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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/06/Google-attempts-to-take-on-facebook-with-new-social-networking-service-google.html

    Will you use Google + ?

    I've been needing to write an article... basically google and face book knows everything about everyone at this point. There is no more privacy on the INTERNET. O_O and now if google does a popular social network to kick face book to the curb.. then damn.. google will have all information about everyone. Thats scary to me. Once they get their own version of face book connect running, then its all over! x_x

    I don't use G Mail so I doubt I'll use Google Plus.

    I don't know if Google & FB know everything about me. I keep finding other people with similar names to me or my other accounts. Some won't share what they know without being paid for it so its not worth it.


    On a creepy side note guess who got a DWI in april?....


    Yeah I need to really ignore that person's police blotter....

  2. But he insisted 21 October had always been the end-point of his own chronology - or at least his own latest chronology, as a previous prophecy that the apocalypse would strike in 1994 also failed to come to pass.

    So now we have to wat till October 22nd to laugh at him again for being a false prophet.


  3. My credit card information was stolen!.... Back in 2009 & PSN never accepted my new credit card. Guess I got lucky on that one....

    Do you think this is fair enough compensation to all the play station network users out there?

    No I want refundable virtual items on PS Home. Last year all of my virtual items were at least original. But now they've started treating those items like the crappy virtual T Shirts I don't want. Just different skins for the same Items I already own. That & I want an option to erase & even block free items I don't want.

  4. The trailer shows no hint at a plot... So I guess the decepticons had a moon base all along and now that they built up their forces they decide to go to earth to wage war in the middle of Chicago? O_O and they obviously built up their forces for a rush like in starcraft because they bust out a protoss carrier? The special effects look good, but after transformers 2, I'll pass. I love special effects and all, but if the movie is nothing but Shia LaBeouf and some broken looking woman with cologen lips.. ehh.. no thanks.

    I'm passing too because they killed Ravage....

    Meh here is the supposed RC sneak peek parodies to 3....




  5. Whatever "GANFOBYGDO" is, it looks like the name of one of the multiple European spam bots banned from another forum I go to.

    An April Fool's thread not on April Fool's day?.... meh.... I got myself excited about a spam bot being banned....

    As for "The meaning of GANFOBYGDO".... um.... DILLIGAF?

  6. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42164455/ns/world_news-mideastn_africa/

    Click the link for the rest of the article... why does the US have to involve itself? and why is the US teaming up with France? O_O

    Because no matter who gets put into the white house they end up being a war hungry fucktard?

    Its how we say sorry for Freedom Fries.... and Freedom Toast.... and Freedom Dressing.... and the disaster that was Freedom Kissing....

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