still alive, I'd be all about a Bonesaw series. https://screenrant.com/spiderman-mcu-bonesaw-randy-savage/
  5. I guess I've played too many Kojima games, I already gathered that from the last 2 trailers. XD
  6. Ugh, and they got Ewan McGregor on for an Obi-Wan series. Too many streaming services, but I need this one.
  7. I'll preface this by stating that I've never been good at small tactical gameplay. Search and Destroy has always been my worst game mode, and I've never liked 1 life modes. But this 2v2 is pretty amazing. I guess if works for me because if you die, you get put back into the action fast so there is very little downtime like S&D if you're the first to go down. I played a few hours of this and had a blast even if I got my ass handed to me a bunch. The only things I don't like are shotguns wild inconsistency and the 5 second delay on tactical/lethal equipment. I mean if the other team is dumb enough to stand in the spawn, they deserve to get double KOed. Most matches never see any nades because the match is over before the cool down runs out. I think 2 seconds is fair. Here is a montage of my best matches. My friend doesn't have PS+ as he is more an Xbox guy, so we couldn't party chat and for some reason it only recorded his voice like he is talking to himself. The M14 is a monster amongst men in this game. I wish I got to use it more, holy shit is fucking RIPS. Its like the second match in the montage. I'm pretty proud of my long range Deagle headshot as well. Footsteps are everything in this game. My turtles died today and I'm done with the company as a whole. They've regressed with some cost cutting measures over the years. the last 2 pair I bought were defective and then broke in a few months. Neither had optical input and sounded worse than the old ones that lasted me 5 years. I got some Astro A40s and its the best headset I've ever owned. (it better be with what I paid for them). They're crazy comfortable. But yeah the sounds in this game are phenomenal, the gun play is amazing too. This being only an alpha I have high hopes for the full game.
  8. Ever since that series "Life after People" it always made me wonder how old is humanity? Were always told we're but a blip on the map of time. But there has always been small bits of evidence here and there like things resembling batteries, and the Giza plateau structures being older than they should be. If we all died tomorrow, pretty much all evidence of our existence would be gone in 200 years. The earth would reclaim all of it. 200 years is practically nothing, so how many other times has civilization advanced and got wiped out by an asteroid or what not? If you ever get time to listen to something, these are worth it. Completely fascinating. If you don't have YT red, you can download these from podcast sites. Regardless of your opinion on Joe Rogan, Randall Carlson is just fascinating to listen too. He backs what he says with science. There are episodes with Graham Hancock as well who also does similar research, and they do this podcast together a few times. Those are very interesting as well, I'm not going to sit here and flood this single post with video scrolling. Ep #872, #725, #1284, #417 are all solid. #961 to a lesser extent because they invite some "professional skeptic" that just gets destroyed but wont shut up after he completely lost the argument. TL;DR: Humankind is much much older than we've been told. It's not really a conspiracy and more just prideful bullshit that archeologists are too stubborn to admit they're wrong.
  9. I marathoned most the day through the grueling redundant quests. Holy cow I was starting to get disheartened with the roller coaster of awesome and then redundant. Fight a big ass dragon on a bridge... cool this has to be the end right? Nah escort this scholar and help Tataru find some pearls... lets go in and out and in and out and in and out of Rising Stones. I saw where they plan on condensing the story some.. they really need to just get rid of all the unnecessary foot travel after you initially defeat the Ultima Weapon and Lahabawhatever. all these 4800xp quests are meh at best. Keeper of the Lake was amazing. Favorite dungeon so far. I'm finally at the Before the Dawn. I had to stop before that because god damn pal, The good 40 minutes of cut scenes was a lot to take in... and now there is another warning for a long cutscene set. Though I just bitched about all those shitty quests, the pay off was crazy. I was just thinking about how GoT-sey this game was. Ishgard/Coerthas is so Winterfell, Ul'dah is Casterly Rock, and Lima is Kings Landing kinda with the doucheyness residing in Ul'dah. I guess Gridania can be High Garden. As I was thinking that they had to go full Red Wedding on me at the banquet. I honestly hated Coerthas and everyone in it my initial run becasue everyone was rude as fuck with the whole fake bishop thing. But yeah I'm warming up to Haurchefant. Before all that madness though Press F to pay respects to Moenbryda's equivalent exchange moment, I'm still catching all these references. Midgardsormr better start backing me up since he took me damn blessing too. I look forward to a long session when I wake back up.
  10. I defeated the Slyph primal, helped create the Crystal Braves and now I'm looking for the spy within the Flames, after half ass hunting the heretic in Snowblinds. On a side note the jumping puzzle thing in the current festival was hilariously easy. Coming from GW2 and its savagely brutal JPs, even its easiest one is much harder, and its festival ones are the most insane. But I'm not complaining I hate JPs with a passion and was pleased not having to go through that frustration. Fuck this halloween JP
  11. DeathscytheX


    I really wish GW2 would add this system. There is a "sexy stretch" in the hand on hip idle. Each idle stance has an animation that goes into it. That way people that bitch and moan about it never had to see it, but people that liked it can have it in that stance. I have more fun that I should messing around with poses in this game while I wait to be match made into a dungeon. /sit has different sitting positions, and you can sit in chairs or on boxes and have different sitting positions there too. I'm sure this is nothing to every other FFXIV player, but to me its so unique and fun. There is even a /pose where you do a little turn around over the shoulder look.
  12. Yes it was Lost City of Amdapor because I accidentally did it when I was suppose to do Amdapor Keep. the mechanics were cool until it wasn't. We kept trying to explain to the guy not to open doors at random. Ugh. I just beat "Leviabeetus" last I played. i read the main quest texts but i stopped reading most of the side quests text not too long ago because I just want to get it over with at this point. Moving back and forth between the same two locations on a map just to give me something to do on some of these quests is sorta asinine. I feel like the ARR story has ran its course and I'm just doing busy work with this Doma refugee thing.
  13. *splits topic out of GW2 thread* I still haven't made it to heavensward yet, and my next job quests are in the city I can't access until I get to it. I've run several dungeons on hard for various quests. The Odin fight was my favorite of all of those. Diabolos was the most frustrating. My first run, my power flickered when Diabs only had 10% HP left, so running it again I had some guy just opening random doors causing us to wipe 4-5 times. The mechanics are cool until someone does that. I unlocked the Crystal Tower, and now I'm just running food around for refugees. I'm just trying to get through this main sequence hoping it leads to where I need to go. I'll save the raid for later.
  14. I finished out the first part of A Relic Reborn. A friend told me it was tedious and I might would want to wait til I get to other expacs since there is a weapon every expac. Eh I need better IL stuff. I spent a lot of GIL on some 110-125 armor, but I'm not about to drop a half a mil on a weapon so I'll do that the ole fashioned way. The quest itself wasn't that bad... a lot of duty finder waiting for hard dungeons. Other than that it was mildly tame compared to GW2's absurd collections. At least so far, I see I can keep going with it somehow. The weapon itself is pretty ugly to me compared to some of the amazing bows I see people running around with. True traditional Bard stuff with the whole harp thing. EDIT: Yeah I'm pretty much always going to take screen shots in this damn inn. Everytime I want to screen shot it's night which lasts forever when I want to do something in the day.
  15. DeathscytheX


    From the album: FFXIV

    I love how this game has multiple poses for many of its idle emotes.
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