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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. Something I forgot to point out about gokuDX7's post where he states.

    Sure, there's a time and place to try and promote your religion or lack there of

    If you are atheist & need to find a time & a place to be atheist & you can't find a time, a place, or other atheists then according to that it is never okay to be an atheist.

  2. This right here is what I'm talking about. You don't even know what I believe and you are already trying to persuade me to believe something. Your last post also questioned me in a similar manner. I couldn't care less if a God or Gods where omnipotent nor should anyone else. What you believe in should stay between you and other like minded people. Sure, there's a time and place to try and promote your religion or lack there of but when people specifically try and start conflicts over stupid things like this it only makes me wonder what went wrong with humanity. The newer generation of atheists in general annoy the living fuck out of me. Despite the claim of them being the minority in the US they are still the more prominent vocalists on subjects like this. I haven't seen a Jehovahs witness come to my door in years nor have I had a Christian verbally attack me in person or online over comments or jokes that I've made. Atheists on the other hand go ape shit lol.
    So you only believe in it for the sake of believing it. And you don't want to be questioned on why you believe in it?

    You have some problem with people being open and questioning others which is covered by the freedom of speach.

    Um... You do realise that this forum is owned Sledge & LW? And neither has closed this thread. So how can this not be the place to question others beliefs? Especially when LW is strongly against religion.

    What's wrong with humanity is some of us decided actually discuss this rather than cause physical harm or the threat of physical harm to others; whether its this life or some magical afterlife.

    Describe the older generation of atheists if you would. And where they differ from the new generation of atheists.

    Atheists going ape shit... okay... just out of curiousity is the cursing really necessary? If we are going to discuss this in a civilised manner it would be best to keep the cursing out.

  3. So is it wrong to happy with the church you go to? Im no religious nut and I sure don't push things on people but I do like the church I go to and I do like singing in the choir :)
    the problem w/ moderates, Muslims and Christians primarily is that they distance themselves from extremests all the while believing in the exact same thing the nutter does thus encouraging the stupid dangerous violence and abuse these religions sponsor. As long as you are a -pick your brand-you are encouraging the radicals that you share a religion with; validating the faith by sheer numbers.

    You can't cherry pick the bible and call yourself a christian anymore then you can cherry pick the koran and be muslim. Your religion is a package deal and when you sign up to be a whatever you are inheriting and accepting all of that religions atrocities. If you do not do that you are not christian or muslim or whatever you are agnostic.

    Underlining the major problem that is being the so called moderate is moderates do it for the sake of being part of a community. And if they let that go they most likely wouldn't be a part of that community. And if a moderate had to change their religion in order to be a part of the community they just might as long as they can still be moderate about it.

  4. I'm referring to Dubird's first post (ie. people trying to push their Atheist beliefs on me).

    It doesn't have anything to do with homophobia. I was just pointing out another subject that is very similar to this whole Religious people vs Atheists crap. Everyone is sensitive about subjects like these and cant keep an open mind. You say one thing against what they think and you end up with a whole shit storm of apposition with wiki links and videos of "proof" that their right and your wrong. Seriously, do people really get their jollies off arguing over things like this?

    The sad thing is I only see this type of crap on the Internet where people are safe behind their monitors.

    If you are just referring to say a personal god then, okay. But what proof do you have that this personal god exist?

    And a problem being this personal god isn't really personal, but in most cases a God belonging to a major religion such as Christianity.

    So when someone goes & says their personal god is the Christian god & the bible is proof of the Christian god then there tend to be major differences between the two. Or in other cases contradictions are written directly in the bible itself.

    Usually the Christian god is labeled as this omnipotent, omniscient, all loving being thwarted by the devil who is a lesser being that he created.

    First contradiction is an omnipotent being can't be thwarted by a lesser being. If they in fact can be then said omnipotent being isn't omnipotent.

    Second contradiction an omniscient being not having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight can't be omniscient. And usually the Christian god turns out not to be as such in the bible. Although he will still be labeled as omniscient.

    Third contradiction more people in the bible have been killed in the name of god than the devil. In no shape or form can this be considered all loving.

    Furthermore an omnipotent, omniscient, all loving being wouldn't create the devil, hell, or an excuse not to save someone from said creations despite creating them.


    Beyond that I'm pretty sure atheists are people too. And can only hope you weren't implying that any atheists here are crap.


    As for as people being safe behind a monitor on the internet goes being bad... I don't see how that is. Its may be the only place they can.

    Being openly atheist in an uptight religous family could see atheist shunned by said family.

    Being openly atheist in an uptight religous community could cause said atheist to have to leave town.

    And being openly atheist in an uptight religous country will most likely get said atheist killed.

  5. I agree. I've been saying this for years and Atheists attack me not even knowing what I believe in simply because I call this observation into account. The same thing happens when anyone says anything about gay people. It always somehow turns into "You are such a homophobe". It pisses me off how sensitive people are about EVERYTHING now.
    Can you please define this observation.

    What does it have to do with homophobia if at all.

    And what exactly are people so sensitive that has you offended.

  6. Print the notes and let the entire government run on solar panels. Make way for the solar panel technology/ market to be more accessible and less expensive for the common man. Just putting it on the White House could've been done on day 1.

    That's actually contradictory... Printing the notes would cause inflation & make it even further out of the reach of the common person.

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